《Star Wars (But Mostly kylo ren) Imagines + Lemons (Requests Closed)》Revenge on Commander Ren • Rey X Fem! [req]
You made your way triumphantly across the Supremacy's dark corridors, holding your head up high in pride for the village you had just led a fleet to raid, thus discovering hiding Resistance Fighters and killing them without a second thought.
The difference between you and the others was the simple fact that you were better. Faster, Stronger, More Capable, And certainly more determined. This granted you the outfitting of not an ordinary white stormtrooper suit, but a matte black one to symbolize your success.
You clutched your blaster closer to your chest as you passed Kylo Ren. You dearly hoped that he would not stop to speak with you. You had places to be and you did not need to deal with Ren's tantrums. You respected the man, but from a distance.
"General North." That menacing robotic tone froze you in place. You sucked your cheeks, relieved that the helmet disguised your expression, and turned on your heels to face the masked coward. "I am impressed with your work on Corellia." He complimented, causing you to furrow your eyebrows in confusion. " You led a dauntless fleet and managed to scope out a measly two resistance fighters. How many casualties? " he cocked his head to the side.
Now you saw what he was doing. You knew you were too quick to think he was actually crediting you for the work that he could not do. He was, in fact, taunting you.
"Thirty-one, Commander." You replied, dryly. You could not wait for the day when you were in enough power to fire back at Kylo Ren.
"I see." He nodded his head "I have decided to strip you of your duties on field combat. From now on, you will report on the Supremacy until I provide further instructions."
"What?!" You snapped "that's completely illogical! I was trained for combat, Commander."
"I won't have you use that tone with me, General North." He menaced closer until he looked over you " believe me I will take more than just your field privileges if you leave me with a performance like you did" he spat.
God, how you would have wished to punch him in his face. You would if he was not so prone to saving himself by the Force. Your life was not worth it.
You took a breath, trying to keep your composure. "I apologize, Commander"
He did not make a move to acknowledge your apology, only turned and walked away.
Hours after your encounter with Commander Ren, you scoped the hallways once more in hopes of finding a missing fugitive.
Apparently, Ren has received a visitor. The visitor, presumably the scavenger girl that Kylo was head over heels in love with, had somehow slipped by Kylo's fingers and was now scurrying about the ship like a cockroach. You thought hopefully that you could find the girl and kill her. Mostly because you knew that it would torment Ren, but he could not do anything about it. If he retaliated, it would be made clear that he had feelings for the girl. He would be forced to stay silent.
As you started down the hallway you spotted a White armored stormtrooper rounding a corner in your direction. The trooper jumped in slight shock when she detected you, but continued on her course. You knew almost immediately that the trooper did not belong in this side of the ship.
"YL-4592" you called out as the figure passed by your shoulder, reading off the tag left on the armor that was obviously stolen. The imposter stopped abruptly, but turned to face you. "What are you doing on the B Wing?" You questioned.
It took a moment for the trooper to answer. You watched her readjust uneasily. "I have orders from General Hux to retrieve an officer." A british accent said, obviously shakily.
You wondered how much entertainment you could drive from this. "Is that so?" You smirked under your helmet. "YL-4592, you were taught to address your superiors with the utmost respect. Why did you not address me with my title?"
It was basic etiquette to address a higher ranking official with their title. For example, anybody other than Snoke would refer to Kylo Ren as Commander Ren. Nothing else.
The trooper stayed silent, and you took a step forward so that you were towering over the frightened girl.
"So what will it be? Hm?" You cocked your head
" I'm sorry. . . " Her voice trailed off "Captain?" She questioned uneasily.
"Wrong. It's General, to you" you corrected her. "I'd like it if you came with me, trooper. I do not want to cause a scene here. "
You both knew she was caught. You immediately stripped her of her blaster, forcing her to follow you around the corridors of the Supremacy subserviently.
You reached the tail end of the Ship aimlessly. Unknowingly, you had stopped yourself in front of the ship's trash compactor, where waste and surplus food was thrown.
You turned around sharply and faced the girl, who you had now identified as the Scavenger girl that the galaxy had heard so much about. At your spin she stayed completely tall, obviously trying to stand her ground.
"State your business here." You commanded
"I came here to see Ben. I don't want to cause any trouble--"
"You're Rebel Scum. Just breathing is enough trouble for the rest of the galaxy. And you know what we do to Rebels around here, don't you?" You asked, standing close to her as you had done previously. It was nothing personal, you just liked being intimidating when you could be.
Her fingers adjusted and she couldn't keep all of her weight on one foot "I guess I won't find out" she replied suavely, and raised a fist to bring it to your head. Quickly enough, you caught her flying balled fingers in one swift motion, chuckling softly. This did not stop the girl, and in fact made her more determined. With your arm up to prevent her strike and the other holding a blaster against your side, she had a clear hit to the stomach, knocking you immediately backwards and into the flap of the door to the garbage chute.
