《Star Wars Preferences & Imagines》R.I.P Carrie Fisher & Debbie Reynolds


An icon of many generations had passed away at aged 60.

I had heard Carrie had a terrible heart attack but she was going to make it. I wasn't very worried but then the announced she passed away. Carrie Fisher had been a symbol from generation to generation. Even if you weren't a fan of Star Wars, you knew of Leia. Carrie Fisher's role helped prove to many young girls of many generations, that a princess can be strong. That a princess doesn't always need to wait for her prince, instead she could go and save the prince.

I am very devastated, I can't believe that we had lost yet another icon this year. Then we find out her mother Debbie Reynolds. Debbie Reynolds passed away at age 84. Todd Fisher, her son, has reported her last words were " I want to be with Carrie ".

For those of you who may not really recognize Debbie Reynolds, forour generation we will recognize her as the grandmother from Halloween town.

A Disney moving following a young teenage girl who is uncovering her abilities as a witch, while her mother attempts to estrange herself from said abilities, her grandmother takes her to a mystical world where she uncovers magic.

Truly devastating, I am here for anyone who wishes to talk about this. You can direct message me or comment below and I'll answer you as soon as I possibly can.

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