《[E U P H O R I A] ||MCYT Smutshots||》[dnf] H e a t
[Dream x GeorgeNotFound]
Before y'all ask about the terminology like 200 others, please educate yourself. I can't answer everyone and I'm not good at explaining. On my profile, I have a reading list with guides. There's a guide to omegaverse. Please read that if you don't understand something.
Dream was always getting confused for an Alpha. Even though his omega scent was so strong at times, at first glance, you would never think him to be an omega. After all, most omegas were small, and Dream certainly wasn't that. He was tall, and well-built, and he gave off Alpha vibes in general.
That's why George was surprised to find his boyfriend in heat.
George was an Alpha himself, and he always thought Dream was an Alpha. Of course, he was suspicious a few times, but the blonde brushed it off and ignored his questioning.
The thing was, Dream had not taken his suppressants, for he had run out and hadn't realized. He was frustrated, and George could smell it from the other room.
Dream was always super-sensitive during his heats, in more ways than one. He got frustrated and would cry easily, which wasn't like him, and would get upset if someone touched him at all.
So, as George entered Dream's room, he was surprised to find the larger male sniffling at his desk, fists clenched as he stared at his screen.
The blonde turned to look at him, eyes narrowing. He wiped his eyes harshly, now annoyed that George saw him in such a miserable state. He just wanted to code, but every time he tried, there was something wrong in the system, making it fail. Dream knew he should have been nesting instead, but he was hoping to at least get his code done before succumbing to his instincts.
George stood in the doorway, unsure on what he was meant to do. Dream's sour scent of frustration masked his heat scent, so George had yet to realize what was really going on.
"What do you want," the larger boy snarled, obviously not wanting to be bothered.
"I can smell you from my room, so I know something's wrong."
"Nothing's wrong, piss off."
The newfound aggression shocked George, considering Dream was always super soft around him. It was concerning, to say the least.
George sighed, taking steps towards the other and putting his hands on Dream's shoulder. The blonde growled at him, which made the brunette recoil. He was a little bit afraid of Dream, to say the least.
His boyfriend was obviously aggravated, and wanted to be left alone. But, George wouldn't allow it.
"C'mon, Dream. Take a break."
"Shut up."
"I won't ask again," George said lowly. Dream gave him a look, and then sighed, turning off his computer. He was displeased, obviously, but George knew it had to be done.
The shorter male took a few steps back as the larger got up from his chair, sizing George up. But, the smaller was used to it. He grabbed Dream's arm, and lead him to the nearby bed.
"I'm going to cuddle you, lay down," he demanded. Dream once again gave him a weird look, but complied, laying down on the plush bed. What confused George was the fact that Dream started to mess with the blankets and pillows, moving them around to be in a weird position before settling down. He tried not to think much of it as he slipped in behind Dream, wrapping his arms around the taller.
Silence filled the room as the two cuddled, Dream eventually flipping over to face George. The blonde buried his face in the brunette's neck, his nose hovering above the other's scent gland. Dream always talked about how much he loved George's scent, which was that of pine along with a touch of cinnamon. It reminded Dream of the winter holidays, and the times he would spend wandering through the forest during them. It was familiar, which made it relaxing.
But, as Dream relaxed, George was able to pick up on a new scent. It was sweet, kind of like honey and flowers mixed together. It set off some internal signals inside of George, which made him realize something.
"Are you an omega?"
The taller flinched upon hearing those words. Sure, it was pretty obvious, but he thought George wouldn't notice under all the suppressants and scent blockers. But, alas, he was in heat with no suppressants, so it was bound to become obvious at some point.
He swallowed harshly, and then admitted.
"Yeah, I am..."
Dream was a little anxious, but George only hummed.
"Are you in heat right now?"
"...I think so."
George tensed up. An omega in heat, in front of him, an Alpha. They may have been dating, but the thought was still surprising.
"I don't know too much about omegas, but uh, do you want to make a nest for yourself?"
George had learned little to nothing about omegan habits, especially when they were in heat. But, he had been informed a little by his friend Bad, who was an omega. Bad had told him that during his heats, he would make a nest, and then stay in that for most of his time. He explained it as a safe space for heated omegas, and it helped make them feel secure.
Dream hummed at the question, letting his instincts take over. He had already tried messing with the blankets, but it wasn't enough. George pulled away to give him room, and Dream couldn't help but long for his touch once again. But, he distracted himself with the job of making his nest. Taking the blankets on the bed, he situated them in a little circle with the pillows. But, it wasn't enough.