Your trip to the garbage was inevitable, however you gripped on to the Rebel's arm before you could fall all the way down. You landed on a pile of muck and mush, but you were not alone.
The first thing you realized was that your blaster was gone. You assumed it had fallen near the entrance to the chute when she pushed you, but you did not know for sure. While you landed on to our back, Rey had landed swiftly and gracefully on all fours.
It was disgusting. Discolored and moldy old food resided everywhere, and to match was a foul odor that can only be described as rotting fish and old shoes. There were two different trash compactors on the Supremacy, one for the food and liquids, and other for mechanical waste. You got the food one, with gross and perturbing yellow tinted waters that raised to your mind thigh, but was drastically deeper in other parts
You groaned and picked yourself up, almost surprised to see your tormenter standing up proudly, just watching you.
"If I had my blaster you would be toast." You pointed at her and brushed muck off your armor.
"You could fight me with your fists." She proposed, but you shook your head.
"No. Hand to hand combat is not the kind of death I want for you. You deserve to suffer" you turned away from her and searched underneath your armor for your radio piece.
"Why do you think that way? Why do you want me to die?" She questioned, walking up to her killer with extreme circumspect.
You turned to look at her with a look that can only be described as confusion.
"You're a rebel. Therefore my enemy. You deserve to die" you spat. She did not reply, only lifted both of her hands to the base of her helmet so that she could slip it off.
She was breathtaking.
You hadn't thought about the concept of beauty, and certainly not love. However, you couldn't keep to our eyes off her. She was sweating profusely, but all the sweat did was doing her soft brown locks to her perfectly uneven skin. Her lips were parted as she panted slightly, obviously overheating in the stormtroopers helmet.
She looked up at you with emptiness in her eyes. "That's not true. You're just like him. Ben. You think that doing this will help you forget about where you came from but in the end you will always be a good person." She took cautious steps towards you until she was inches away " you know it's true"
"Is this how you try and get away from death? By sweet-talking? It might work with Ren but it won't work with me." You pointed to yourself and shook your head, almost trying to convince yourself that you were not attracted to the girl. " You don't know the first thing about me"
"I'm Rey" she put a hand out, wanting you to shake it but you just glanced at her.
"Are you aware that I was trying to kill you a few seconds ago?" You questioned her.
"You're not the first." She said simply, her voice perfectly pitched to match with her fiery resistance warrior attitude.
"Doesn't matter." You mumbled " somebody will get me out of here soon, so you better get real used to it, Rey" you advised her, putting an emphasis of disgust on her name.
There was a grumble from underneath both of your feet, and you looked down to be met with the infamous Trash Slug, as many had called it. It was, in reality, hyperactive bacteria and organisms that were placed in the chute to eat away at the waste. A thick and slimy tan worm rippled through the ground as Rey took cautious steps back.
It disappeared, making it all the more dangerous.
The first thing you heard was a scream, and then the alarming splashing sound of drowning. You immediately looked to where Rey was supposed to be, but she was not there. You were quickly met with the realization of some type of heartbreak, however you didn't know why.
You growled at your own juvenile affection to her and took off your helmet, placing it on top of a pile of some kind of mush as you took a breath, pinched your nose, and sink down underneath the lukewarm murky water.
You heard muffled screams from inside the water, indicating that the girl was not far away. You eased your way to her voice, feeling around until you felt the struggle and the touch of a slippery wet plastic coating. You grabbed into it, not caring what part of the body it was, and pulled it towards you.
The beast did not let up; however, and you had to kick the snake like body repeatedly until it literally broke in half, yellow and tan colored guts gushing about. You pulled Rey's petrified armored body closer to you and kicked yourself up, taking a large breath as you reached the surface.
You threw her on to a larger pile of trash, away from the water before pulling yourself up. You breathed heavily for a few moments, before Rey made her way closer to you. She sat down in front of you, not caring that she was completely drenched in disgusting water. Luckily, female armor came with skin right rubber like clothing underneath, so that skin would be defended from any abrasive chemicals.
"You saved my life" she pushed, narrowing her eyes at you
"Only because I want to be the one to take it" you hissed back, leaning closer.
"You're wrong. You just don't want to admit that you're not as bad as you seem" she continued, and you realized you were both inching closer and closer to each other.
"you need to stop trying to save people, Scavenger. You're going to get yourself hurt" you mumbled, now close enough to feel her hot breaths on your cheeks
"You should stop trying to kill people. You wouldn't end up in trash compactors if you did"
"don't try it," You smirked, before completely letting her take over you. Her lips fell on top of yours like a soft cushion, the softest one you had ever felt at least. You hadn't ever kissed anybody, so you did what you felt was logical and maneuvered a hand around her waist since she was bent over you.
