《Star Wars (But Mostly kylo ren) Imagines + Lemons (Requests Closed)》kisses | Kylo Ren X Reader X Hux | [req]


"You've never had a kiss with a girl, Ren, don't go puffing your chest as if you had." The General rolled his eyes at his Commander, quite tired of hearing of his ' great kissing skills'

"I'll have you know that I have. And I would be quite surprised to hear that you have as well." Kylo Ren shot back, holding one wrist in the palm of the other while he spoke with his General while aimlessly sitting in an empty conference room

The General chuckled. " Leia Organa does not count, you fool" he spat.

Kylo returned his snobbish comment with an eye-roll, his jaw clenching at the embarassment. Hux was one of the oldest officers in the Supremacy, therefore one of the few to know of Kylo's family.

"Making jokes about my love life to inflate your ego won't change the fact that you have never kissed a woman."

"I don't have to make jokes to know that nobody on the ship would even dare to come near you. So, even if you have kissed a woman before, you wouldn't be any good at it" His returned, folding his hands over the glossy black table.

"I could be the worst kisser in the galaxy and I would still be better than you." Kylo fired, growing fatigued of the General's ride commemts.

"Is that so?" Hux growled, inching closer, obviously trying to be menacing towards the figure in the black mask.

you were unsuspecting. You were supposed to drop off a set list for the upcoming staff meeting, not get caught in a bickering between two officials. SO, when you opened the door, you were in for a surprise.

"Officer L/N!" Hux called out to you, a grin on his face. You stood frozen with fear. You had never spoken with Kyl o Ren, and the last time you had a conversation with Hux it quick and numb.

"Yes?" You squeaked, clutching the parchment close to your chest as it began to hear fast with fear.

Hux looked to Kylo, smiled, then looked back to you.

"Which one of us do you think is a better kisser?" He asked

" What? " You shook your head, wondering if you had heard him right.

"Who do you think is the better kisser out of myself and Ren?" He pushed while Kylo didn't bother to turn to see you.

" I-- have no idea. . . " your voice trailed off as you stated at the ground, pretending to be interested in your shoes. You had barely had a humane conversation with the pair, let alone lay your lips on theirs.


"Is that so?" Hux chuckled, looking to Ren "well in your experience, who do you hypothesize to be the better?"

"I haven't. . . had my first kiss" you admitted, cowering before the two. Kylo Ren's head snapped towards you at the sound of your voice, and he stopped as if he were staring at you.

"You can't be serious" Kylo finally spoke, his domiannt and raspy voice sending a chill down your spine. "A girl like you, never kissed?"

You shook your head softly, biting your lip. What could he possibly mean by 'a girl like you?'

"Its settled, then. We should both kiss her; and she will decide who is the better" Hux decreed promptly.

"Hold on, i didnt consent to anything" you stopped them, taking a step back.

"You dont wqnt to kiss me? Is that it, Y/N" the sound of your commander speaking your name was terrifying. You had no idea he even knew your name, let alone bother to use it.

"No, thats not it"

His head tilted to the side "then come see me in my quarters this evening. Ill send somebody to escort you"

How could you refuse?


"Y/N" Hux smiled at you, pulling you by your arm and wooshing you into the cold air that filled his quarters.

They looked the same as any other officer's room, aside from a few minor differences such as the sheets on the twin sized bed and the window looking out at the stars. The most differenciating thing, however, was the infamous Knight of Ren sitting promptly at the small table, staring at you.

"I don't understand--" you began, trying to contain yourself and hide your fear. You had heard rumors that Kylo Ren could sense fear, and this made you believe it.

"Its simple. We each want a kiss from you" Hux explained, swiftly letting your arm go. You stood stunned, practically trembling.

A long hull of silence overtook the three of you. Kylo Ren finally stood, taking a few steps toward you. You had never been so close to his mask before, and it seemed even more menacing in person.

"I want to go first" he finally said, peering down at you as if you were something he scraped off the bottom of his shoe.

You nodded simply, trying to hide your horror. You didn't want him to feel uncomfortable, especially because you had heard the rumors of what he did to those who angered him.