"George, can I ask you for a favor?"
"Can you get me some of your clothes?" It was an awkward question to ask, but George didn't seem uncomfortable.
"Of course, I'll be right back," he said, smiling softly at the other before leaving the room.
Dream was a little upset as he was gone, but once he came back, he lit back up. Taking the clothes from George's smaller hands, he put them around his nest. Then and only then was he content, laying down.
He motioned for George to join him after a minute, and the Alpha complied, laying down next to the other.
Dream latched onto the other, preferring the source of that pine scent he loved over the lingering scent on the clothes. He then relaxed, feeling comfortable and safe. Dream normally denied himself of any instinctual habits or actions, but he was off his suppressants, and couldn't resist.
George noticed it after a bit, but Dream ended up falling asleep cuddled up to him. The brunette smiled, finding it cute. He then closed his own eyes, drifting to sleep.
Dream awoke with a start, his body sweaty and feeling feverish. He was alarmed at first, but upon the realization that George was there, his body relaxed. But, he was still worked up. He didn't quite understand what was going on with him, considering that the full effects of heat hadn't hit him before. He was craving something, but he didn't know what. But, as George's hand brushed along Dream's back in his sleep, the blonde realized what he wanted.
He wanted to be touched, and in more ways in one.
It was a disgusting thought to him, even though he and George were dating. It wasn't that he disliked sex, but the realization that being fucked was what his body needed was a little revolting to him. That was why he took suppressants in the first place; to avoid it.
But, if he was going to get through it, he might just have to allow it. After all, it would probably only get painful after a bit. He tried going to sleep again, which he struggled to do. But eventually succeeded.
Dream awoke again a little later, feeling much much worse. His lower half ached and throbbed, leaking fluids all over the place. The room was filled with a sweet aroma, which he assumed he caused. Somehow, George was still asleep, but Dream wasn't too surprised. After all, George seemed to sleep through anything.
But, he needed George.
Nudging the smaller male, the brunette groaned as he slowly woke up. He had yet to process the scent in the room, so he gave Dream a tired look.
"What's going on, Dre- oh." George stopped himself, done processing and realizing what was going on. The smell was definitely tempting to the Alpha, but George had control.
"George, it hurts.." Dream said pitifully, pressing his body against the other. Although his skin was sensitive, he needed that contact.
"Well, I can help you, if you give me permission to," George hummed, running his hands through the other's hair.
Dream considered it, trying to think about what George meant, but his mind was racing which made it hard to think. So, he just nodded, trusting George.
The brunette then pushed Dream down, and out of instincts, the blonde exposed his neck to the other submissively. It was a common thing for unmated Omegas to do in hopes of being mated during their heats. George lifted a hand, fingers tracing Dream's collarbone and going up his neck to his chin. The omega shivered at the gentle touch, green irises staring at the other.
George leaned down and gave him a soft kiss, which Dream eagerly returned. But, the Alpha didn't allow it to escalate from there, which made the other whine.
"Shh, quiet now," George whispered, making Dream quiet down. As the smaller's eyes started to trail down Dream's body, the taller opened his legs, exposing how fluids were leaking through his boxers and shorts. A sweet aroma wafted up to George, which made him shiver. Dream smelled so good to the Alpha, and his instincts screamed for him to completely devour that scent. But, he resisted, not wanting to rush things and scare the other. Although the two normally teased each other and acted aggressive, now was a completely different story. Dream was offering himself to his boyfriend, giving him all of his trust. George wasn't going to ruin that and hurt him and his trust in him.
He gave Dream another soft kiss, distracting him as he slipped off the other's shorts. The smell got impossibly stronger, which caused George's lower regions to become warm with arousal. After all, the scent was intended to lure Alphas in to mate.
As his core was exposed, Dream whined once more, impatient. George was taking his time, trying to be gentle, but Dream didn't want that. He wanted the aching to go away. He tried to sit up, only for George to growl at him and push him back down. Shivers racked through his body, the growl being both intimidating and arousing to the heated omega.
"... hurry up," Dream muttered, catching George's attention. The Alpha nodded subtly, pulling at his jeans and lowering them. Then, he yanked them off, being left in his boxers. A very obvious bulge stuck out of his boxers, demonstrating just how large an Alpha was down there. It made Dream's mouth water, wondering if such a thing would even manage to fit, despite his hole being already slicked up and ready. As George tugged at the rim of his boxers, his girthy length sprung out, blood pumping through it with interest in the sight before it. Dream instinctually spread his legs even wider, ready and wanting to take George's shaft inside of him.
