《mcyt smutshots》Blobs (DreamNotNap)
(Dream, George and Sapnap are all in this story.)
Dream, George and Sapnap were roommates who would do everything together. Today Dream wanted to go to the store with both of them but Sapnap didn't want to go. He was super tired. He didn't sleep at all last night because he was on a call with Quackity all night. Dream and George were a bit upset but it's not like they were going to the store for anything important. "Why don't we just ask him again? Maybe he'll say yes?" George begged Dream. "No, he's sleepy and doesn't want to be bothered. We can go by ourselves, it's not the end of the world, George." Dream said putting a hand on Georges shoulder. "Fine...but he needs to at least sleep at night." George said crossing his arms. "⟟ don't wanna stay up all night listening to him laughing with Quackity or Karl." George walked out the door first and Dream followed. He locked the door and locked it. In Sapnaps room, he woke up to the sound of the front door shutting. He sat up and stretched. He looked around and quickly realized it was daytime. He looked at his phone and saw that it was 3:00 p.m. He quickly got up and ran out of his room. Dream and George were nowhere to be found. "They must've gone somewhere." Sapnap thought. "Without me...?" He said aloud. He sounded a bit sad but quickly realized that it's the middle of the day and they probably didn't want to wait for him to wake up to do stuff. He felt a bit sad but that all went away when he realized...they're both gone. "⟟ CAN GO IN THEIR ROOMS!!" Sapnap yelled. He was never allowed in either of their rooms. Every time they would leave their room and Sapnap wasn't in his, they would tell him to not go in theirs. What were they hiding? Now was the time to find out. Sapnap went to Dreams room first and opened the door. His room was mostly green. Different shades of it in fact. "What did ⟟ expect?" Sapnap thought. He looked around, under the bed, on his desk, under the desk, in bags, in his closet, on the shelves. Nothing was really out of place or different. Nothing seemed to catch Sapnaps eye until he searched the shelves. He saw a very light blue blob that had clout glasses on it. It was about the size of Sapnaps hand. What was it? It looked like George. "Makes sense. Dream DOES simp hard for George." Sapnap thought. Sapnap took it in his hands and squeezed it. It was very squishy. It looked new, like Dream just bought it like a day ago. He put it back down and left Dreams room. He went to Georges room next. He opened the door and almost everything was blue. "Good lord. Could these guys be anymore boring with colors? It's just one color but different shades!" Sapnap said aloud. "At least my room is red, orange and white." Sapnap thought Georges room was TOO blue. He went in and look around. Under the bed, under the desk, in bags and drawers, on shelves. When Sapnap looked in the drawers, he saw the same blob figure he did in Dreams room. Except this one was a small hue of green. Sapnap assumed it was Dream. This one also looked brand new. He rolled his eyes and closed the drawer. "Typical simps." Sapnap scoffed. He kept looking around and found something under Georges pillow. It was ANOTHER blob figure but this one was...a very light hue of red? That's weird. It also had a cute white bandana. Sapnap picked it up and looked at it closely. It was him but a blob. All the blobs looked brand new. Sapnap thought it was weird that there were blob forms of all of them. He put the one that looked like him back under the pillow, opened the drawer and picked up the Dream looking blob. He closed the drawer and left Georges room. He went back to his room and locked the door. He closely examined the Dream blob. He was squishing it and poking at it trying to figure out what it was made out of. Was it made out of silicone? Who knows. It looked cute though. All the blobs had smiles of them which made them more cute. Sapnap heard the front door open. Dream and George were back. He could hear talking but didn't understand what they were saying. He could hear one of them coming to his room so he hid the blobs under the pillow. He heard knocking and a voice. "Sapnap? You awake?" It was George. "Uh...y-yeah!" Sapnap answered back. He got up and unlocked the door. George opened it and looked at Sapnap. He squinted. "You ok? You look nervous." George pointed out. Sapnap tried to look confused but Georges stare made him look more nervous. George pushed past Sapnap and sat on his bed. "Sit." He said, patting the bed. Sapnap went over and sat down next to George. "Did you go