《Doms&Littles Academy》Chapter Twenty-one


We're back at the school and I'm a vampire now, i got a new schedule to match what i am. My room that fyi i never slept in was changed it look like the room i slept in back at the penthouse now. I hate sleeping alone i got used to sleeping with dimitri but for the last two weeks i would sleep like the dead and couldn't fight even if i wanted to.

Dimitri got me this chocker with a blue heart pendant he said it was gift since I'm now his, but it's a chocker i might be little but I'm not dumb i knew it meant i was claimed, vampires can be very possessive. I have this new habit of playing with my pendant whenever I'm nervous he keep slapping my hand aways but It's really comforting knowing that someone is there for you.

After andy and Damien kidnapping episode i needed the comfort, if i was still at home and someone kidnapped me i doubt my mother will even notice.

I got my new schedule, i had no academic classes none, my schedule was full of vampire 101 and being a little , well i guess those are more important for me to learn about now.

From what i understood from daddy i was the only new vampire little in school since most doms wait till they graduate before they change their subs.

Walking down the halls i could hear tone of whispers and rumors almost eveyone is looking at us , i do grabby hands at dimitri and he carry me the rest of the way, i had breakfast in our dorm i wasn't ready to face the cafeteria yet. My first class is little activities but this one is different, i still have miss blair but instead of littles being alone , we get new doms who'll participate with us every day. I was hoping daddy will stay with me but he shook his head no and told me we'll have aunt maria today.


I saw rory for the first time in two weeks and jumped on him trying to hug him we both fell to the floor and maria had to lift us up , i ignored her mad glance and just giggled.

Running and playing with the others was super hard for me , i got tired easily and wasn't that fast. In the second half of class i was so out of breath that i just sat with aunt maria and watched the other playing.

My day passed quickly ,well except the many many glances i had thrown my way and rumors about why i was changed but i mostly ignored them i was used to them in my old school.

I tried hard food for dinner since my breakfast was cereal and lunch was soup. Anyways dinner is real food i had steak, mashed potatoes with some veg. Food still taste amazing thank god. After dinner i said goodnight to everyone and we went to our dorm.

I was wearing diapers the whole day since i couldn't control my blader yet, no one made fun of me about it since it was hidden under my skirt and it's common. Daddy gave me my bath with bubbles and toys. He dressed me footie pijama and sat down to give me my bottle it had blood in it but i was full so i only drank half of it, blood make feel full like food which is still weird for me.

Daddy said it was my bed time and carried me to my room where the crib is. Uh uh wrong room i tried to squirm out of his hold but he wouldn't let go, he set me in my crib and told me to sleep.

"Nuuuuuuuuu" i screamed

"Little girl it's time to sleep" he says calmly


"Nu nu nu I'm not sleepy " i scream again

"Don't Raise Your Voice. I said it's bed time now close your eyes and sleep " ~dimitri

"Nu nu i want to sleep with you" i try another technique

"Little girls sleep in their cribs" ~dimitri

"Nuuuuuu they sleep with daddy" i oppose

"Sophia daddy got some things to do. And if i put you in my bed alone you'll fall. Now close your eyes and go to sleep you got school tomorrow" ~dimitri

I start kicking and screaming "no sleep alone" , "i hate crib" , "i want daddy"

I thought i won when dimitri picked me up and went to his room , he sat on the bed. Just when i thought i won he took my pj off slid down my diaper and gave me the spanking of my life.

"When daddy " smack "says it's time" smack "for bed" smack "you go to sleep" smack smack "you don't" smack "scream" smack "yell" smack "or cry" smack smack.

He fixed my clothes and made straddle his lap while he comforted me. When i calmed down he took me to my crib and set me down i didn't dare to throw another tantrum. I just cried my self to sleep.

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