《Star Wars Preferences & Imagines》Betrayal / Obi Wan Kenobi


" I can't " you cried and looked at your father, Palpatine. " You must kill the Jedi it is the only way you will ever be accepted in my empire " yelled your father. " I can't kill a innocent person father !" you yelled. " Y/N YOU WILL FOLLOW MY ORDERS !" he said and You froze. " I can't kill him "

" You will do so ! Now hurry you have a council meeting in progress and I want to know every detail of it all !" yelled your dad.

You remained silent and walked away heading towards the Jedi temple. " Y/n " said Obi Wan. " Master " you said nodding your head. " Hey y/n " smiled Anakin. " Hello Anakin " you greeted. " We are running late we must hurry " said Obi Wan as you all walked towards the council room. You took a seat, " A disturbance I feel " said Yoda.

My eyes looked up from the ground, "A sith is believed to be lurking in our jedi temple " said Master Windu. "What does this sith want !" you said. "Cloudy my visions are " said Yoda. "All our visions are cloudy " said Master Windu. " Who could it be ?" said Obi Wan.

" It doesn't matter, who ever they are they should be found. They are to dangerous " said Anakin. " Correct , Skywalker is " said Yoda. " This sith has struck terror through out the entire republic. Murdering innocent people " said Master Windu. That is not true, I have murdered no one.

"We will stop them " said Obi Wan. You felt a chill run down your back, "Y/n tell us how have things in the Senate been. Do you sense any strange occurring' s ?" said Anakin. You took a breath trying to think, "None that I can remember but I will be vigilant to it all. I don't trust my father, he is up to something I know it " you said hoping to bring some suspicion towards your father so that the Jedi council will stop him at all cost. "Y/n are you certain of your father ? Such allegations could ruin him, and his political stability " said Anakin. "Its my duty as a Jedi to protect the people " you said.

"Think this I must " said Yoda. "The meeting has ended, please Y/n any suspicion you have. Report it before taking action " said Master Windu. You all walked out of the conference room and Obi wan grabbed your hand. "Y/n are you sure you are okay ?" he said.

You nodded, "Lets just get to bed, I'm feeling rather stressed". "Of course, I have to go do something really quickly and then we will go " he smiled. You gave and headed towards Obi Wan bedroom.


You got into your pajamas and thought about it all. How was I going to kill the man I loved ? Your father did not know of the romance you had with Obi Wan, however you knew of his intentions with Anakin. If I kill Obi Wan what do I gain? I gain nothing. No power no stability.

He sensed the darkness in him, and that made me want to just yell at everyone to bring out the truth. If I don't kill him I get the opportunity to make things right ! To change the world we live in and destroy the sith.

A strong pair of hands grabbed you're waist, "You seemed stressed my beloved " said Obi Wan. "I didn't even hear you walk in " you said softly. "Jedi's are stealth, you should know that " smiled Obi Wan. Gently you kissed him, you pulled him onto you and his hands went in between you're legs. You let out a small gasp pulling him closer down to you as his fingers moved inside you. "Obi Wan " you moaned loudly , it seemed to give him more encouragement as his fingers pumped inside you. You sucked on the skin on the side of his skin, and nearly bit him when you're orgasm came.

You took deep breaths staring at him. This beautiful man, this man who will soon grow to hate me. "I love you Obi Wan. I hope you know that" you said sternly. Obi Wan cupped you're face, "Are you sure everything is alright. If you want to have more fun, I can make sure we do just that " he grinned. You shook you're head, "No my love. I just want you " you said softly.

"Then lets leave. Runaway together and start a new life with one another. I don't care for the jedi code no more. I only wish to have you in my life, marry you and start a family " You were at lost at words.

Save the man I love, or be persecuted ?

"Obi Wan we can't. We have the jedi-"

"We can leave. Change names. Make a better life. I want us to live a happy life. I want us to be together " said Obi Wan. The man who loves me must die. He must die for a cause that is not clear.

"Obi Wan you aren't thinking straight. I can't ask you to give up everything. You're life it to important to me !" You said. "I'll give it all. Just marry me. Marry me " he smiled. You looked at him , "I'll marry you"

He won't love me anymore. He won't love me anymore.

