《Our Arrange Marriage ( Sequel Of Be Mine.(Completed).》Another Shock.


Jahan family was present on breakfast table. Everyone was having their breakfast. Jahan's both sisters also arrived from Dubai as they got the news of Mr Ahmad's heart attack. Maliha was also there seated next to Aarib and both were busy in talking while having their breakfast. Roshaane was glaring at both of them and was not liking the frankness of Maliha with Aarib.

"Where is Haseeb?" Asked Mr Ahmad about his grandchild who was son of Sana.

"Maybe on walk Dad." Replied sana and passed juice to her husband.

Jahan was busy in his breakfast quietly. Sameer and Shazam were quietly eating while Aabia was lost in her own thoughts.

"Pass me the newspaper." Mr Ahmad said and Aarib passed the newspaper to Mr Ahmad.

As Mr Ahmad opened the news paper,his eyes widened on the first news appeared on it. He was shocked to read the words.

"Jahan...what's...what's...this?" Said Mr Ahmad looking at the top news of newspaper.

"What happened dad?" Asked Jahan worriedly and took the newspaper from Mr Ahmad's hand who was going pale.

"What happened Dadu?" Asked Aarib worriedly as Mr Ahmad's breath start getting heavy.

Jahan looked at the newspaper and his eyes widened.

The business tycoon of Pakistan and the CEO of J Companies Mr Aarham Jahan Ahmad got shot three week ago.

The headlines were written on the top of the newspaper which shocked Jahan.

Aarham Jahan Ahmad was being attacked and he was admitted for the last three weeks in the international hospital of Australia.

The next lines made Jahan more worried. He looked up shocked.

"Dad." He yelled as he saw Mr Ahmad getting sweaty.

"Aar...Aarham." Mr Ahmad called him and all ran to Mr Ahmad and held him.

Sameer and Aarib held Mr Ahmad and walked to the hall while everyone followed them. All ladies were not understanding that what happened all of sudden. Aabia took the newspaper and as she read the news,she got worried as the news got leaked which they tried to hide.

"What happened? Why Dadu is feeling pain?" Shazam asked as he saw Mr Ahmad rubbing his left arm again.

"Dad calm down. Nothing happened." Jahan said and zeeniya and Mrs Ahmad looked at them not understanding that what happened all of sudden.

Aabia cakee running and sat next to her Dadu who was breathing heavily and with much difficulty.

"Call the ambulance." Jahan said while Aabia held Mr Ahmad's hand.

"He's fine. Nothing happened to him Dadu. Trust me. Aarham is fine." Said Aabia and pressed his left arm with her hands.

Roshaane start crying as she saw Mr Ahmad like this. Zeeniya got panicked while sameer and Shazam were not understanding that what should they do. Shams called the ambulance and returned to see his Dadu who was fighting against death.

"Hey Dadu what happened? Please just keep looking at us." Aarib said cupping his Dadu's face while Shazam start cleaning the sweat of Mr Ahmad from his forehead.

"He read the news of Aarham's attack." Said Aabia looking at Aarib who get shocked and so did all who didn't know the news.

Zeeniya fell down on the sofa in shock and Sameer looked at his sister as to know what she said was true or just he heard her wrong. Shazam's hand stopped on his Dadu's forehead while Mrs Ahmad went back in shock.

"Dadu he's fine. He's perfectly fine now. Nothing happened to him." Aarib said while Mr Ahmad's eyes start closing down.


"Dad." Yelled Hammad,Waqas and Jahan together.

"Aarham." The last words said Mr Ahmad before closing his eyes and all got panicked.

"Ambulance is here." Said Shams who entered the house.

"What happened to Nanu all of sudden?" Asked Haseeb looking at his mother who just came back after his walk but then went to his Nanu who was laying lifelessly.

Mr Ahmad was taken to the ambulance and everyone followed the ambulance in their cars. Their hearts were beating in fear. On one side,they were worried for Aarham and on other hand,Mr Ahmad was scaring them. Every heart was praying for the happiness which they always felt in their homes and lives. For the ones who were close to their hearts and they never wanted to lose them.

