《Star Wars (But Mostly kylo ren) Imagines + Lemons (Requests Closed)》Mine • Anakin X OC [req]



Kitana slipped on a pair of navy blue gloves as she awaited the automatic entrance to the elevator to take her to her Master's theif.

She heard the bell of the opening of the metal doors and gladly stepped in, pressing the button with the '21' printed on it. She awaited the door openings alone, but when it got to floor 19 she slipped on her helmet.

making sure her blaster was ready at a moment's notice, the doors slowed down to a seemingly empty suite.

It was certainly a beautiful expensive room, most likely paid for by Kitana's Master's money. Growling, she scanned over the scene, looking for any sign of life.

there was absolutely no sound anywhere. She strolled from the bedroom to the kitchen, still without a sign of any recent life. Feeling herself becoming red in the face, she punched through the window, glass breaking and the shattered pieces flying dozens of stories below.

Her hot temper was something Jenga had told her to work on, but she never truly got around to it. It served her well today.

turning her head, she noticed the First sign of life she hadn't seen before

a glass of green milk with ice inside of it.

a small detail that most would overlook without a second thought, but Kitana was not about to fail her teacher , so she paid attention to small details. This meant that somebody had been in the room recently.

"I know you are there!" She yelled out loud. "come out you coward!"

Unfortunately, she did not receive the response she wanted. Instead of her expected plead for mercy, she heard the hiss of a lightsaber.

Turning around, she saw what she thought to be a fat, middle aged man as she imagined the thief to be, instead turned out to be a young Jedi.

He looked as if he were barely twenty, long brown hair dangling in front of his tan complexion and obviously raged expression. He wore traditional Jedi robes, and he has the stereotypical blue lightsaber to match.

"What do you want with Jin-Rea"he growled, stepping closer with his lethal weapon.

Kitana stood her ground, not afraid of the Jedi and his laser sword. On her back laid a sword made from Mandalorian steel, which was almost indestructable. She was safe when he had it.


" He robbed my mentor. He is going to pay" she shot back, her arm discreetly moving to her thigh where her blaster laid.

"I'm afraid I can't let that happen" he returned and began toward Kitana, waving his lightsaber around as she shot at him. The young Jedi was obviously skilled, as he was easily able to deflect all of the shots toward him, but he was nowhere near Kitana's skills.

As she kept him occupied with numerous shots, he grew closer and closer until he was only a foot or two away from her. Seizing her moment, she reached behind her back and pulled out the long sword and put it into action, pushing the blade on to the metal of the hilt of his lightsaber. The saber went flying and the Jedi was left defenseless, and as Kitana pointed her blade at his throat she was declared the winner of the small brawl.

"If you value your life you will tell me where Jin-Rea is." Kitana commanded.

He put his hands up in submission, and took a few steps back, not attempting to call his lightsaber to him as it had found itself under the table in the next room.

"You don't have to do this. He made a mistake not big enough to end his life over"

"Why are you defending him?" She retorted. "You of all people should know what it's like to defend your teacher" you nodded in his direction

"My name is Anakin Skywalker" he cautiously held his hand out for her to graciously take "I don't want you to make an irreversible mistake"

Kitana glared at his hand but did not take it. The man had a point, but it didn't matter to her.

"I don't care what you want. I've made my decision. And if you're not going to be any help to me then you deserve to die like him" She raised her eyebrows, testing him.

He showed submission and slowly slipped onto the floor, balancing himself on his knees as his hands were still up. "Do you want to know why he robbed your master?" He asked

Kitana did not reply, allowing him to speak.

"He has a family on Corellia. They were starving, he needed the credits" he explained.


"I don't care!" She retorted " his family can burn to death for all I care. He was dumb enough to rob a Bounty Hunter. He deserves to know the consequences"

"Do not let your anger fuel you!" He tried to reason with her "anger is just a path to the Dark Side." There was a hint of peace and hope in his eyes, but Kitana chose to ignore it.

"He robbed Jenga Fett!"

" And you are about to commit a far worse crime! " he returned, raising a fair point.

there was a long hull of silence as Kitana tried to alter his words to shoot back, but she couldn't find any. He was right. Maybe robbery was not punishable by death.

"What is your name" he questioned , lowering his hands with extreme circumspect

"Kitana" she replied simply, deciding if she should lower her defenses or not

"Put down your weapon. I'm not here to hurt you"

"Then why are you here? To trick me into leaving Jin-Rea without punishment?"

" No" he replied "I am here to save you from a life filled with anger" he said suavely.

another hull of silence. It must have been years since anybody ever said anything of the sort to Kitana. Not after she had left Alderaan, at least.

"Take off that mask. You don't need it" he proposed "my only defense is all the way over there. I can't hurt you"

Reluctantly, unknowing of the exact use of the Force, she slid her sword back into its place behind her back and took a deep breath. Taking off her mask, she closed her eyes before he could take in a full view of her face.

"You see? You are just a normal girl underneath that mask." He said , Kitana ignoring him. "Imagine what could have happened if I let you hurt him. It's a choice you would have soon regretted*

"Why are you helping me? Why do you care? Aren't Jedi supposed to deny emotions?" She questioned , crossing her arms

"Not exactly." He replied, finally standing up " but in all honesty, I'm not one to follow the Jedi Code" he said

"Okay, but why are you helping me?"

He hesitated , flinched for a moment, almost as if he didn't know. Finally, he met Kitana's eyes with his own bright ones.

"Because I don't think you are as evil as you make yourself out to be" he took a step towards her, studying her features as she averted her eyes "I think you are alone"

"That's none of your business"

"Maybe it isn't. But that doesn't deny the fact that you are lonely. I can see it"

"Are you using some Jedi mind trick on me?" She asked, finally looking up.

" No" he smiled "it's written all over your face." he joked

This actually caused a slight smile to creep across her face.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Kitana asked, almost forgetting about her mission for a second

Anakin shared this laugh with her, also forgetting about anything and only focussing on her "it means that I think you're beautiful"

they both went silent. Kitana, starstruck and staring up at his seemingly flawless face, and Anakin doing the same to her

"No one's ever said that before" she giggled

"No one's ever seen you like I have" he said simply.

"That's awfully sweet but I think I I should be getting back to Jenga" she looked away, trying to contain her emotions and her blush

"Why?" He asked, shaking his head " I don't understand why you stay in training when you are obviously skilled enough to be on your own"

"I don't have anywhere to go!" She explained "all I have is Jenga and his son. They're the only people who ever took intrest in me"

"What if I said I could take you far away from here? And you could come with me and stand by me during the war!" He touched her hand softly.

"I don't know" she shook her head, looking down "I can't"

"Why not?! We could do this . . ." He stumbled on his words " together? We could leave together? "

Kitana looked up to him again, burrowing her eyebrows as a crease formed inbetween them

"You don't have a life here! You could fight with me and win the war!"

" are you serious about this? " She asked, astonished

"Yes! We need somebody like you!"

She sighed, thinking over the possibilities.

"Okay. I'll go with you."

He smiled and touched both of her shoulders, almost laughing

"But under one condition. I want one of those laser swords"

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