《XSCAPE | Michael Jackson and You Fanfiction!》Day off


-Michael POV-

The last rehearsals are coming very soon and I took this day off to spend relaxing and to be with my fiancé. Y/N is still sleeping and it's 9 AM; I'm laying next to her while her face is in my chest and she's cuddling me. She really loves cuddling me doesn't she? None of my other partners never wanted to be THIS close to me before, they always slept by themselves and kind of distanced themselves for some reason, and never cuddled with me. I like it a lot that Y/N does this actually.. affection is an amazing thing to feel coming from someone you love.

I gently rub her cheek with my finger, making her make a groan and hug my side tighter.

She's so cute when she sleeps I can't help but to mess with her a bit

I guess I'll go get dressed nice and give her a little surprise.

Today is a special day after all.

But.. I don't want to wake her up if I move.. I'm stuck.

I quickly turn on my back and slide off the bed, accidentally falling off because I was close to the edge of the bed. Guess she wanted to sleep on my side with me last night.

Ok it's safe, now time to go make breakfast.


I wake up with Michael not by my side and sit up.


I jump and get startled, looking at the doorway as I see Michael scream at the top of his lungs.

I wipe my eyes with the back of my head and groan "That was beautiful Michael but.. ugh~..why are you so loud all of a sudden..??"

He comes running over to my side as I get up out of bed and hugs me VERY tightly.

I make a few muffled screams into his red shirt then he lets go of me a bit, then pins me down on the bed.


-Michael POV-

I let go of Y/N and grab her wrists, pinning her down on the bed. I stare at her and smirk, watching her reaction. Her face is red, how adorable. I'm just gonna tease her all day until later.

"Do you know what today is?"

I smirk.

She looks away to think and then back at me.

"What's today's date?"

She tilts her head a bit, she never was good with keeping up with the current day.

"June 23rd."

I raise my eyebrow

"so do you know?"

"It's our 2 year Anniversary"

Thank god she remembered. I was gonna be really sad if she forgot.

I stand up and hold my hand out to her.

"Come with me"


I raise my eyebrow when Michael asks me to follow him, and I take his hand then follow him downstairs.

Not even an hour of me being awake and I'm so confused. First Michael scares me, I get pinned down on the bed without anything happening, now he seems like he has something planned. Wonder what.

He stops me at the bottom of the stairs

"Ok stay right here"

He runs behind me

"Oka- hey!"

The next thing I know I get blindfolded with one of Michael's ties, original.

-Michael POV-

I blindfold Y/N with one of my blindfolds, then start leading her around while holding her hand. She gives me butterflies whenever she squeezes my hand a little tighter than me when we're holding hands, it feels nice.

"Are we almost there"

She says impatiently.

"Almost baby."

I open the door to the dining room then sit her down in my big chair.

"You can take the blindfold off now!"


I take the blindfold off and look in front of me

"Holy shit Michael!"



I turn to Michael in shock

"YOU made ALL this??"

He nods then stops himself

"I had to rush because I knew you were going to be up soon, I had my chefs help out a little but in mostly did it!"

He smiles proudly

I smirk and look up at him, raising an eyebrow

"My, my Michael.. I didn't know you were a professional chef also"

He chuckles

"That's the last thing I'd be, I always helped my mother cook when I was little. I get it from her. May I eat with you?"

I look at him and smile

"Michael I'm not gonna make you starve and let you watch me eat, yes please do eat with me!"


"Y/N, do you want to go watch a movie?"

I smirk, as I have a little something planned.

She nods and I kiss her cheek then walk to the movie theater with my arm wrapped around her neck and hers around my waist, I am 5'9 so I'm fairly tall, it's a little hard for me to reach her waist since she's short than me.

We get to the movie theater and let her choose where to sit. She chose the very back, it is the best place to sit in a movie theatre afterall.

"So what are we watching?"

She looks up at me

"The Shining"

She looks at me with that cute pouty face again

"A scary movie Michael..?"

I smirk

"what, You scared??"

The lights turn off and she quickly hugs my arm, making me laugh and accidentally snort

"See you ARE scared! The lights only turned off, scaredycat!"

She hides her face in my arm, making sure her eyes are covered

"Michael the lights turned off like it was on command or something!! I swear if this turns into anything Thriller related I'm running OUT this theatre and probably lock myself in the bathroom"

I chuckle and pat her head as the movie comes on

"Calm down baby, the only thing I planned that's scary is this movie."

She looks up at me with a worried look on her face

"Are you sure? D-Do you promise??"

I nod

"Yes baby I promise, let's watch the movie now."

I turn and watch the movie, holding Y/N's hand tightly so she doesn't feel scared.

I mumble to Y/N

"You hear the door slam and realize there's nowhere left to run~🎶"

She tenses and lightly smacks my arm

I chuckle


-Michael POV-

"So Y/N how do you think it was?? The Shining is a good classic--"

Just as I thought, she's asleep.

I get up and put her on my back, then walk to the bedroom to lay her in bed. I feel as if someone is watching me, I have felt like someone has been watching me since after the This Is It announcement; which wasn't even me!

Maybe I was found out..

I sigh to myself, as I feel myself get stressed and anxious.

I put Y/N in bed and grab my cellphone, and go into our bathroom that's in our bedroom and lock it.

"Alright.. who to call.. someone I can trust.."

I scroll down my contact list and pick out the name Dieter.. yes..


I wake up hearing the bathroom door close loudly. Is Michael ok? Maybe I upset him by falling asleep on him.

I get up and I walk to the bathroom door. I put my hand on the knob but before I turn it to enter or I say anything, I hear him talking..

"I don't know if I should tell you this, I don't know who may be listening. There may be a group of people... they want to get rid of me. They don't want me here anymore.."

To Be Continued..



Things are getting a little bit juicy now, we're only in the 3rd chapter! What do you think is going to happen next???

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