Without taking off his mask, his cold leather fingers slid down the skin of your cheek until they found your lips. He raised your chin up to him and his thumb softly pulled on your bottom lip. You knew he was staring at you; you could feel him studying you


Making a daring, bold move, you shyly brought your hand up to thr sides of his mask, touching around the bade until you found the black button to release him.

Expecting a creepy, old or disfugured man you were pleasantly surprised with the young handsome man you were met with. Hid eyes seemed to lower in shame, but when you let his mask drop to the ground and touch his face, he looked up at you.

You couldn't decide which part of him to stare at. He was so breathtakingly beautiful you couldn't help but study all of him.

You were inturrupted by his lips on yours, causing you to fall back slightly but get caught by his arms. He pulled you closer to him while you hesitantly placed your hands on his shoulders, trying to keep your balance as you were taken back by the worry that you might make a fool of yourself.

He tightened his grip on your waist, continuing to kiss you as his tongue swiftly ran across the front of your teeth, begging for the entrance that you did not grant him.

A growled at your defiance, just soft enough for you to hear it. Quicky afterwards, he pulled away, leaving you deaperate for more.

He took a step back, not letting your hips go until the very last second. Leaving a shrill of chills down your spine, you realized you were left desperate and wanting more. How could anyone blame you? You had your first kiss with the Commander of the greatest army force in the galaxy!

"I hope that was everything you hoped it would be" he said swiftly, licking his lips and picking up your taste.

You felt a different pair of hands on your shoulders, and you remembered that Hux was also in the room with you.

"It's my turn"

"Wait-- you don't want sloppy seconds" you stopped him, hoping he would take the hint. You already knew that Kylo was the better kisser, and you didn't want to break the news to him.

"Sure I do" he returned, finally coming into your view.

His red hair wasnt as slick as it usully was, he let it hang free and untamed which made him look younger than he actually was. Despite that, he still wore the same black coat as he always did.

Unlike Kylo, Hux did not take the time to admire you before diving in. He mercilessly pushed his lips on yours, and the sweet aroma of shampoo and cologne filled your nose. He smelled incredible, and his lips felt even better.

His hands traveled to your shoulders, holding you in place as your lips danced with eachother in a similar fahsion to yours and Kylo's kiss.

Speaking of Kylo, you could feel his jealous eyes practically burning into your skin as he stared at the man kissing what he thought to be the most beautiful woman he ever saw. His fists balled at the mere thought of you choosing his nemesis over him.

But he saw your thoughts. He knew you wanted him more.

Your lips finally parted with a clicking sound, and your eyes stayed closed. When the opened, you found yourself looking to Kylo before even aknowledging Hux

"Well, Y/N? Who will it be?" Hux asked, snapping you out of your daze that you must have been in for quite some time

"What do you mean?" You questioned. "I thought I was just supposed to decide which one of you were the better kisser" you shook your head

"You can't expect us to not want more of you after you granted us with such a gift" Kylo stepped forward, before you.

"Right. Now we ask who you choose to keep" Hux smiled, confident you would choose him.

"Um--" you stuttered, unprepared for the test. You knew you wanted Kylo, but how could you tell Hux that? He was still your general, after all.

You made eye-contacr with Kylo and he raised his eyebrows, nodding, motioning for you to speak your mind. You looked to His, who stared at you worriedly in your delayed respondent.

"Come on, Y/N. Tell us" Hux pushed

You became red in the face and you rubbed your opposite arm. They were both incredibly handsome, but you didn't know the first thint about either of them! So what would it be-- the mysterious Jedi commander of the First Order; or the handsome and fearful General?

"I choose Lord Ren" you blurted out, squeezing yohr eyes shut bracing for impact.

There was a few moments of silence, and then a sigh.

"Is that so." Hux replied flatly, stuffing his hands in his pockets and looking to the ground.

You saw a soft smile form on your Commanders cheeks, and then he took steps to meet you, wrapping his arm around your waist.

"I supoose she has made her decision" Ren taunted cockily, reigning supreme. "Shall we go?" He looked down to you, stuffed inbetween his mighty arm and stiff torso.

You nodded in compliance, smiling under his warmth.

He led you out the door, willing the force to slide the door open as he flaunted you for the while ship to see.

You heard one last small, meek voice before you were out of range.

"What does that scoundrel have that I don't?"

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