《Doms&Littles Academy》Chapter six


After lunch dimitri keep a hold on my hand and no matter how much i try i can't get him to let me go. I can see rory giggling at me and i mouth the word traitor which him laugh even more. Dimitri walks me to my class while the guy who brought me to their table in the first place the one who i learned his name is vincent take hold of rorys hand and it's his turn to struggle which made me giggle. Yeah karma is a bitch.

Our next class is history but ow no not normal history, it's the history of doms and subs and how this new law made the world a better place. I take advantage of the boring class to talk to rory.

"So you and vincent " ~sophia

"Don't strat he's been trying to be my daddy since i got here" i open my mouth to ask the obvious but he beats me to it "yes I'm gay but vincent scare me"

Oww that does make sense vincent is a giant compared to rory.

"Someone catched the eye of the prince" rory tease and i don't get it.

"Dimitri he's the vitale prince" rory state and my mouth open in a O shape.

The rest of the class I'm once again lost in my own thoughts, our last class for the day is dom and littles i walk in the class with rory to see vincent and Dimitri and another guy from their table. I take hold of rory hand and drag him toward the other end of the class away from dimitri.

The teacher come in introduce himself as Sir Milo, he's definitely a dom a hot one. The class is about trusting your dom, listening to your little, trust ,compromising, what to expect and what to give back.


"Okay kids i want you pared, if your dom is in this class go sit with them" sir milo says.

Vincent and dimitri come toward us vincent drag a whining rory with him while dimitri take a seat next to me.

"Today's exercise is communication, talk to your partner i want you to tell me three interesting fact about him or her" ~sir milo

I turn to dimitri he's looking at me and it make me blush and look down, he put two fingers under my chin and raise them till our eyes meet.

"Ask away kitten" ~dimitri

"Where are you from?" ~sophia

"Russia" ~dimitri

"How long have you been a daddy dom"~sophia

"Since i was one hundred years old" ~dimitri

"You were born a vampire?" ~sophia

"Yes kitten i was born this way" ~dimitri

"You had a little before"~sophia

"No i was never interested until ...well until you"~dimitri

"How old are you" ~sophia i say and fight a blush

"Uh-uh that's a rude question kitten" ~dimitri

"Now it's my turn" ~dimitri

I nod and he start asking

"Siblings?" ~sophia

"Only child"~dimitri

"Parent?" ~dimitri

"Father is dead....mum....mum disowned me.." ~sophia

"It's okay kitten were you always a a little"~dimitri

"No i never thought i am till i moved here" ~sophia

"Good" ~dimitri

Our time is up and now we have to share what we found out about our partner when it's our time dimitri went first.

"My baby is an only child who need to be spoiled, she blushes easily and she got a big heart" dimitri says and i blush.

Now it's my turn "uhh...he's from russia....he was borned a vampire....and he won't tell me his age" i say the last one with a pout.

After our class is over tasha and timy came to get me, they said Madame P wanted to see me and dimitri.


The weird part all three of them greeted each other by saying "cousin" of course they are related.

Back at Madame P. Office , we all walk in and take a seat.

"Well dimitri I'm glad to see someone finally got your attention" she says with a smile.

"Well little girl this isn't how we usually do things but well....dimitri is kind of a special case.

Well he....he put claims on you, so other doms won't dare to get close to you. So to avoid any problems i need to ask you if you agree to give dimitri a chance if you say no I'll make him back off and you can meat other doms too" she says and sigh in frustration.

"She didn't even spend a full day and you already claimed her cousin you work fast" ~timy

They all look at me waiting for an answer, I'm still new to all this i had no idea what to do , but i knew dimitri isn't someone to be messed with so i decided to give it a chance and i nod my head yes.

"Words kitten" ~dimitri

"Yes" ~sophia

"Yes what?" ~dimitri says with a raised eyebrow

"Yes ....d-d-daddy" ~sophia, damn he made me say it.

"Good girl"~dimitri

"Sophia you'll stay in your current room till the end of the week, dimitri will walk you in and out of classes and he will talk you about rules and punishment. Now you are all dismissed" Madame P.

I walk out still dizzy , not knowing what i got what i get myself in to, was it a mistake. I have a bad headache now, i need to be alone, Dimitri is talking with his cousins i make my escape and go to my room. I have a lot to think about.

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