《La Squadra X Reader》Skates (Ghiaccio)
I awoke to Pesci yelling. I sprung up and grabbed a long curved knife on my dresser. I assumed that we were under attack and I ran out into the hallway wearing an oversized long sleeve black shirt and white shorts. Pesci was by the window. The others had the same idea. Ghiaccio ran out of his room and right into me. He was wearing purple pants with a paw print design and no shirt. His hair was a curly mess and his glasses askew.
"Pesci What's going on?!"
Pesci turned back to us with a huge smile.
"It's Snowing!"
I smiled and ran to the window. He was right. Beautiful white flakes fell from the sky and the world was coated in a white blanket. My eyes widened. I had seen snow before but it was magical every time I saw it.
"Are you joking! I thought we were under attack!"
Ghiaccio was mad. I pulled him to the window and made him look at the snow.
"Y/n I have ice powers"
I looked at him. I smirked at his pants.
"Nice pants"
"Shut up!"
I smiled and playfully winked. I loved that angry ice boy. We worked together all the time. I found his yelling and arguing rather adorable.
I saw how excited Y/n was for snow. Although she it looked childish, it was quite cute. Ever since she learned she loves to skate and she is quite the hockey player. I heard from Risotto that she was learning to figure skate. He said that she wanted to surprise me. No matter how good she gets I still remember the day I taught her how to skate.
Not far from the base there was a forest and in it there was a lake that was I liked to go to and freeze over to skate. Y/n had asked me to teach her how to skate. I liked her more than the others members so I agreed. Now I'm staring at Y/n laying across the ice and sighing. She pushed herself up to her knees but stared down at the ice.
"Ghiaccio, I don't think I can do it" she whispered.
I could tell that she was ashamed. She wanted to prove herself to be better. She felt like she had failed. I felt my scowl fall from my face. She was the only only I had a true soft spot for.
I sighed and crouched next to her. It started to snow more. The snow blended in with her white hair. I gently ruffled her hair and tilted her chin to look up at me.
"It's not that difficult, you were just off balance. I say we try but you can use me for balance"
I grabbed her forearm and pulled her back up. We practice standing until she had balance. When I skated with her I kept one hand wrapped around her waist so she wouldn't fall. After a while I let go and she glides across the ice. She made a turn and looked at me with shining eyes.
"Ghiaccio I did it!"
I chuckled. Her expression was so happy. Like a child winning a competition. I skated over and she threw herself into my arms. I hated it when people would touch me. I usually got angry and started to yell. But something about Y/n's touch. It wasn't like anyone's I had ever felt. Her touch was so soft and soothing.
I felt safe.
"Thank you Ghiaccio" she whispered into my chest.
All members of La Squadra were sitting on the couches. Risotto was giving a lecture about killing only the targets. He glared at Y/n, who was busy drawing something in a sketchbook. She looked up every now and then, then went back to her sketch.
"Y/n! Are you listening?!"
"Yeah Risotto"
"What are you even drawing?!"
Risotto ripped the book out of her hands and chuckled as he saw it. Illuso grabbed it and burst out laughing. He threw the book down on the table. It was a drawing of Ghiaccio in his Stand Suit, it showed him saying
Ghiaccio turned red before yelling at Y/n.
"I'll skate your fucking fingers off you damn milk biscuit"
"I'd like to see you try Frozone!"
Y/n stood up and ran as Ghiaccio chased after her.
"Aww, they're using pet names, what a cute couple they are" Melone cooed.
A few moments later they heard Y/n laugh then a dull thud, then Ghiaccio screaming. Y/n proudly walked back into the room with Ghiaccio thrown over her shoulder. He slipped out of her grasp and pinned her wrist to the floor.
"Damnit! I could kill you right now!"
"Than do it"
Illuso winked at Formaggio. He had a smirk on his face.
"Watch this" he whispered.
Illuso gently stepped on the back of Ghiaccio's head. Making it go down in between Y/n's breasts. The room fell silent as Ghiaccio stopped screaming. Y/n's cheeks turned pink against her white hair. Ghiaccio didn't move. He slowly lifted his head. His cheeks were a bright pink.
"I-I-" Y/n stuttered.
"I'm Sorry!" Ghiaccio yelled.
He got off of her and helped her up. Y/n composed herself and tried to make the blush disappear. The angry ice boy tried to do the same.
They were pretty soft though Ghiaccio thought.
Risotto sighed and continued with the briefing as he was. Afterwards Ghiaccio went to beat the shit out of Illuso. Y/n went to her room and dressed in white pants, a black jacket, and a purple scarf. She quietly packed her skates into a black bag before writing a note. She snuck into Ghiaccio's room and left the note on his desk. She left the room and went into the snow covered street. And left into the woods to the lake.
