《Protect Our Own: Sequel to Protect Each Other》Chapter 4: Nights of Bliss


//So, I'm going to make little different scenarios where [Y/N] spends separate time with each of her husbands.//

"Can I look now?" [Y/N] asked. Her eyes were covered by a blindfold. Marko and Paul chuckled.

"Nope, not yet." Marko said. After their wedding, [Y/N] and her boys left for their Honeymoon. However, the boys wouldn't tell [Y/N] where they were going. Dwayne and David had left a little bit ago, leaving [Y/N] with Paul and Marko.

"We're almost there, Darlin'. I promise." Paul said. [Y/N] slowly made her way, making sure she didn't run into things. Blurred lights made its way through the blindfold.

"Can you please just tell me where the hell we are?" [Y/N] asked, chuckling. Paul shook his head, not that [Y/N] could see him do that.

"Nope. Like I said. We're almost there." Paul said. [Y/N] sighed impatiently, but complied. Soon enough, she was stopped, and the blind fold was taken off. [Y/N] blinked her eyes, trying to get used to the lights in front of her. [Y/N] then gasped in aw. Before her, sat a beautiful hotel that was lit up. A bridge led to the hotel, the lights shimmering off of the lake.

"Can you tell where we are, Sweetheart?" A familiar voice asked. [Y/N] looked over and smiled, seeing David and Dwayne. She walked over and gave them both a kiss. She pulled away and turned to look at the hotel in front of them.

"I'm taking a wild guess," she said. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath in. The smell of the sea salt in the air filled her nose. The smell of hundreds of beating hearts, pumping blood through the veins of hundreds, if not thousands of people. And by the language the people around her spoke, she had only one place in mind. "Rome, Italy." She said, opening her eyes and looking at her boys. They all smiled at her. Marko winked.


"Bingo." He said. Paul smiled and walked up to her, resting his hands on her upper arms.

"We knew that you always wanted to come to Italy, and more specifically, Rome. We wanted to wait for the right time. And, now is that time." Paul said. [Y/N] smiled softly and stood on her tippy toes, pressing a kiss to Paul's lips.

"Thank you." She said after the two had pulled away. Marko pouted.

"Hey! How come Paul, David and Dwayne get kisses? Where's mine?" He asked, crossing his arms and pouting playfully. [Y/N] chuckled and rolled her eyes. She walked out of Paul's embrace and walked over to Marko. She gently cupped his cheeks with her hands. She then pressed her lips to his. Marko uncrossed his arms and wrapped them around her waist. [Y/N] opened her eyes slowly as she pulled away. She chuckled.

"Are you happy now, you big baby?" She asked. Marko smirked.

"I'll be much happier later." He whispered, tilting his head and pressing kisses down her neck. [Y/N] chuckled and pulled out of Marko's embrace, making the male pout. She looked at all four of her boys.

"We all decided to take turns tonight. This is our Honeymoon, after all," she turned to look at one of her boys. "And he called first dips." [Y/N] said, holding her hand out.


//I am so sorry for the delay. I have been working on moving into my first apartment, and it's just been crazy! I'm also about to start a new job, so I'm not sure when I'm going to be able to get the next update out. I was also wondering; what should the twins' powers be? I would like them to be close to [Y/N]'s powers. I have a few ideas in mind, but I would also like to hear your ideas as well.//

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