As George bent over to remove Dream's boxers, slick poured out onto the bed, no longer being resisted by clothing. It was quite a bit too, seeming to pump out all over the bedsheets.
"What a messy boy you are, Dream," George teased, bending over the other. He put his hands on either side of the blonde, moving his lower half closer to his. The omega whimpered, attempting to reach up for a kiss. George complied, bending down and allowing their lips to meet in a strong, passionate kiss.
"Tell me what you want, Dream," George mumbled as he pulled away from the other.
Dream was getting desperate, with George so close to him and their bodies nearly conjoined. His legs trembled as more liquids flowed out of him. Opening his mouth, he began to ramble a desperate plea.
"Please- George. I need it. I need your thick Alpha cock deep inside me. I want you to fill me up to the brim. Make me bear your pups by knotting me and letting all of your juices out deep inside. I want it so bad I'll die without it. Please please please - AH!"
Without warning, George plunged deep inside of Dream. The other's fluids coated his cock, their warmth making him throb as he pushed himself as deep as he could go. Balls pressed against the other's skin, George pushed up inside, reveling in the sheer heat and feeling of it all. Dream clenched down on him, a moan eliciting from his mouth.
"Ah- you're pressed against my womb - oh my god - it feels so goooood..." Dream gasped in ecstasy.
George was a little taken aback by how slutty Dream seemed to be in his current state. Normally, he wasn't anything like this, but then again, Omegas in heat were nothing to joke about. As he got lost in thought, Dream was getting needy, wondering why George had yet to do anything.
"George..." Dream whined, pushing back against the other to try and get his attention. George snapped out of his thoughts, sighing softly.
Knowing what Dream needed, he started to move in and out slowly, dragging along Dream's slicked-up walls. But, it still wasn't good enough for the other.
"Faster! Pound me - fuck my brains out, please!!" Dream rambled, only shutting up as George did a particularly hard thrust. He was reduced to whimpering, submitting by keeping his mouth shut.
It took George a bit of time, since he initially wanted to take time slowly touching Dream's inner sensitive points, but he eventually sped up to how Dream wanted it.
The omega moaned loudly, obviously pleased by the change in pace.
"God, you- MMPH- fuck me so good... so big..." Dream arched his back, gripping onto the bedsheets tightly as if his life depended on it. Meanwhile, George was behind him, ruthlessly slamming against him in chase of his orgasm. Something about the mix of the scent and the feeling of Dream's insides heightened his sensitivity down there, making every thrust edge him closer and closer to cumming rather quickly.
As his knot began to inflate with preparation, Dream moaned, feeling something even large push inside of him. "God- please knot me, George, I need it so bad. I wanna bear your pups, so please!"
It didn't take long after that. With a growl, George slammed himself inside, breaching Dream's womb as his knot locked them together. Pumping loads of cum into the other, George groaned, panting heavily as his orgasm washed over him.
Dream, meanwhile, was cumming from the feeling of George's knot, his mouth open as he released sluttish moans. He could feel George pumping him full, ensuring that Dream would bear his pups. While Dream wasn't necessarily ready for pups, his omegan self could probably handle it.
As the two were locked at the hip, George gave Dream gentle kisses over his face, giving him as much affection as he could in their current position.
Dream purred, chest rumbling with contentment as he pushed his head against George affectionately. Then, he relaxed, nuzzling into the bedsheets as George laid beside him. The repositioning caused George's knot to tug against Dream, making the larger male whine. But, he relaxed quickly, comforted by the blankets and the scent of George that surrounded him.
About half an hour later, George's knot deflated, allowing the Alpha to slip out. As he did so, a little bit of his cum dribbled out, making him swallow harshly. If that wasn't hot, he didn't know what was. Dream didn't seem to notice or care, though, exhausted. George wrapped his arms around the other, keeping the omega warm and comfy. It was a wholesome moment between them, with George being as careful as he could as to not disturb Dream, who had fallen asleep.
The two of them loved each other, and in that moment, nothing was truer.
---[F i n.]---
Nothing like writing sex at 5 in the morning. But hey, I do it for you guys. Sorry update have been so slow, I've been working at a slower rate, but am still updating, as you can tell.
A reminder to please consider leaving a vote or a comment on this book, or maybe even follow me! It would mean a lot, although there's no requirement to.
Thanks for reading!
Unedited as of: November 25th, 2020
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