"Aarham." I called looking at his sleeping face which was looking so peaceful.

Caressing his cheek, I keep looking at him who was looking so adorable while sleeping. Leaning down,I pressed my lips on his forehead and saw him opening his eyes. At first sight of me,his lips stretched into a smile while he held my hand in his and brought it closer to his heart while closing his eyes again.

"Mr Aarham Jahan Ahmad." I called him and he opened his eyes again to see me.

"Get up. Its 1 pm. You have to take your medicine after lunch." I said while brushing his hair with my fingers.

"I slept a lot these days." He said while getting up a little and I helped him in it.

"That's because of the medicines." Saying,I buttoned up his shirt whose first two buttons were opened.

"Are we going to have the bandage changing session today?" He asked and I looked down remembering last night when I changed his bandage.

"No." I said tried to hide my smile.

"What? No please. See I have to change it or it will be infected." He said and I giggled looking at his innocent face.

"Okay then do it by yourself." I said while getting up but he held my hand stopping me on my place.

"Mrs Aarham will do it for me." Whispering, he moved closer to me and cupped my face and I felt a tingle in my heart as his fingers brushed with my ear and jaw.

"Will you?" Ye asked and my eyes moved to met his.

Nodding,I made him smile. Leaning closer, he pressed his lips on my forehead. His thumb was caressing my jaw while he rested his forehead on mine. Goosebumps were rising on my skin where his thumb was touching me. As his thumb stopped closed to my lips,I stopped my breath and then I felt his thumb touching the outline of my lower lip.

"You know what!" He paused and realised a breath which fanned my face making my eyes to close down.

"What?" I asked as I opened my eyes to see him.

"Whenever I touch your mole,the desire to kiss your lips increased in me more." He said which made my heart to stop to beat for a second and eyes lowered down with shyness.

"Whenever I touch them,I want to feel them with my lips." He whispered and I felt him coming closer to my lips.

My eyes closed down while breath stopped in my chest. His every word was making me shy. The way his thumb was touching my lip, I wanted to hide as shyness overload on me.


"Mehak." He called in a whisper.

"Hmm." I just could say that.

"I want to kiss you." I heard his whisper close to my lips and I felt my heart to stop at any minute.

Its beat was so fast that I could feel it beating in my palms. My cheeks heated up on his words and lips trembled. As he was coming closer,I held his shirt from front tightly and waited for his lips to touch mine.

My eyes snapped open on the voice and so did his. We looked at each other and then turned our head toward the table where the cell phone was ringing continuously. Sighing,he rested his forehead on mine and smiled.

"I think we have to wait for the kiss." He said kissing my cheek and moved back to take the mobile while I get up to hide from his intense eyes which were fixed on me all the time.

But as I did,he held my hand and pulled me back to him. Answering the call,he kept his eyes all the time on me.

But as he answered the call,I saw his face colour changed and his grip on my hand loosen. I saw him worried.

"Is...is...he okay?" He asked and I felt him moving ahead with a force of shock which made him hiss in pain.

"Aarham you okay?" I asked as I placed my hand on his chest.

"I'm..I'm..coming." I heard him and he cut the call.

"What happened? Is everything okay?" I asked looking at him who was shocked.

On the next second,he pulled me in his arms and hugged me tightly. I was shocked that what happened to him all of sudden. Dipping his face in my neck,I felt him sobbing which made more worried. Caressing his back,I tried to relax him.

"Everything will be okay." I said calming him,to relieve him.

He moved back and i looked at him. I was shocked to see his tears.

"Dadu...Dadu." He paused as his words couldn't come out from his mouth and he closed his eyes.

"What happened to Dadu?" Asking,I waited for his reply.

"He's in hospital. Got heart attack." He said and I felt more tears running down on his cheek.

"What?" I was shocked on the news.

"We have to go. I can't..can't stay here." Said Aarham and I nodded.

"Listen to me first." I said holding his hands.

"He'll be fine. You have to believe that just pray for his life." I said and he nodded.

"I'm going to confirm our tickets. Just pack the luggage." He said while stepping down the bed and I nodded.