in me or Dreams room?" George asked, tilting his head. Sapnaps heart dropped a little and his eyes widened. "N-no...why?" Sapnap said nervously. Does he know? How does he know?? He just got home! Dream came in the room and looked at Sapnap with his arms crossed. George looked at Dream and Dream nodded. "Are you sure you didn't go in me or Dreams room?" George asked again. Sapnap hated Georges stare because it always intimidated him. Sapnaps eye flickers from George to Dream. "Why do ⟟ feel like i'm about to be scolded?" Sapnap asked, swallowing hard. Dream stepped towards Sapnap and leaned down to meet his face. "Because we think you have something of Georges." Dream said. Sapnap started playing with his fingers while still looking at Dream. "In fact, we KNOW you have something of mine." George added. Sapnaps heart dropped to his stomach. He froze. Shit. "So where is it Sappy?" Dream asked, still close to Sapnaps face. "I-i don't know what you're talking about." Sapnap stuttered. George grabbed Sapnaps chin and turned his face towards him. Sapnaps breath hitched. Their faces were inches apart. George was looking dead on into the others eyes. "Where. Is. It. Sapnap?" George asked once again. "...under the pillow..." Sapnap finally admitted. George broke his gaze and looked at Dream. Dream nodded and went to Sapnaps pillows. He started to feel under them until his hand came to a stop and came out of the pillow holding the Dream blob. "Well! What do we have here?" George said looking at the blob then back at Sapnap. Sapnaps face was red and he was picking at his fingers. "Hey, hey, it's ok. We're not mad." Dream said lifting up Sapnaps chin. "Just don't go into our rooms unless we say you can. Alright?" Dream was using a calm voice to not scare him. Sapnap nodded. Dream let go of his chin and went to walk out of the room holding the blob. George got up to follow him but was stopped by Sapnap. "Wait!" They both turned around. "What?" George asked. "What do those do? Where did you get them? ⟟ found another one of me and one of George." Georges face went red. "You found the one of you..?" George sounded a bit worried. Sapnap nodded. "...hold on." George pushed passed Dream and went in his room. He got the Sapnap blob and went back to the youngers room holding the blob. "Do you wanna see what it does?" George asked Sapnap. Sapnap nodded. Dream came back in the room with the George blob and sat down on the floor in front of them. "First, do ⟟ have your consent?" George asked. "For what?" Sapnap was confused. "So...this is kinda like a voodoo doll...anything that happens to it happens to the actual person." Sapnaps eyes widened. He grabbed the Dream blob from Dream hands and threw it across the room. Nothing happened. "Why'd you do that?" Dream asked looking at the blob and back at Sapnap. "You said that-" Sapnap was cut off by Dream. "Not everything, stupid. We mean physical touch. You can't chuck it across the room and expect the actual person to go flying." Dream stated. "⟟ didn't know!" Sapnap snapped back. George rolled his eyes. "So do ⟟ have your consent or not, Sapnap?" George asked. "Fine, yes." George took those words and turned his attention to the Sapnap blob. The blob was standing in his palm. George lightly caressed the the blobs cheek with his finger. Sapnap felt it and jumped. "It's ok." Dream reassured, placing a hand in Sapnaps thigh. George kept touching the blobs cheek with his finger and Sapnap started to calm down. It felt nice. It felt like someone was actually touching his face. Sapnap melted into the touch until he was snapped out of his trance by George poking the blobs cheek. George laid the blob down and look at its bottom. Sapnap looked as well and was confused. "Does that do anything to me? If you touch it?" Sapnap asked. "Lets find out." George said poking his finger into the bottom. Dream and George were both focused on the blob but their attention was pulled from it when Sapnap let out a cut off moan. Both their gazes were shifted to Sapnap who had his hand over his mouth. George finger was still in the blob. Dream and George both looked at each other and smiled. George quickly thrusted his fingers in and out of the blobs hole. Sapnap turned into a moaning mess. He laid back on the bed with his legs opened, moaning, thrusting into the air. Dream had an idea and smirked. He took the George blob and started thrusting his fingers in and out of it. George yelped and leaned forwards, falling off the bed onto the floor. Georges ass was in the air and his back was arched. He stopped fingering the Sapnap blob with caused