《| Single Mom | JJK✔》PART 4


Jungkook's POV:-

Scrunching my nose, I crooked my brows as the morning sun rays made me stir in sleep. As I flapped my eyes to open them, a sharp pain made me hold my head in between my palms and I automatically closed my eyes again.


I groaned a little but heard few giggles coming from my adjacent side.

Who was in my room at this moment...? Turning towards the coming side, I saw Jeongwu...?! I creased my forehead in confusion. What was he doing in my room?

Jeongwu was awake, playing in his cradle, looking at me and then I moved my eyes around my surrounding to realise that I wasn't in my room. I was at her place, in her bedroom, sleeping in her bed. Heck! How did I even reached here?

Jeongwu giggled again, sucking his thumb and a small smile formed on my lips involuntarily. I walked up to him, carrying him in my arms and removed his thumb from his mouth.

I playfully glared him, but all I could hear again was his giggles.



I murmured under my breathe, as I remembered every single thing which happened yesterday night. I forcefully kissed her..! Shit...! Even if there were slight chances of us being together, I destroyed it myself. Now, she will never forgive me.

I saw her as she continued doing her house chores and then bought me a mug of coffee.

"I hope you are not having a severe headache anymore...."

She said and I shook my head, taking a sip from the mug.

She cut me off in the middle, her face stern.


"I know it was just a mistake and I guess it would be best if we both forget it...."

She interrupted me again.She was about to go when I grabbed her wrist, making her stop in midway.

" Do you think I am a joke to you...?"

I was frustrated. Pulling her close, I made her stand face to face with me.

"It wasn't a mistake for me...."

I said and she looked at me, her eyes speaking a lot but her lips were sealed.

How can she call the most beautiful moment of my life a mistake...? Yes, i might be drunk when I kissed her but I don't regret it a bit. I can cherish that moment all my life without any single thoughts.


"And if it was a mistake to you...."

I continued saying and pulled her more close, hardly leaving any space between us. Moving close to her ears, I let my hot breathes fan her neck.

"......why didn't you push me away...?"

I left her, taking a step back.

She was dumbfounded by now. Not knowing what to reply, she fiddled with her fingers, looking down. She was nervous. Her breathes were getting heavier and she looked here and there, avoiding any kind of eye contact with me. I loved to see her like that.

How can you love every single state of someone...? Is it possible to be so much in love...?

"You really called something a mistake which means so much to me..."

I said, shoving my hands in my pocket, staring at her.

She avoided looking at me.

"Be it in my drunk state or sober state, all I think about is you and you fuckin know that ...."

I let out a small chuckle and she finally looked up to me.

I gritted my teeths in anger. She was again doing the same thing.

"Why can't you accept your own feelings...?"

I gripped her arm, pulling her close again. A small whimper left her mouth.

"Why don't you accept the fact that you love me too...?"

I mouthed, our faces inches apart.

"I don't...."

She tried sounding stern but her voice was low.

I growled in anger and she shivered under my hold.

Still putting on a stern face, she looked at me, while wriggling to get out of my grip.

"So you don't love me...?"

I asked and she shook her head in a 'No'. My heart clenched at her answer but I was sure she was hiding way too much behind her facade.

"Then why do you worry so much about me...?"

"For the sake of humanity...."

She said instantly as if she was prepared for the comeback.

"Then why do you allow me to your home, everytime and whenever I ask? Why do I know the passcode of your home...?"

I won't give up easily.

"You are my boss, I ca-can't deny you...."

She looked away.

"Please leave my arm, let me go ...."

She closed her eyes, trying to push me away but only if she could.

"I ain't done with you...."

I yelled this time and she flinched back.


"Listen, what ever I do to you or for you is either out of respect or humanity. I would have done the same thing for anyone who would have been in your place."

She finally freed herself from my hold and rubbed her arm.

I stood still for a moment. She would have done the same things for anyone...? As she was about to go, I pulled her back again, this time holding both her arms. A loud gasp left her quivering lips, but it didn't make me stop my actions. She triggered me in the worst way possible.

I asked her. My voice unsually calm.

Your POV :-

His eyes shone darkly as he gripped me tighter. I have never seen him react in this way. Obviously, I wouldn't have let anyone kiss me. Even I don't know the reason why?! It wasn't what I meant.

"Mr-Mr. J-Jeon..."

Shit! Why do I need to shutter so badly infront of him.

"Give me a positive reply Y/N and trust me I will make you regret it your whole life..."

He said with a dangerous rise in his tone. He was so intimidating.

"No....I wouldn't let anyone kiss me..."

I blinked my eyes, looking at him as his tensed facial expressions relaxed a little but his face was still stern.

"Then why me...? Why did you let me kiss you...? Why didn't you push me away..?"

He asked something which I wanted to avoid so badly.

I tried pushing him away only to make him grip me stronger.

"Don't you dare avoid me this time....I ain't letting you away this fuckin time...!"

He yelled at me and I looked everywhere but him.

"Just accept that you have feelings for me..."

He said, this time with a low whisper and I closed my eyes turning my face away from him.

I finally let it out, pushing him away.

"....I don't want you to be a part of my complicated life...."

He looked at me, bewildered.

He creased his forehead. He was confused.

"What do you mean...?"

"Look as us both Jungkook....you have got everything to make any girl want you, you are someone who deserves the best...and I, I am just not the best for you, I am a mother of a child....the child who is not yours....why don't you get it...?"

I cannot just let him ruin his life by making him join his name with mine. He deserves much better.

"Because I actually don't get it..."

He yelled, taking a step close and I immediately stepped back, showing him my palm to make him stop.

"I can't let you ruin your life by taking our responsibility...."

"Shut up Y/N....you will ruin my life if you keep me away from you two..."

He said.

"....I - I really love Jeongwu....I really love you...."

He added a little later, his voice cracking at the end making my heart break.

I don't know if I loved him or not but this man right here, was the reason I was a little bit happy in my gloomy life. He was irritating before but once he opened himself to me, I couldn't help but fall for his caring and kind heart, which was less appreciated. He was becoming my happiness, and I couldn't keep him away too.

"Please don't say that....when I can't say it back to you...."

I pleaded him this time, joining my hands before him. Tears were flowing continuosly from my eyes but only if I could care more.

"No matter you say or not, I know that you love me Y/N..."

He said.

"....JUST ACCEPT IT...."

He yelled and I shook my head, stubbornly.

"I don't...."

I whispered, loud enough for him to hear.

"Please leave us alone....it would be better if you don't visit Jeongwu anymore...."

I said with my cold voice, my heart itself breaking into million peices seeing his pained expressions.

We both stood in silence for a while as his shocked look was replaced by a cold one.

"Fine....if you want that ....I will do that ...."

He said and I looked at him instantly.

He came closer to me, his eyes blood shot red, as he tried hard not to cry in front of me.

"Staying away from you won't stop me from loving you...."

He whispered close to my ears and without sparing any other glance, he left my apartment.

I kept looking at his retreating figure, and slid down the wall. Hugging my knees, I cried, sobbing my heart out.

Maybe I love you Jungkook, but.....but I don't deserve someone like you.


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