《Doms&Littles Academy》Chapter Fourteen


I've started coming to this school when my best friend dimitri did, his father in the don of our family while mine is his right hand ,the under boss.

We aren't related by blood but we are all a family, when we got classified we both knew we were gonna be doms , but being daddy dom was kind of a shocker, i didn't even know we had a soft side.

No little catched our interest, we did mess around with other subs but no one special. Well until rory came in , he was such a cute little thing. I saw him for the first time in sir Milo class , one of the other little was bugging him so i stepped in. For the first week he kept trying to avoid me or run away every time i get close to him.

I told Madame P. that i wanted him and so did two other doms , when he was asked who he wanted he cried and ran out scared. I used everything i had to convince Madame P. to let him be mine , i begged, i threatened, i tried to bribe her and i even shed a few tears till she said yes. We all had a talk and he agreed to be my non official baby, for the next week he was mine. The week afterwards came sophia and they became friends, somehow seing sophia and knowing she's gonna be dimitri's baby girl made him agree to finally be officially mine.

We finished our first semester in school , since we take classes all year long we finished the summer semester and started the fall one.

It's Halloween the best holiday of all, and this year i have a little to dress and play with, i dress rory in sweat pants and a hoodie that says "property of daddy"


And his converse something to keep him warm but also easy to change to so he can try on his costume.

We met with dimitri and sophia who's also dressed in sweats , we all head toward the custom store. I give rory the don't leave my hand talk and head inside , it's packed since all subs get to wear costumes. Most doms just wear jeans and shirt, not bothering.

Sophia chose a blue cinderella costume of course she wanna be a princess while my rory is being picky, he refused every outfit i chosen for him stating he want to be scary and not cute. After much more debating and searching we decide on a devil costume which made him look adorable but i wouldn't break his heart and tell him that.

The next day i dress my baby in black pants, black sweater put on his red plastic horn , tail and wings cause why not and gave him his pitchfork, Maria came by and added a bit of make up to make him look "scary" -still adorable in my eyes- and we were good for the day.

The little didn't have any classes today, they get to go over the doms classes for trick or treating. I didn't see rory today yet , they won't come to our class till fourth period.

Finally when the fourth period came so did my little boy , he ran straight to me he looked a bit pale.

"You okay baby boy" i ask while petting his hair.

"Daddy my stomach hurt" rory says in his little voice , he slipped a couple times so far, whenever he get in troubles or scared.

I lift his head and check his forehead his a little warm to touch and he's clutching his stomach.

"Rory how much candy did you have" i ask in my daddy voice he squirm and try to get away from me but i won't let him. "Little boy i asked you a question"


He lift both his hand and show me all his fingers, He Ate How Much Candy.

My eyes widen with shock no wonder his stomach hurt , i never allow him more then one candy a day.

I take his hand a drag him with me toward dimitri who's fussing over his little princess

"Princess how many candy did you ate " i ask her

She raise three fingers "daddy said only thee before dinner"

Well at least one of us thought about setting limits.

"What's wrong vin" ~dimitri

"Rory ate too much candy , I'm taking him to the nurse. I was just checking that sophia don't have a stomach ache too" i inform and he nods, sophia and rory are now family to us and we take care of family.

I drag him to the nurse office after she check on him she suggested i give him some laxative and feed him bland food for the rest of the day. We spent half the lunch time in the bathroom with rory crying and whining, the other half me trying to feed him lunch.

He asked to go back with his friend but i refused he was a bad boy, he knew better then to eat that much candy. My next class was with Victor, i tried to sit rory in my lap but he kept squirming off , so i popped him on the thighs.

"Daddy can i sit alone" he asked me with tears in his eyes , i know he want to be with his friends. So i compromised and put him in an empty desk between me and Victor.

Our teacher was Mistress angela, although she was anything but an angel.

"Ow i didn't know i had Lucifer in my class" she purred at rory and he paled "who do you belong to little devil, i might just keep you for my self" she pop his nose and he side hug my arm.

He did ask to sit alone so it serves him right, half way through the class rory got up and sat in Victor lap! Victor not mine. He isn't even a daddy dom , i can feel my eyes goes dark , vampires are supper possessive and that little boy belong to me.

"Excuse me Mistress" i say to our teacher and she nods.

I get up from my seat , take hold of rory arm i pull him with too much force off victor lap land two smack on his ass and drag him to sit on my lap with my arms possessively around him, he whimper and squirm but i don't let him go. He start crying so i stuck his paci on again with too much force and growl "mine".

"I do love a bit of jealousy" mistress angela says and laugh her signature dark laugh.

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