《Star Wars Preferences & Imagines》He cheats


( Listen I know this is always a thing where he cheats but I'm gonna make my own twist )

I couldn't believe my eyes. This could not be mother fucking happening right now. " OBI WAN !" I screamed. He looked up at me, his eyes instantly filled with regret. " Y/n its not what it looks like " he said getting up. " No, I can't believe you " I yelled almost in tears. I was so disappointed how could he do this. " Y/n please let me explain !" he pleaded. " No Obi Wan. I thought we passed this stage. I thought we got over this, why Obi Wan why " I said. " It just was so good " he moaned and I shook my head. " I'm throwing this bitch out " I said angrily. " NO PLEASE DON'T I LOVE HER " he yelled and I shook my head. " You betray me for the last time Obi Wan " I said and grabbed the packet of dozen donuts. " You were doing so well on your diet babe " You sighed. " Its my cheat day " he said and You rolled your eyes. " Cheat day means 1 , not a dozen honey. I guess we gotta load up the Brussel sprouts " you said with a sigh. Obi Wan groaned.

- "You little bitch " you yelled in anger. "Awh baby come on " groaned Anakin. His eyes were arrogant and I wanted to punch him. " I promise to get my revenge " you said angrily. He got closer to you and you pushed him away. "Y/n " he said and you shook your head. " You always do this, you always go Y/n my baby, or Y/n come here my pretty princess but your nothing but a cheater " you shouted. "Your over exaggerating it means nothing to me Y/n " he said. " Its not fair, you always use the force to see what I'm doing " you said with an eye roll. " It works only on the weak minded " he smirked. You threw yourself onto him, you pushed his arms pack and straddled him. "Who's weak minded now !" you said. He took a breath and smirked, " You ".


Your eyes filled with tears. This wasn't going to happen again not again. He was going to have the satisfaction of seeing you cry, again. " Give up already, you will never be as good as me " he spoke into your mind. " No. I'D RATHER DIE YOU TRAITOR !" you screamed and navigated your pod to go left. " Y/n we do this every week" he sighed. " Yes and every weak you cheat !" you said annoyed. You both were pod racing and you wanted to beat him for once, it wasn't fair honestly he's use the force to cheat his way through. " Y/n please lets just go inside -" " NO !" you exclaimed as you tried to make your pod go faster. In the end it didn't work because Luke still beat you. He smirked as he leaned back against his pod. " You are a cheating little shit " you said. " Awh come here baby " he said opening his arms.

- " No I'm leaving " you said shaking your head. Han instantly rolled off the bed looking at you, "Come on Y/n you always do this " he sighed. " And I always find you with her. Your nothing but a cheater ! Think about our son ! He needs his father. Listen I get you feel comfortable coming in her but Han we have a family ! We have a child and its time you let go of what you do. I get it right now she is all nice and pretty and young but sooner or later she will rust !" you said in anger. " I just wanted sleep " he whined. " Well enjoy your sleep here at the Millennium Falcon " you said angrily. He groaned and grabbed your hand, " Listen you deserve sleep to so bring me the baby and you can sleep " he sighed. You groaned, " Stop trying to do the right thing you cheater, but I'll bring the baby in a little " you smiled.


- "Y/n let me explain please " he said running after you. "No Kylo I'm so done with this ! We made a promise a damned commitment !" you said angrily. "Y/n its not what it looks like. Just let me explain " he said grabbing your arm. "Explain what ! That for the 8th time this week you've been in bed with him !" you yelled. Kylo took a breath, "Your taking this way out of proportion. I was just cleaning him " he said. "You are a cheater and owe me $50 " you turned to face him. Kylo let out a sigh, "How about I pay you another way " he winked. "Shut up. I find that Vader Helmet on our bed again. I'll use it as a piñata " you said in a stern tone making his eyes widen. "Fine fine you win ".


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