Sapnap to whine loudly. George took his fingers out and undid his pants while gasping and moaning at what Dream was doing. He finally undid his pants and pulled them down along with his boxers. He placed the Sapnap blob on his cock and quickly thrusted into it. "AH- GEORGE~! SHIT~!! HAH~" Dream was enjoying ever but of this. Sapnap took all his strength to get up and go on the floor in front of Dream. He noticed that the Dream blob was next to his thighs and quickly grabbed it. Dream felt Sapnap grab it on his own body and looked at Sapnap. The raven haired males arms were too tired to do anything so he brought the blob to his mouth and started licking the hole. Dream automatically fell to the ground moaning. Sapnap thrusted his tongue in and out of the blob. This caused Dream to claw at the floor and moan louder. "NGH~ MMH~! S-SAPPY!" Sapnap smiled through his moans as he saw Dream totally fall apart in front of him. George saw Dream and thrusted harder into the Sapnap blob causing Sapnap to completely break down. his eyes rolled back and he arched his back. Sapnap turned over to lay on his back and put the Dream blob on his cock and thrusted as hard as he could. Dream shot his head back and screamed. The three men were all laying on the floor, thrusting some body part into the blobs and moaning. Dream looked at George and saw what he was doing. He saw that he was fucking the blob and decided to do the same thing. He took the George blob and quickly thrusted into it. George threw his head up and let out a loud moan. "Wait- Ah~! S-stop for a-a sec-cond~" Sapnap commanded. Dream and George stopped thrusting and started panting like dogs. "Lets s-sit on...the bed." Sapnap breathed out. They all got up, trying to stay up, and plopped on the bed. Sapnap in the middle, Dream on the far left and George on the far right. "Ok let's all start at the same time..." Sapnap said. They all aligned the blobs up with their cocks and quickly thrusted inside. They all burst out moaning. George interlocked fingers with Sapnap and Dream opened his legs and wrapped his leg around Sapnaps leg. George opened his legs wide and thrusted faster making Sapnap moan louder. Dream, like the tryhard he is, thrusted the blob down really fast causing George to start drooling. Sapnaps cock was super long which immediately hit Dreams prostate the moment Sapnap went faster. All three men were enjoying this very much. They were all so close to their orgasms but didn't want to slow down. "AH~! S-SAPNAP~! YOU'RE-HMM~ SO B-BIG~! Dream moaned, throwing his head back. This made Sapnap blush like mad and thrust faster into the blob. Dream let out a loud moan and callapsed on the bed. "IM S-SO CLOSE~! SO- NGH~ CLOSE~!" George moaned out, leaning his head on Sapnap shoulder. George thrusted harder into the red blob which caused Sapnap to grip his hand harder and thrust his hips more into the green blob. It was a whole loop cycle. If George went hard or fast, Sapnap would feel it and go faster or harder and that would transfer to Dream which would made Dream do the same and it would pleasure George. George jerked to a halt and came with a loud moan. He collapsed on the bed while arching his back. Dream was still thrusting hard into the blue blob and George couldn't handle it. "MMH~ HAH~! D-DREAM~! George moaned, overstimulated. He let go of Sapnaps hand and placed his arm over his head. Sapnap switched his hands on the blob and used the other one to grip Dreams thigh. "IM CLOSE~! MMH~!" Sapnap moaned. Dream nodded and turned his head to look at George. His hand was over his eyes and his other hand was trying so hard to thrust into the Sapnap blob. This made Dream cum immediately. He jerked to a stop and let out a loud groan. Sapnap jerked to a stop and came as well. They were all panting messes. Sapnap fell back onto the bed with Dream and George and panted hard. George grabbed Sapnaps wrist and his eyes fluttered closed. Sapnap looked at Dream. "Well...now ⟟...know what it does." He panted out with a smile. Dream smiled and sat up. He leaned down and kissed Sapnap ok ⟒ forehead. "Get some...sleep. ⟟ don't want...you screaming all night...again." Dream said while panting. Sapnap nodded and turned to George. He leaned forwards and kissed him on the cheek. These blobs might come in handy again one day.
this took FOREVER. ⟟ was running out of ideas throughout this story but i'm so glad ⟟ finished it. this story based off an image but it keeps getting blurred bcuz it's too inappropriate. but ⟟ hope yalls imaginations replaced it :)
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