《Alpha Marcellus》Chapter 6



I kissed him but after a few seconds, he didn't kiss back so I pulled away. Looking at him he was frozen in place. I decided I should probably leave. When I got up to leave I felt an arm wrap around my waist and pull me down onto the bed. Next thing I know I feel Marcells lips back on mine. He pulled back not long after and looked at me with a wide smile on his face.

"That was amazing!" He shouted pulling me closer to him and putting his head in the crease of my neck. After a while of staying in that position I started to feel tired. Trying to free myself from his hold was no use as he had a tight grip on me I ended up snugging up to him and fell asleep.


Waking up I could already tell that I was alone by how cold I felt. Rolling over to look at the alarm I realized I has slept for 4 1/2 hours. It was now 6:27 pm. I could also smell food being cooked from downstairs. I was still wondering were my mate was seeing as he told me he doesn't do pack work on the weekends and it was still Sunday. Maybe he doesn't want me after all. I got up and made my way to the door opening it and going to my room. When I got to my room I changed into some more comfortable clothes. After changing I made my way downstairs and into the kitchen to see his mother at the stove cooking.

She must have heard me coming down the stairs because without turning she said "Dinner will be done shortly dear." Mumbling a quick okay I went into the living room were I saw Kyle laying on the couch. I ran up and ploped down ontop of him making him groan.


"Get off me, Elle!" He yelled shoving me off him making me fall to the floor. Standing up i walked to the chair across the room.

"So what are you doing our here alone?" I asked curiously. I know that he doesn't like to be alone a lot.

"It's none of your business." He replied coldly. That hurt. He has always been the one person that treated me like I mattered and now here he is treating me like everyone else does.

"Did I do something wrong?" I didn't know what I had done to make him mad at me but I wanted to know. I never got an answer because he got up and walked away. A few seconds later I heard a door slam making me flinch from the noise. I didnt really feel like being around anyone anymore. I got up and made my way into my room. Once inside I went and laid down even though I had just woken up. That was went everything finally processed and I just lost it. All the tears I had held back for I dont know how long just came and wouldnt stop. I dont know how long I laid there crying but it seemed like hours before I finally fell asleep.

"I wish you werent my mate!" Marcellus yelled in my face before he shoved me to the ground. "I Marcellus Kingstion reject Eliana Khan as my mate!" He shouted dragging me out of the house before throwing me out and slamming the door shut. I then see Kyle running to the house.

"Kyle!" I cried out. He turned to look at me and I could tell that he was very angry.

"You did this!" He yelled pointing to something in the distance. Upon closer look I could see that it was his parents on the ground not breathing. Oh my god! What have I done? "I cant believe I was ever your friend!"He said before raising his hand and slapping me across the face. Then he was gone and replaced by Cameron.


"You are the worse sister ever! Mom and dad were right you are a disgrace to this world! You should have never been born!" She shouted shifting into his wolf. Before he could he disappeared.

"Hello?" I questioned as I seen someone in the distance. "Who are you?" I said to the person.

"You don't even recognize your own mother?" The person answered angerly. So the person is my mother. "You should have never been born! You were just a mistake that your father couldn't get rid of!" She yelled at me making me confused.

"What are you talking about?" I asked calmly but really I was freaking out on the inside.

"You father got his stupid mistress pregnant because I couldn't have children but when they went to find out the gender of the baby they said it was a boy but in reality it was twins. They never told me this detail because they planned on you staying with the woman that birthed you but she died so we had to take you in. It was the worse thing I ever did. You should have died with her!" She shouted the last part at me. So shes not my real mother? She isn't Cameron's mother either?

"So your not my real mother?" I asked her.

"No I'm not. Im glade that my child isn't some lowly omega that should have never been born!" Then she disappeared just like the rest of them did.

I jolted awake with tears running down my face and my body full of sweat. The door swung open to reveal Marcell with a worried face. "Are you okay? Did something happen?" He questioned concerned.

"I'm okay just a bad dream."

"Why are you in here? I thought that you were going to move into my room." He asked confused. Thinking back on it I never answered him after he asked me that. Then when I woke up he was gone.

"I never said I would move into your room." I said messing with him. I was going to move in there with him but I wanted to mess with him first. His face fell when he heard what I just said.

"Oh okay. I'll just go then." He said in a sad voice. He got up and started heading to the door when I stopped him.

"No don't go! I was just messing with you of course I will move into your room." I rushed out before he could leave. He turned around and gave me the biggest smile before coming back to the bed and sitting down pulling me to him.

"Thank you for being the best mate ever." He whispered. My heart skipped a beat when he said this. 'He's the best mate ever!' Star purred in my head. "Do you maybe like want to go on a date with me tonight?" He quietly asked. You could tell by the tremble in his voice that he was scared I would say no.

"Umm... Can I think about it?" I asked messing with him. It was worth it when I saw his face drop.

"Yeah sure." He replied looking away from me.

"Yes!" I screamed making him jump and his face light up.

"Yes as in..." I cut him off.

"Yes I'll go on a date with you."

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