I went directly to the dressing room and packed our luggage and took his dress out. I took my dress and Abaya out and went to him who was roaming here and there restlessly.

"Change your clothes." I said looking at him who was looking so tensed.

Nodding,he went to change while I packed his medicines and reports and saw him coming out of the washroom.

"In an hours,we are departing." He said and I gave a nod while going to change into my dress.

After changing, I came out with all the luggage and saw Aarham entering the room.

"I went to inform Abbas and Ali. My attack news got leaked." He said and my eyes widened.

"How?" I asked going to him.


"I just saw the newspaper and Abbas told me that the reporters are out there in a huge amount. We gave to hurry to go from here." He said and I got worried.

"Everything will be okay." He said while taking his mobile and wallet.

I wore my Abaya and put my Hijab on. I took my hand bag while we both stepped out of the room. Abbas and Ali followed us. Our luggage was already taken down and we checked out from the hotel. As we stepped out of the hotel,I was froze as I saw a crowd of reporters in front of hotel with their cameras and mike. I was shocked. That time I got to know that how much my husband was famous and how successful and big business man he was. Putting on his goggles, he held my hand while Abbas and Ali made way for us to our car.

"Sir have you any idea who attacked you?"

"Sir why you kept this news secret?"

"Who's your enemy?"

"Does your family knows about this attack?"

"Mrs Aarham would you like to say something about the attack?"

All the questions were asked by the reporters while me and Aarham keep walking quietly. He was holding my hand firmly while Abbas and Ali were covering us. We just got in our car and I took a breath of relieve. I could see all the reporters were international.

"You okay?" He asked and I nodded.

"Let's go Ali." Aarham said and the car started.

We reached airport and fly to our country where our beloved relations were waiting for us.

I was scared. Scared of losing my Dadu. My heart was crying from inside. I wanted to reach there as soon I could. Finally our flight landed on Karachi airport and we checked out. As we stepped out of the airport,again I saw a crowd of am reporters running to us. I turned to see her who got scared. Holding her hand in mine,I walked while again so many questions were being asked by the reporters but I was not in the condition to answer.

"Mr Aarham do you have any doubt that who wants to kill you?"

One of the reporter asked but I ignored him and get in my car with Mehak. Abbas and Ali followed us.

"Go directly to the hospital." I said to the driver and start waiting impatiently to see my Dadu.

Our car stopped in front of the hospital and again there,I saw a lot of reporters. Ali and Abbas reached us and we both stepped out of the car. I could see Sameer and Shazam with Shams on the entrance of hospital waiting for us to approach them. Holding Mehak's hand,I start walking avoiding the countless questions of media. As I stepped in,I saw sameer ran to me and hugged me.

"Bhai you okay?" He asked as he held me more tightly.

"Ahh." I hissed in pain as he held me tightly.

He moved back immediately and looked at me with concern. Smilingly I nodded telling him that I was okay.

"How's Dadu?" I asked looking at Shams who was looking at me and I could see how he was trying to hide his tears.

"I'm fine." I said and hugged him slightly.

"How's Dadu now?" I asked looking at them.

"He's not good." Answered Shazam which made my heart to stop for a second.

"He got very serious heart attack. We were asked to keep him away from any stress when he got first heart attack." Shams said and I stopped and turned to him who was following me.

"When Dadu got heart attack before?" I asked shocked.

"Two weeks ago." Said Sameer and I tried hard to control my pain from coming out.

"He saw the news of your attack and again he suffered from this heart attack." Shams said and I closed my eyes as I felt pain ridieng in my heart.

"I want to see him." I said while moving toward the elevator.

I saw Mehak coming behind us. We all stepped in the elevator and she stood next to me but my heart was praying for the life of my Dadu. I just wanted to see him. The fear of losing him was increasing in me more. I felt a hand on mine and I turned to see her who was relaxing me.

"He'll be fine Insha Allah." She said and I gave a nod.

I stepped out of the elevator with my Mehak who was holding my hand all the time. I could feel her calming me,telling that everything will be okay but still my heart was scared.

