《The Dragon of The Demons (Highschool DxD x Male Reader)》Chapter 14



(Y/N): "Now then, let the games "

Sirzech: "What happened."

(Y/N): "Gasper's power was force-activated making it go out of control and freeze everyone present in this room currently. I had anticipated this so I had Issei help Gasper control his abilities while also allowing them to bond. So, Ossei and Rias, you two will go save Koneko and Gasper."

Rias: "You knew this would happen?"

(Y/N): "The leaders of the Factions are gathering in one place. It's the perfect chance for someone who wants to overthrow them."

Michael: "Now that he said it, it does seem like the perfect chance to try to overthrow us, but who?"

(Y/N): "That's what I'm getting to, the culprit is most likely someone who was in line of the throne but due to recent events caused them to lose it, so that takes out the fallen, leaving the angels and devils."

Sirzech: "You're saying someone from the Devils or Angels is the culprit?"

(Y/N): "I am, and since the Devils suffered the most by losing all of their leaders, the culprit is most likely from your side, now then, Sirzech was already in line of his throne so that takes him out leaving only the throne of the Leviathan."

Serafall: "Someone who was supposed to be a leviathan is attacking us?"

(Y/N): "That is the most likely option, yes. But we don't know that yet so I suggest that you all go in pairs. Which pairs? I don't care."

Serafall: "What'll you be doing?"

(Y/N): "Vali and I will take care of the magicians outside."

(Y/N): "Alright then, everyone knows what to do?"

Everyone: "Yes!"

(Y/N): "Good, now go!"

Everyone dispersed leaving only Vali, (Y/N) and an unconscious Est.


Vali: "What are we going to do about her?"

(Y/N): "We're leaving her here."

Vali: "Why tho? Won't the magicians get her?"

(Y/N): "Don't worry, the moment they wake her up from what she calls her 'daydream nap', is the moment she goes 'Omae wa mou shinderu' on them."

Vali: "Huh?"

(Y/N): "It means they'll die if they wake her up." "Honestly kids these days, don't even know what's culture anymore."

Vali: "Okay~ How about we go take care of those magicians?"

(Y/N): "Alright, hey Vali?"

Vali: "Hmm?"

(Y/N): "You wanna compete?"

Vali: "What do you mean?"

(Y/N): "Let's see who gets the most kills."

Vali: "You're on!"

Vali then materialises his armor around him then he holds (Y/N)'s shoulder.

(Y/N): "Hmm? What do you want?"


(Y/N): "Oi! That's cheating!"

Vali: "All's fair in war!"

(Y/N): "Dividing my power so that he can get the upper hand, huh? A good strategy, but. . . .

The assassination attempt was almost over. A Leviathan who was supposed to have the throne was leading the attack but failed miserably and was defeated by Azazel. The magicians were driven off but a few were left, (Y/N) and Vali were finishing up the last of the magicians.

Vali: "How!? I even divided your power!"

(Y/N): "Don't be a sore loser just because I got 1155 kills and you got 531 kills, be thankful that I didn't use any of my kill streaks to get more kills."

Vali: "That's the thing! I used my powers but all you did was go around one punching all of them!"

(Y/N): "You're one to talk! You tried to steal my kills!"

Vali:"I did not!"

(Y/N): "Did so!"


Vali: "Did not!"

(Y/N): "Did so!"

Vali: "Did not!"

(Y/N): "Did not!"

Vali: "Did so! FUCK!!"

(Y/N): "This is a Christian Lobby, we will not have any swear words spoken in this lobby, for your current punishment, the council will decide your fate."

Vali: ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WHAT!?"

(Y/N): "You heard me! Now go to your ro- wait, where are the other magicians?"

Vali: "Don't try to change th- oh yeah where are they?"

(Y/N): "I don't know, don't tell me that was all of them."

Vali: "Welp, no powerful people to fight here I guess."

(Y/N): "So~ you're going to betray Azazel?"

Vali: "Yup."

(Y/N): "And~ you're going to wait for a chance to do it while looking cool?"

Vali: "Yup- wait what!? No!"

(Y/N): "I know when someone lies, Vali."

Vali: "Fine~ Yes, I'm going to wait for a chance to look cool while doing it."

(Y/N): "See~ All you had to be was honest. Now go!"

Vali: "Alright then, wait what about you?"

(Y/N): "I sense an energy somewhere in the outskirts, it's a dragon, I'm gonna check it out."

Vali: "A dragon? Aww man, I wanted to fight against one, but I also want to fight against the Red Dragon Emperor. What to do?"

(Y/N): "Go fight The Red Dragon Emperor, and here's a tip, if he doesn't seem strong enough, make him get angry."

Vali: "Alright then, see ya!"

(Y/N): "See ya!"

And so both of them departed on their paths with Vali going towards the others and (Y/N) departing towards the woods.

(Y/N): "Hmm, so the power is supposed to be here and back dodge."

(Y/N) then dodges backwards narrowly missing the giant hand that was intending to crush (Y/N).

(Y/N): "What are you doing "

A huge dragon then emerges from the trees.

Ragnar: "So you remember my name."

(Y/N): "I am the King of Dragons, it is my duty to know all of my underlings. Now, "

Ragnar: "Whatever do you mean?"


Ragnar: "You are not the King of Dragons, I AM! YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A WASTE OF SPACE, YOU DEMON!"


Ragnar: "You never could've killed me, you only won a duel. Now you will see how powerless you really are!"

Ragnar then starts laughing and a figure emerges from behind him. (Y/N)'s eyes widen as he looks at the figure.

(Y/N): "Res. . . tia?"

Ragnar: "She can't hear you, she is nothing more than a puppet for my master."

(Y/N): "Your. . . . master?"

Ragnar: "I would love nothing more than to kill you here right now, but my master told me not to, so be thankful. Now that we have shown you how powerless you really are, we will be taking our leave. Restia, open a portal to our master."

Restia: "Yes, sir."

A purple portal then opens up and Ragnar and Restia walk into it, but not before Restia turns to look at (Y/N) with a glimmer in her eyes and a tear threatening to fall down. She then turns towards the portal and walks through it. The portal closes, leaving behind a dazed (Y/N).

After a few minutes of silence (Y/N) gets up.

(Y/N): "I need to check if this is true."

(Y/N) then transforms into his dragon form.

(Y/N) then flies towards Restia's grave at a speed faster than light making the trip which was supposed to be a six day flight into mere minutes.

(Y/N) then turns back into his human form and runs towards Restia's supposed grave, when he reaches there he sees the one thing he feared. The place where Restia's body was supposed to be. . . . . was dug up and inside the coffin was nothing.

(Y/N): "Hah haha hahaha


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