I have to admit. What Y/n did was funny. I felt a feeling when I was touching her that I didn't understand. It was a warm feeling in my chest. I couldn't help but fell it every time I looked at her. I had to look for her. I didn't see her as I looked all around. I ran into Risotto while I was searching.
"Hey Risotto"
"Yes Ghiaccio"
"Where's Y/n"
"I think I saw her leave a while ago"
I went to my room and fell back into the bed. Where was she. I had to confess how I felt. How would that turn out?
I looked over at my desk. There was a piece of dark blue paper there. That's strange. I went to the desk and checked it.
Meet me at the lake, I have something I want to show you- Y/n <3
I felt my heart race as I saw that little heart. I glanced out the window. The sun would set soon. I couldn't let her be alone in the dark. I threw on a light blue jacket and raced out into the street.
I walked until I got to the woods. Then I could use my Stand without being seen. I skated along the snow to the lake. Y/n was staring at the frozen lake.
She turned around and smiled deeply at me. My cheeks flushed. As I walked closer I saw that she had black skates on her feet. The snow fell peacefully around her.
"Ghia, watch me"
I stood by the base of the lake and watched as she turned on a speaker and skated into the middle of the small frozen lake.
The light twinkling of a music box came from the speakers. The sunset glowing behind her. She took a deep breath before she moved her skates.
She glided slowly backwards as the twinkling music followed her. She raised her arms above her head before bringing them down to settled on her heart. Her smile seems to lit up the ice slightly. She glides peacefully across the ice.
As the parts settled together she began to move more. She skated forward and landed a perfect triple axel that went into a cannonball spin. As she rose her eyes seemed to shine as we made eye contact. The ice seemed to move under her as she peacefully flew across the ice.
She smiled and began to move in faster yet elegant glides as the music sped up and got louder. All her heart was in it now. She had no intention of failing. She did this for me.
She's trying to impress me
I watched in awe as she moved perfectly in sync with the music. It echoed around her. It seemed impossible that she only learned how to skate just a year ago. How often did she practice. She sped up and landed a perfect jump. Then she seemed to go in slow motion now.
Her skates left the ice and she spun in the air 4 times. A perfect quadruple flip. My jaw dropped. As she landed the music began to fade away. One final pose with her laying down across the ice. She looked up from the ice and got up to skate over to me.
"Ghia! How's I d-"
She didn't even finished her sentence before the ice cracked and dragged her under.
I screamed and summoned my Stand. I shredded and melted the ice as I skated and froze part of the ice. My hands clawed through the icy water.
Searching for Y/n
How long had it been since she went under. Had it already been a minute. I felt like it had been hours. Buts that impossible. I felt something brush my fingertip. I pulled out a purple scarf. Connected to it was Y/n's face. Turning blue.
I scooped her up into my arms. She was ice cold and unconscious. Was she dead?! She would be if I didn't get help fast!
I skated back to our base at a speed much faster than I normally could go. As I burst in through the door Illuso was on the couch.
"Oh, you're back. I needed to- WTF"
He looked at Y/n in my arms.
"She fell through the ice!"
He brought me a towel as I brought Y/n to my room. What I had to do was embarrassing but it was the only way. I quickly undressed her and threw her clothes to the side as I dried her with the towels. Once she was dry I laid her on the bed and dressed her in an old shirt of mine and a dry pair of her underwear. I went to get her something. Tea should work.
I went to the kitchen and quickly made a cup of tea. I went back where Y/n was sleeping. I set the tea on the bedside table. Her cheeks were pink but her eyes were still closed. I sat next to her and gently stroked her hair. That was the most beautiful ice related performance I had ever seen. I should wait for her to wake up later. I got up to leave went something touched my arm.
Y/n was grabbing my arm.
"Ghia.... please stay"
"I will"
I slid next to her as she came back into a full conscious state.
"Was I good"
I took her hand and pulled her into a hug. I felt something drip. I was crying. I cried into her shoulder.
"I thought I lost you. I thought the last thing you would ever say was asking for my approval, and yes that was the most beautiful performance I had ever seen"
Her eyes lit up. She sat in front of me now. I moved my hands up from her arms to her cheeks. She gently dried my tears with the back of her hand. She smiled at me gently and let her hands fall to my chest.
We spoke at the same time.
"Oh sorry you go first"
"No you"
She blushed and looked at me.
"Ghia I think I love you"
"I think I- mph"
I pulled her in for a kiss. Our lips collided and for a horrifying moments she was dead still. Her lips were still cold. Then she began to kiss back. I shuffled my body so she was sitting on my lap. I groped her breast pulling out a surprised squeak. I used this to slip my tongue into her mouth. Our tongues danced and fought in each other's mouths.
