《A Strange Place | Marko/OC》Chapter 2


Harlow glanced around the vast darkness surrounding her. She felt contained, like she was in a small room with no doors or windows, although there was no evidence of a room at all. It was just empty. Complete and total darkness.

"Hello?", she called out curiously into the void. Harlow was met with loud vicious laughter that seemed to surround her entire being, she searched the dark space but saw no one.

"Who's there?", her voice rose, growing agitated at the laughter that only seemed to grow louder and louder.

She stared into the void with squinted eyes, and in turn she was met with the startling blue gaze from the previous night. The pair of eyes were cool and mischievous, although they held an air of danger and an almost animalistic hunger.

Harlow took a step towards the baby blues, and suddenly she was falling with nothing to hold onto.

"Harlow...", a voice called out her name repeatedly, a low voice with a sinister undertone. It called her name over and over, until it's words were just a jumbled mess. Harlow felt as if she was flowing, air all around her and nothing to grasp.

Her back hit the floor harshly and she blacked out.

Harlow jolted awake, grasping the cloth that covered her shoulders until she felt her nails begin to dig into her skin. She glanced around the living room cautiously, trying to steady her breathing.

Those damn eyes. There's something wrong with those goddamn eyes. She thought to herself.

Harlow shook her head and swung her legs off of the couch. She trudged lightly to her room, grabbed a bundle of clean clothes to change into, and made her way to the bathroom for a quick shower.

When Harlow emerged from the bathroom she made her way to her shared kitchen where Victory stood over the stove. Harlow pulled out a barstool from under the island counter and took a seat, sighing a bit as she pushed her wet hair away from her face.


"Good morning, Sunshine. How was your time at the bar?", Victory asked, a light teasing tone to her voice.

"If you call almost getting molested by an ugly ass pink-haired punk fun, I think we should rethink living together." Harlow deadpanned. "Seriously Vic, if you leave me alone somewhere new again, I'll kick your fucking ass. Got it?", Harlow glared. Even though she had a playful edge to her voice, Victory knew that she was being dead serious about the matter.

"Yes ma'am, sorry mom.", Victory saluted the girl and turned her attention back to whatever she was cooking for breakfast.

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