《Doms&Littles Academy》Chapter Eighteen


Days came and go, i was never alone i had the best daddy ever with me , i had my friend rory and my uncles and aunt maria.

I had a new schedule in school mostly little classes with my daddy and other doms, they kept saying I'm almost ready, i had no idea what i was ready for but apparently I'm almost there.

Today i have a physical examination, i wasn't looking forward to it. Daddy dress me in a pink sweater with overalls jeans but my hair in a bun and put my socks and shoes on. He drag me to the clinic , yes we have a full clinic at school other then the nurse office who would've known.

The doctor take my height and weight i finally hit the 100 pound and I'm finally considered healthy. He check my body i got no bruises or cuts, daddy never hit or spank hard enough to bruise which I'm grateful for. He tries to take some blood , well try cause i kept crying and fighting too afriad of needles.

Daddy pinned me down while the doctor took some blood then injected some stuff in me, i had no idea what was happening.

After crying my self to sleep i woke up in our bedroom with me cradled against dimitri.

"Can i talk to big sophie please " he ask and i nod trying to wake up and be big me.

"We need to have a talk sweetheart, you want some coffee?" i shake my head no i hate coffee " want pepsi?" i nod yes, i have no idea why he's trying to put caffeine in me but I'm not gonna complain. He keep a hand on the pepsi can so it won't fall from me.

"Okay baby your blood results just came in" he says oww maybe I'm sick?


"Your blood is compatible, i want you to be changed, the doctor assured me it's safe and you'll survive. You'll be changed in a few days" he says matter of facts, as if i had no say about it, well i don't but he could try and make it sound a little softer.

I let go of the pepsi can, good thing he's holding it with me. I go out running , i don't know where I'm going but i need time to process what just happened, i reach the garden and sit outside to think.

He just informed me I'm gonna be changed to a vampire!! The law is actually with him not me, he's my dom and he's a vampire which gives him the upper hand in our relation.

If he want to change me to a vampire there is nothing i could do about it, some wait till their sub are a little older but he want me to stay sixteen. I won't age above sixteen, my skin will be flawless my eye vision would be perfect , I'll look like a porcelain doll. A doll that would never grow up, he wanted a baby that never grew up and he'll get one.

I could still have children i learned that in my classes , they'll grow like a normal human but would never look a day older then twenty-five. Just like their father while I'll always be the same, the change is done in a hospital I'll be sedated and will feel nothing but when i wake up it will take me time to be able to control my body and muscles , I'll be a baby dependent on him.

Again i was lost in my thoughts, i didn't even notice the presence with me, it was andy and he looked pissed more then usual.

"I heard rumors that the prince is changing you" he spit the words in my face as if they are the most disgusting thing ever.

"But well you're lucky someone promised me lot's of good things in exchange to delivering you to him" he says the last words and spray something in my face ,everything goes dark.

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