She pushed my shoulders down so she was pinning me to the bed. As our lips released I grinned at her.
"Do you really think that you're in control?"
I grabbed her shoulder and flipped her around so that I was on top. She turned pink under me. I gently let my lips fall from her jaw down to her neck. I left little bites wherever my lips explored. I found a spot that Y/n would shiver and let out a little moan when ever I bit it. So that's it.
I got slightly more violent and I turned to look at Y/n. Her face was completely pink and she had a shy smile as we made eye contact. I sat up and looked over her blushing face. My hands made their way to her waist. I caught her eye again.
"Can I?"
She nodded shyly. I slid her panties down her legs.
My eyes snapped open and I let out a little moan as his lips touched my entrance. He smirked against me as his tongue began to run up my entrance and swirl around my clit. I felt myself let out a deprived whimper.
"You want more Y/n?"
"Y-y-yes Ghia~"
His tongue dipped down into my entrance and I felt myself cry out. It felt strange, not bad, but strange. His hand snaked up to rub my clit. The knot in my stomach was getting tighter and tighter. I tightly gripped the mattress sides. I knew how weak I looked. I would only let him see me like this. I felt myself shake violently before coming with groan. My juices spilled out over Ghiaccio's lips.
He quietly licked myself from his lips.
"Y/n you taste amazing. I want only me to able to taste you like this"
He quickly licked the remaining juices from my thighs and entrance. He sat up and positioned himself over me. He quickly pecked me on the lips.
"Get some rest Y/n"
I quickly changed into just boxer shorts and cuddled up next to Y/n. Our arms and legs tangled together as we cuddled. She buried her face in my neck and I pressed my lips on her forehead so I could gently kiss her. The soothing sound of our own heartbeats put us sleep.
Risotto paced around the room. He was told that something happened to Y/n but Illuso didn't say what happened. Risotto walked into the base with the others. Illuso was on the couch.
"Illuso what happened?" Prosciutto asked.
"Y/n fell through the ice and almost drowned"
Melone went to go check on Y/n. As he opened the door to her room he frowned.
"Y/n's not in her room"
"Where is she then"
Illuso chuckled. Secretly he had heard Y/n being toyed with by Ghiaccio. He had been walking past Ghiaccio's room when he heard her soft moans. He knew that Ghiaccio was crushing on her but didn't think he'd hit that base as fast as he did. What a cute couple they would be.
At least someone could talk some sense into Ghiaccio now.
"Did you check Ghiaccio's room" Illuso commented.
"Why would she be there?" Risotto asked.
"Just check"
"Formaggio! Go check with Melone"
Melone and Formaggio opened the door slowly to Ghiaccio's room. On the bed Ghiaccio and Y/n were passed out tangled in each other's arms. Ghiaccio was subconsciously kissing her forehead. Y/n wrapped her her arms around his neck and their legs were tangled together.
Their eyes went to Y/n's neck. Then to her thighs
"That's a lot of hickies"
"They're even on her thighs"
This pulled Ghiaccio out of his sleep. He didn't notice Formaggio or Melone yet. He shook Y/n awake.
"Wake up, we got to get dressed"
Y/n sat up and kissed Ghiaccio gently. Ghiaccio blushed.
"You know what, I think I have time for a few more kisses"
Ghiaccio pulled Y/n into his arms and peppered her face with kisses. She squirmed slightly under his touch and lips. She secretly enjoyed it. Her arms wrapped around his chest and brought him down on top of her. She gently bit his ear. Ghiaccio smiled and Formaggio cracked open his can of beer.
Y/n jumped. Ghiaccio flew into a rage at the two men.
"I'm having a beer"
Ghiaccio threw a shoe at the two peepers and they ran away laughing. Ghiaccio sighed.
"I'm sorry Y/n"
She kissed him gently.
"It's alright Ghia"
"Should we sleep more?"
"We should get dressed"
"Yes babe"
"Tonight can you spend the night with me as well"
"I found it a lot easier to sleep with you between my arms"
Y/n giggled and gently kissed his forehead.
"I'll be back every night if that's what you want"
"I love you Y/n
"I love you too Ghia"
"Even if you are a weirdo" she added.
Illuso: (Walks into the living room) Hey have you seen my- what the fuck
Ghiaccio: (screaming) fuck you dictionary!
Y/n: (screaming) Yeah! Fuck you useless dead tree corpse of language rules!
(Y/n and Ghiaccio kick the book across the room and out the window)
Both: (Cheers)
Illuso:.............Now I see why you two are dating
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