"Aarham." As mom saw me,she ran to me and hugged me.

"You...you okay son?" Asked mom looking at me and I smiled with a nod.

"I'm fine mom. Tell me how's my Dadu?" I asked impatiently.

"Son." I saw Dad coming to me and he hugged me.

"You okay?" He asked and I nodded.

One by one all gathered around me and start hugging me,asking about me but what I was asking them,they were not answering. I was happy to see their love for me but the one who was more important than me was in critical situation. My Dadu. My life. I saw Dadi Sahib coming to me with tears and I hugged her and caressed her back consoling her.

"He'll be fine Dadi Sahib." I said and kissed her head.

"He was calling you." Said Dadi Sahib.

"I know. I'm here now. He has to come back to us all." I said and she gave me light smile.

I was about to go to Dadu's room but stopped as my eyes went to her who was seated alone with tears.

"Roshaane." I called her and went closer to her.

She looked up and I could see how scared she was.

"Hey Guriya come here." I called her and she got up while crying with hiccups.

I moved closer to her and hugged her and she broke down into tears.

"Bhai." She cried while holding me tightly.

"Shhh...I'm fine. Don't cry." I consoled her.

"I'm..I'm..scared." She said and I knew the feeling because I was scared too.

"Me too hut nothing will happened." I said and moved back to wipe her tears.

"Bhai is here. Nothing will happened okay!" I said and she nodded.

I looked at everyone and looked at the room where ICU was written making my heart beat fast in fear. I stepped in the room and saw my Dadu laying lifelessly with that machines which were scaring me. That oxygen mask on his face and needle inserted in his hand was making me cry. I never wanted to see him like this. He was always full of life and now when his lifeless figure was in front of me,I was getting scared,feeling hurt.

"Dadu." Calling him,I sat next to him and held his hand.

"Dadu." I called him again.

"I'm here. Your Aarham is here Dadu." I said again as many tears left my eyes.

I saw movement in his eyes and slowly, he opened his eyes making me smile. Getting up,I leaned on his face and looked at him who smiled a little as he saw me.

"Dadu." I called him and kissed his forehead with love.

"Aar..ham." Dadu called me and I smiled as I heard his voice.

"Your Aarham Dadu. I'm fine. Please get well soon. We have to do a lot of things together." I said wiping his tears.

"Aa..Aarham." He called me again and I saw his breath getting heavier with every passing second.

"Dadu." I got shocked as I saw his condition.

I could see him breathing with much difficulty even with oxygen mask which made me more worried.

"Doctor." I yelled for doctor as I saw Dadu's condition going worse.

I ran out to call doctors and soon all doctors rushed inside while I keep looking at Dadu who was fighting against death.

"You have to win. You have to come back." I whispered looking at him through the glass of door.

Many tears left my eyes looking my dear Dadu who was trying hard to come back to life. Doctors were injecting him,checking him doing everything but I could see he was going far from us. I saw Dadu opened his eyes and he looked at me. I saw his lips tried to smile and then his eyes closed down while I faltered on my feet with shock.

All Ahmad family was waiting outside the ICU and their hearts were praying for the life of Mr Ahmad. Every eyes was moist and lips were praying. Aarham was shocked on his place on what he saw,on what he felt.

Few minutes later,the door opened and doctors canee out. Aarib and Aarham ran to the doctors while Shams held Dadi Sahib. Everyone fixed their eyes and ears on doctors who were looking down.

"My Dadu...is..is he okay?" Asked Aarham with hope in his eyes.

"Tell us doctor is Dadu okay?" Aarib asked holding his heart.

"We are sorry. We couldn't save him." Doctor said and both Aarib and Aarham faltered on their feet on the words they heard.

"I'm sorry Mr Jahan but Mr Ahmad is no more." And the bomb blasted on Jahan family.

Everyone went back in shock as they heard the news. No words were coming out from their mouth, their breaths even to stopped in their chest.

"We are sorry." Doctors said and moved from there leaving all of them shocked on their places.

"Dadi Sahib." Mehak yelled as Mrs Najma Ahmad fell down on the ground losing her senses.

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