《Come back to us (The Lost Boys Poly fanfic)》Chapter 21 "What's going on?"


Jay's pov:

The night lasted long, music blasting and more drinking and dancing. Michael stumbled home drunk around 5 am. I passed out on the couch after drinking to much. One of the boys carried me to my bed. When I peeked through my sleepy drunken eyes I saw dark hair figuring out it was Dwayne.

I sat up feeling throbbing pain shoot through my head. Hang overs are the worst, specially when your a vampire. I look around and see all the boys scattered on the bed next to me sleeping peacefully. Paul had a joint still sticking out of his mouth while he slept. I giggled taking it out.

Must of been a wild night. I walk to the main cave and sit on the couch. I scan the room for a lighter and I find one in David's chair. I take it sparking up the joint Paul had and puff on it feeling that familiar buzz go throughout my body. Instantly I feel the pounding headache disappear. I see Star peek out around the curtains around her bed with her cheeks flushed red once she sees me. "Star?" I sit up looking toward her bed.

Nothing but silence.

"Star I know your in there talk to me." Still silence. "Please Star." I beg. She pops out from behind the curtain and walks to sit next to me. "What's wrong?" I rest my hand on her shoulder. "Why did you guys make Michael drink from that bottle? You know what it is." She huffs. Then it hit me. Memories of Marko handing Michael the bottle urging him to drink and David telling me Max likes his mom wanting to turn the whole family.

"Max likes his mom. Wants to be with his mom and thinks it'll make her want to turn if her kids are turned." I admit crushing out the joint. "Max likes Michael's mom? Well why didn't you ignore him." Star questions. "Not sure if you fully understand but Max is the head vampire over us. What he says goes. We have to obey." I explain looking at the anger swirling in her eyes.


She nods understanding. "I wish I never met you guys and drank from that stupid bottle. I wish Max never liked my mom then killed her. Now he's after another women." Stars face flushed red as she clenched her fists. I sit back staring at her. She has a right to be angry. Just cause a man liked her mom everything was took from her. Even her humanity. "No offense." She looks at me sad.

"For what? Feeling?"

"For saying I wish I never met you guys. If I did I wish it would of been a different story." She sighs rubbing at her arm.

I feel bad for her, I really do. "Damn last night was crazy. Hey have you seen my joint from last night?" Paul wobbles in scratching his head in search of his start of the night joint. "Um yea sorry I smoked it." I giggled watching his blue eyes widen. "Woah babe without me?"

"Yea sorry." I smile shyly. A wide grin forms on his face and he walks over kissing me. "At least you got to enjoy it. I gotta roll another one." He pulls away walking to his stash hidden in Dwayne's bookshelves. Star eyes him still furious about last night's events. The rest of the boys walk out yawning and stretching. Star takes off back to her bed where laddie laid, trying to stay far away as possible from the boys. "Night kitten." David walks over pecking my lips and taking his usual seat in the wheel chair.

Marko hops over pulling me to him with a toothy grin smashing his lips to mine. "Night gorgeous." I smile back. Dwayne strides over putting his hand on the back of my neck putting his lips to mine. A more romantic kiss then the others have me. We held that position for a couple of seconds before he pulled away winking at me. "Hello sugar." "Hi." I look up at him admiring his tan skin. He pulls out one of his books and reads it.


He always likes to read. Each boy has their own hobby. Dwayne reads and writes in a journal that he blushes if you call it a diary. Marko collects things and makes some random contraption or sews more patches on his jacket. Paul smokes a lot of pot and listens to music constantly. David likes to people watch and keep an eye on things. Always on edge for something bad to happen.

After a couple of hours pass David stands up huffing. "Lets go feed. I'm starving." We all nod and go to the boardwalk. Star refuses to feed on a human and will not let Laddie feed until he's grown enough to decide his fate. To be a full vampire or stay a half until he dies from starvation. We find a couple making out in the sand. The sound of waves crashing in the background, there's also a few drunk guys past out a little bit ways away from the couple in the heated make out session. "Want to split up?" Paul asks eyeing the food in front of him. David nods thinking.

"I'll take one of these guys." I point my finger at the couple. Devouring each other's faces with moans escaping there lips. "Same here." Dwayne says looking back at the rest of the guess. "Okay Paul, Marko. We get the drunk guys." He smirks stepping over to them with Paul and Marko following while snickering.

"So which one do you want?" Dwayne smirks looking over at me with his chocolate brown eyes. "You get the girl I'll get the guy?" Dwyane nods walking over and sitting down next to them. After a couple of seconds of them making out still they pull away and gasp when they notice Dwayne sitting there watching and smirking. "Can I join in?" He trails his hand down the women's arm making her flush red. "No way in hell buddy!" Her boyfriend says gritting his teeth angry that he got cock blocked.

"Come on I make it quick." He winks at the girl. She blushes more almost thinking about it. With Dwayne's attractive look it's hard to turn him down for something like that. The girl still sits staring at him trying to think about it. "What the hell Abbie?!" Her boyfriend grunts angry. She ignores him and nods at Dwayne. Dwyane smirks wider and leans in to her neck kissing it softly. Her drunk boyfriend pushes her off of him and he stands there fuming.

Dwayne peireced his fangs into Her neck making her scream before passing out. Lapping up all the blood that seeped from her deep wound. The color leaving her lifeless body and he drained her and drained her. The boyfriend yells and stumbled back falling back into the sand trying to crawl away. Dwayne turns to me nodding at me. That's my cue. I rush over and leap on to the terrified man and sink my teeth into him draining him next.

When I finish I look over and seen Paul and Marko draining there victims while David throws his into the fire.

Star's pov:

"Star?" "Star I know your in here!?" I hear a voice boom the the cave.

I peek over at Laddie and see him coloring on a coloring book Dwayne got for him. I peek around my curtain and see Michael walking around the cave searching. I pop out from behind the curtain and she he noticed he looks at me worried. "What's going on Star? What's happened to me?!" He shouts rushing over to me. "What do you mean?" I asks pretending to be oblivious to the situation.

"You know what I'm talking about! Tell me! One minute I'm floating in my room and out my window and the next I feel the urge to kill my brother!" He yells with a vein popping out of his neck. "Oh Michael I wish I could tell you." I sigh sadly pulling him into a hug buring my face into his neck.

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