"General North!" A cowardly voice startled you from above, and you immediately smacked away from Rey's lips to state up at the person, dangling inside the flap to the entrance of the garbage compactor. The man had a grimace on his face. "I brought you a ladder! I heard your struggle from up here and decided to--"
"Oh just give us the ladder!" You inturrupted, and pushed Rey off of you as you made your way to the lowering black ladder.
You had half the conscience to leave Rey here. Especially because you did not want to be attached to the girl, but at the same time you wanted more of her.
Sleeping with the girl will make Ren angrier than killing her.
You smirked to yourself and turned back to the half armoured girl, then jerked your head for her to follow you.
You led her at blasterpoint around the Supremacy until you found your cell. You pushed in the personal identification number to unlock the door, and pushed her inside.
Immediately after getting in, you threw your blaster on to your cot and ripped your helmet off, pouncing on the delectable girl like she was your prey.
You pushed her on to the cold metal wall hungrily, forcing your lips into hers without her consent, but not caring. You knew she approved when she let out a moan against your mouth.
You have her one last kiss before you moved to her jawline, placing a few kisses there, until you found your way to her neck, nibbling and kissing until you left love bites and bruises. You fell to your knees before her, trailing to our hands all the way down her body
However stunning and sexy she looked in that stormtroopers uniform, you were dying to see what was underneath. You ripped the single centerpiece off of her, exposing a shiny black latex undersuit. You smiled up at her, and then stood up to face her again.
You pushed her into the wall harder this time, causing her to groan out. You were far from finished with her. Curling your fingers underneath the collar of the skintight suit, you pulled forward the fabric and then released, causing the abrasive fabric to smack against her entire chest, earning a whimper from her as it slapped against her skin.
You bit your lip and raised your other hand to the collar, pulling apart at the suit until it ripped down the middle, exposing her breasts, pink with pleasure.
You looked up at the still soaking wet girl with pleading eyes, begging for permission. Her panting gave you all the access you wished, and you wrapped your mouth around one of her nipples while massaging the other.
Her feminine features were just large enough to fill your entire hand, and perfectly soft and jiggly for you to squeeze. You traced your tongue over her nipples in a teasing manner, loving the way she whimpered when you bit down on them.
She clutched her fists in anguish and arched her head back against the metal wall helplessly. You realized she was growing needy, so you stripped her of her crotch-covering piece and tore open at that latex as well, freeing her dripping pussy.
At the sight of her creamy skin quivering in anticipation, you picked her up by her legs and kissed her roughly while finding your way to the mattress. You threw her down in front of you as you rid yourself of the same two armor pieces that you did to her, leaving you in nothing but your arm and leg armor.
You fell before her again, spreading her legs by her creamy thighs, once again taking in the image of her needy cunt and her locked knees.
"Please, General!" She submitted to you, throwing you over the edge of sexual hunger as you stuffed your face on to her, your tongue scooping up her wetness and depositing it over her sensitive nub, earning a loud moan from her.
You smiled against her sex, and with your separated teeth you but down softly on her pussy-lips, while your middle finger began to run over her entrance, pushing itself inside.
You quickly added two fingers as her whimpering quickened, and you flapped your tongue around her nub as you thrust in and out of her pink self.
You raised your free arm to caress her beautiful breasts, so you snuck your hand around her waist under her armor, feeling something that was unnatural for Stormtrooper armor.
"What do we have here?" You released her cunt, pulling out her silver prized posession. She looked at you with eyes as big as saucers, immediately comprehending your dirty thoughts as you imagined how stretched she would be with a lightsaber hilt shoved inside of her.
"Its my lightsaber, its-"
"It looks more like a toy to me." You cut her off, pulling her by her legs to the edge of the bed where you picked her up once again, pulling her back to your previous position against the wall. But not before grabbing your helmet.
You pushed her around so that her back was facing you, and her arms were bent against the cold metal. You ripped your own latex down to your own now dripping cunt, matching Rey.
You reached under Rey and ripped more of her latex, Now splitting the seam all the way to her backside so that her entire ass was exposed.
You smirked and lined the hilt up to where a penis would be if you had one, and rubbed the bottom half across her pussy, loving the way she let out short and pained breaths at its cold metal.
"I want you to scream my name, scavenger scum." You whispered in her hear, nibbling at the earlobe as she replied with cold hard breathing
"I don't know your name!" She called out in a high pitch as you traced the cold metal down her walls again
"Anya. You scream that name until the entire ship knows who you belong to." and with that, you placed your black helmet over her head.
She closed her eyes and nodded frantically, ready for your next action as you positioned the hilt up to her entrance, and shoved in.
She let out a scream as you forced her to take the entire length, and you cupped her neck, causing her to stomp her feet in frustration.
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