《Child of Hydra || Reader Insert》Who Here hasn't been to Space?


After using the Power stone to have the strength to jump for miles, Amos stops. Carrying you in her arms, Carol lands beside Amos. You all see a dirty, scratched, out-of-shape ship in front of you. Amos says, "This is an old Ravager Milano, I used it to get to Xandar II and back." You all step inside. You can't help but notice that the ship is covered in stains, dust, junk, scratches, rust, and generally out of shape. Amos notice the looks you and Carol are giving the ship, and explains, "This is the best ship I could get my hands on. I know there are better ones throughout the galaxy." He makes his way into the front of the ship. The Milano covers in the air for a few moments, before charging into space. You hear the engines rattling, zapping, and glitching. "You sure this ship isn't going to explode on the way there?" You ask. Amos answers, "I'm sure of it."

After some time of flying, Amos yells out, "We're here!" You and Carol look out, and see a moon, covered in trees and nature, with a little village next to a lake. "They once lived in a world of technology," Carol comments, "Now they are forced into a life with almost no resources." "How ironic," Amos replies with a smirk. Amos parks the Milano on the edge of the forrest, and makes his way out of the ship. "Don't worry, you can breath out here," he says. As you step out, you notice that you can see stairs in the dark blue sky, with a few stars close enough to provide heat and minor oxygen. You are overwhelmed by the heat, and start sweating immediately.

As you three walk towards the village, people start charging to you with spears. Amos holds the Power between his fingers. The spearmen immediately stop, and drop their spears. "Kneel mortals!" Amos yells out. They kneel, while providing a path for you. As you walk past, you notice the diversity in these Xandarians. Some are blue, some are purple, some are yellow, some have tentacles, some have hair, some are bald, some have horns, some have large teeth sticking out. The village had only a dozen houses, made out of sticks, logs, dirt, grass, and bones. As you look among the civilizations, you see men step back while holding sticks and spears, and the women and children running into buildings and huts.


Amos clutches the Power stone, and moments later, the wall to the largest building burns off in purple flames. Amos walks in, and grabs half of a chrome orb. He places the Power stone inside, and the rest of the orb closes around the stone. "Let's go," Amos says. You notice the purple glows in his skin were gone. You three walk back to the Milano, get on, and make your way back to earth. You sit at a table in the ship's main room, and examine the orb containing the Power stone. As you hold it, you can feel the immense power and energy radiating from within.

You see Earth ahead. "Prepare for landing," Amos says, as he descends into Earth's atmosphere. You land the ship, and walk out. "So what's our next move?" you ask. Amos hands you the orb, and says, "Protect it." You hesitate to grab the orb. You ask, "Why? What are you going to do?" Amos answers, "Meditate, try to search for the next Stone to retrieve." You take the orb, and say, "I thought we were going to kill or enslave the Avengers or something." Amos explains, "At this point, the Stones are at their most vulnerable state. With their original keepers either dead or destroyed, they are under little to no security. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and we must take it." As he walks back into the ship, he says, "I will return to you once I find the nearest Stone."

You turn to Carol, she seems suspicious. "What is on your mind Carol?" you ask. Carol answers, "Him. I think he is using you." You reply, quietly, "Well until he shows proof that he wants to work together, we have to trust him; he could destroy the earth if he wanted, supposedly anyway. But anyways, let's go home." "Yes master." She wraps her arms around you, and takes to the skies.

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