《Star Wars Preferences & Imagines》Ice Cream // Mark Hamill


Written By- the_nkotb_girl

Mark after searching for a particular type of ice-cream for one hour with y/n. 

"Y/n, you have got to be kidding! We just searched all of LA looking for your stupid VANILLA ice-cream!" Mark laugh-yelled. He and his girlfriend y/n spent basically an hour trying to find some flavoured ice-cream she really wanted to try. 

"Well how was I supposed to know that バニラ (Banira) is actually Japanese for vanilla and not banana," she tried to reason with him with a hint of a giggle.


"Oh... Yeah, didn't think of that," y/n admitted, using her innocent smile and eye battering to ease the blow.

Sighing, he releases a small chuckle and wraps y/n in a warm, sweaty hug.

"Ewwww!" She cried, pushing him away.

"That is for pay back love," and with that he walks off to take a shower.

"I'll get you back sweaty man!"

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