《Star Wars Preferences & Imagines》His Favorite Villian


- Joker

He often says he's kinda like the Joker and you're his Harley Quinn. The fact that the Joker is so diabolical and psychotic makes him find a couple similarities between himself and the Joker.

- Deathstroke

He fins his origin extremely interesting and tragic. The fact he's able to destroy anything and is a master assassin makes him all the more interesting. He claims if he were ever a bad guy, he'd be Death Solo. You often cringe at him for the stupid name.

- Malificent

He says she's practically a disney bad ass who was wrongfully harmed my people who didn't understand her. He gets really passionate about it, but you mainly think he liked watching the movie because of Angelina Jolie.

- Lex Luthor-

He often claims that if he were ever to play a villain he would want to become Lex Luthor but he would have a full set of hair. He finds it extremely interesting how a mega millionaire can be so evil.

- Bane

He mainly loves Bane because of his mask, he thinks guys who use mask can really pull off the look and well Bane seems to do the trick for him. The fact that Bane could hide his identity and be two people is super intriguing for him.



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