《Star Wars (But Mostly kylo ren) Imagines + Lemons (Requests Closed)》traitor | Kylo Ren X Reader [req]


"How could you do this?"

That was not the reaction you had hoped for. Especially from Poe, your brother and best friend. You figured he would be excited about his expected neice, not treat he or she like worthless scum and cry over the news.

His head fell into his hands as his arms rested on his thighs, and you could tell by the crack in his voice and obvious hatred in his tone that he was obviously incredibly infuriated with you.

"Poe," you furrowed your eyebrows "is this some kind of joke?"

"That's what I should be asking you," he hissed, his head snapping up to you as his brown eyes, identical to yours, narrowed.

You shook your head once, obviously confused as to why he was so upset.

He had always been this way, your brother. He was always looking at the negative side of things; a pessimist. Even now, when you dropped the news that he would be an uncle, he completely disregarded the wonderful news and only focussed on what he thought was more important: the baby's father.

"We sent you to Star Killer to find out how much they know, Y/N. Not fall in love with the enemy" you could sense the disappointment in his tone, which he used constantly to show you that he was upset with you. He always tried to be the father figure, even though you were barely 3 years apart.

"I don't understand what the problem is." You tried to sound cordial, even though you could feel the tears welling up "I can't dictate who I love--" you were going to say more but he stopped you before you could let another word of reason slip out.

"He is a traitor. The enemy. The one we have been fighting for years. Do you not understand that? He is evil" he shook a finger at you, his eyes narrowed and his jaw clenched

"He isn't." You hissed

"He is. Do you not remember who killed our mother, Y/N? Huh? DO YOU?" He placed two rough hands on your shoulders, shaking you vigorously as he yelled in your face

His hollaring only made you more upset, and you cried more. It was bad enough that you were carrying the child of a man that couldn't be there with you to raise it, now you had your only family abandoning you.

"It wasn't him" you croaked, then began hiccuping as you tried to wipe away your tears

"It was the First Order. It was everything he represents." Poe explained how your mother, Shara Bay, died for the resistance during the Battle of Endor. You were just young enough to not remember her, but Poe remembered your entire life back on Yavin IV.

"I'm never even gonna see him again" you tried to reason with his anger "you should be glad"

"You idiot!" He screamed "That kid is going to be Force-Sensative! He is going to kidnap him right after you give birth to the bastard!"

His last sentence struck a nerve with you, so much so that you struck him across the face in anger. He shut his mouth almost immediately, and his grip loosened on your shoulders to hold his now aching jaw.

You didn't know what he was expecting. He just called your unborn child a bastard child, the equivalent to a "dirty, fatherless son." Worthless.


You didn't feel regret for what you had done. You almost felt accomplished.

"I came to you for help. As your sister I hoped you would have forgiven me. I guess your hatred for Kylo Ren outweighs your love for your own family"

His head was still turned to the side from the impact of the hit. After you finished speaking, only his eyes traveled to you. And then he spoke, his finger pointed to the door, shaking from the anger

"Get out."


"Your carelessness is forgiven,"

Kylo Ren almost went insane when he heard those words. Absolutely bonkers. He wondered if who he was speaking to was truly Snoke, and not just a clone or imposter. There was absolutely no way at all that Snoke would forgive his apprentice for anything he's done, let alone falling in love with a Resistance Fighter.

"Forgiven?" He asked, his mask not being able to hide the shaking in his voice

"Yes," Snoke returned, and his head turned as if he had seen something "it seems. . . --" a pause from his wicked tone, and his bony finger raised slightly "your lover is with child"

Even though he was already knelt down, Kylo had to drop one hand on the cold black floor after hearing this. He was sure he would fall over. When that didn't work, he ripped off his helmet and threw it at his side, breathing heavily with his head hanging low, not wanting to show his master his frustration.

"That's impossible," is all he had to say

"Is it?" Said Snoke, and Kylo looked up to him, a wicked grin plastered on his deformed face

Now Kylo was quick to understand what exactly had happend. Snoke knew. He knew before this evening when Kylo had confessed his secret affair, he knew before Kylo forced you to leave Star Killer in fear of Snoke finding out. He knew long before Kylo could even fathom. He probably knew the second Kylo's eyes had met yours for the first time.

And Snoke voluntarily let Kylo fall in love with you, for this exact outcome. He wanted to have another pupil- another born with the Force. Another Skywalker. And luckily, after Kylo's reckless behavior, he now had it. He would have, in at least six months, another child to plague with nightmares, to torture with thoughts of the Dark Side. Kylo knew this, because he had lived through it.

"No--" Kylo growled, now realizing Snoke's malicious intent. Not only would Snoke no longer have a use for Kylo, he would have yet another youngling to corrupt and abuse. "NO!"

Snoke laughed, his head tilting back in his metal throne and his hands relaxed in obvious ecstasy watching his apprentice grow angry. His manipulation plan had worked, and Kylo had lost his child before it was even born.

Kylo's eyes began to water as he stood up tall, his fists clenched at his sides. His shoulders raised and lowered with the rhythm of his heaving. He was infuriated, and completely determined.