The rest of the night was silent. Obi Wan was still asleep, with you wide awake curled up to his side. You walked out of the room and there was you're father in disappointment. "Kill him " he said. A gasp formed, "What are you doing here ? You can't be in here. Get out !" You said angrily.


"I've spent far to much time deliberating child. Everyone in this temple will die ! YOU WILL COMPLETE MY LEGACY !" Yelled you're father in rage. You scoffed, "You are pathetic father. I will inform the council of you're betrayal !"

"So you seduced him and now you have a change of heart. You're pathetic !" Screeched you're father. You laughed, "No father. We've been together for a long time ! I love him and we will marry. If you get in between us, I will end you. Regardless of who you are to me !"

Palpatine tilted his head, "I have a traitor as a daughter. Filthy Jedi Scum. You stupid girl will not ruin my plans for greatness. I'll start with Padme, I don't think Anakin will be to fond of knowing his pregnant wife is dead " he said and your eyes widened. "You monster, I refuse to do anything for you" you said.

"What is going on here ?" Said Obi Wan as he approached you and your father. Your father grabbed you by the neck, " A step closer and she dies. " he said. "Obi Wan get out of here. Get help " you said calmly. "Hush traitor. Couldn't kill this imbecile, her mission as a sith was to kill you and look at this, she is protecting her mission" he said. Obi Wan stared at you and it seemed as if your heart broken into a million pieces.

"All a mission to you. Y/n. All the alleged love, everything means nothing to you. "Said Obi Wan with a tone of digust. "No Obi Wan please let me -"

"Explain what? Explain that you were here to kill the innocent. You are no jedi, you are a traitor. You are a sith " said Obi Wan as he pulled out his lightsaber.

"What is going on ! Palpatine why do you have your daughter ? " said Master Windu. "Stupid Jedi Scum. Is everything so oblivious to you. The sith have arrived, my stupid daughter could not complete her mission. I suppose I will " laughed your father. You pushed yourself forwards kicking him back. You're foot was against hid throat, "Your reign has ended father. I know you will try and pursue young Skywalker to join your dark ways " you said.

Obi Wan grabbed you, "Someone take her away from here now !". "Fools !" said your father. He launched a blue electricity up towards the sky. You moved from Obi Wan grabbing the light saber that feel to the floor.

"Stop this madness father !" you yelled. "You will learn the ways of the Sith " he said and Master Yoda, Anakin , and Cody appeared. "Get the younglings out of the temple " you screamed and attacked Palpatine. He was quick and swift but you were faster and deadlier. He struck lightening once more but you moved his hand up from hitting Anakin.

You were pushed back and Yoda went to go attack him, Master Windu joined him and at some point everything went slow. You looked at where his hand was pointing, Obi Wan. You acted quickly using your jedi skills to reach in time. The electricity was caught against you and you couldn't move it for it consumed your body. Lightening struck your entire body, you twitched around. Obi Wan attempted to grab you but you zapped him. "I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you " you sobbed. "I love you so much Obi Wan" with that you faded into darkness.

From that day on, you were never the same. Things didn't turn out the same. Padme and Anakin lived happily with their children Leia and Luke. You managed to not be exiled but were banner from all relations involving the Jedi.

You and Obi Wan never continued you're relationship. Yet you were still bonded. When you were locked up, he did visit you. The day played like a record in your mind.

You sat in the cell, you were mediating but not all the peace in the world help you with you're guilt.

The door opened and their he was. Standing tall and proud as usual, "Sir do you wish for me to stay outside ?" asked a guard. "No. You can leave. I want to be alone with her " said Obi Wan.

You were nervous, you didn't know how to act or what to say. So you remained silent. "I am so upset with you. You don't understand how much it took to show up here. To be in your presence " said Obi Wan. " I'm sorry I hurt you. Know that I loved you. I always have, I always will. It may mean nothing now but I want you to know that" you said.

After that moment, you and Obi Wan had angry intense sex. It was loving or caring, it was angry and dominate. From that day forward you changed. You left the Senate and went somewhere far. It was a shock to you when you found out you were pregnant but you couldn't affect Obi Wan anymore. You couldn't find it in yourself to tell him he was a father of a little baby girl named, Osiris.

Some how you this was the price you paid. The price you paid for not speaking up and stopping your father. You lived you're life this way, and you couldn't stop it.

You betrayed the one man who loved you. We always seem to hurt the ones we love the most.


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