"I won't let you hurt her" Kylo commanded, his eyes now itching with the tears of anger. How foolish he was to let himself fall in love with a Resistance spy. And hiw foolish he was to let you leave. By letting you escape, he only promised your death.


"I'm not going to harm her," Snoke's laughing ceased, but his grin remained. He leaned forward slightly. "She must have a healthy pregnancy. After that, she will be of no further importance to us. Then, you will kill her,"

"I won't."

"You will. " he scowled at the stubborn young man "and her death will be of no consequence" Snoke took a step down from his podium, taking slow and solemn steps toward his apprentice

"That's not true" Kylo took a step back as Snoke reaced to be a few feet in front of him

"It isn't?" He asked, a white eyebrow raised "did I not name you The Son of Darkness for a reason? Have the proficies been proven false? Are you not the master I intended you to be?" With each insult his tone grew deeper and more powerful, angrier by the second. Kylo was met with that same anger.

"I am," Kylo nodded his head simply, speaking softly, letting his fury settle. "By thr grace of your training I have learned dicipline, and integrity" his eyes narrowed slightly as Snoke's scowl grew more prominent. "You taught me that my bloodline was the only way to restore power to the Dark Side"

"Do not prove me wrong, Kylo Ren" Snoke spat. "As sly as you may think you are; the master will always overpower his apprentice. I pray one day you learn that"

"I have" Kylo returned quickly, sweat building up on his brow but being kept hidden by his black locks. "But in training me to become your equal, I have exceeded you," kylo said simply "and it wasn't by you. It was the years I spent with Luke Skywalker,"

"You think that your petty insults will save your pathetic lover?" Snoke spat "you are mistaken. I thought any pupil of mine would have more thought than to betray me," he explained "but it seemes I have been wrongfully proven. Your lust for the girl has overridden your passion for the Dark Side."

"No," Kylo repeated "my passion is what drives me," he corrected "to protect what is mine,"

"YOU HAVE NOTHING!" Snoke yelled, sending the Praetorean guards into a stance of defence "Everything you have, I have given you. All that you know, I have taught you. Even the girl!" Another wicked chuckle "without me, she would never have had the urge to even consider the mission"

"That doesn't matter. What we have is real"

"Is it?" Snoke tilted his head "or is it a figment of your imagination? She did abandon you, after all"

"I sent her away,"

"And she left voluntarily. To be with her little Resistance friends. And that sickening Poe Dameron" Snoke retorted, smugly smiling at the look of weakness and forlonging as he watched tears well up in the Knight's eyes. "Her death would be of no consequence" he repeated

Kylo looked up at him, puffy-eyed. His brown eyes met Snoke's blue ones for the last time before Kylo ignited his red crossguard lightsaber from his side, piercing through the unsuspecting supposed Sith Lord.

Snoke's eyes widened in shock as he looked down at the sign of betrayal from his own pupil, and then back at the boy.

Kylo kept his stare on his face; his lips parted and shaking as his eyes were covered with the look of pure triumph. This was it: his endless years of pain, abuse, and torture were over. His tormenter was dead.

"Forgive me," Kylo said, almost sarcastically "but I could not let you live; knowing you would take what is mine"


"Oh my god, they're here." Poe said, horrified as he watched the army of ships on his radar.

The day the First Order came would have been terrifying on any other occasion, but today you couldn't have been happier.

You hadn't seen to Kylo for almost five months. Even then, when he told you goodbye for the last time, you knew it would not be the last time being with him. And you were right, because he came back for you just as you had hoped.

You were ready to see him again- beyond ready. You wanted him to take you away from the Resistance. Ever since that day with Poe, your life had been an absolute living hell. He had told everyone of your affair, and since he did, you were never treated like a human being again. Even General Organa, the only motherly figure in your life, threw you away like garbage.

But today was the day Kylo would take you away from it all.

After hearing the sirens, you whipped yourself out of your cell so fast you thought you would trip on the air you left behind. You grabbed nothing, only worried about getting to Kylo before anyone else could.

You sprinted through the corridors, pushing people and toppeling over others until you met your destination: the door. Other fighters yelped and helplessly yelled at you to go back to your quarters, but you refused all of them swiftly, and you did it proudly.

When you reached outside, his army was already there, waiting patiently for you. Kylo Ren himself stood in the middle, maybe a few hundred feet away from you. And even though he was meters away, you could tell he was smiling.

You began sprinting towards him, eager to touch his soft skin and hair once again. You could hardly contain your excitement; your blood was rushing, your heart was pounding, and you couldn't relieve yourself of your stupid grin plastered all over your face. He was here. He bad returned, and you could be a real family.

You felt a cold hand grab your arm and yank you backwards quickly, and you immediately knew who it was.

"If you leave" your brother warned, his voice hissing into your ears, "you will be a traitor. And we won't forgive you again"

You faced him proudly, unafraid of him any longer. "You have always treated me like a traitor," you described "but let me tell you something, Poe." You reached down and cradled your swollen stomach "when he is born, he will end the war. He will bring the peace that you have fought to being for years."

Poe's jaw clenched and his eyes burned into you, but you didn't mind it. You took his hand gracefully. "And when it does happen, I would like to see you again. You are my brother, and you are my family. "


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