《Our Arrange Marriage ( Sequel Of Be Mine.(Completed).》First Morning!


I moved a little but find some weight on my arm. I slowly open my eyes and turn to my left side. The most beautiful sight was in front of me. I turn completely to left side and just keep looking at the face which was fluttering my heart. Mehak was sleeping so close to me. Her head was placed on my left arm and she was deeply in her slumber. I smiled and removed the hair strands from her face. She moved a little on my touch and then she turn to me which make her head touched my chest. I just keep looking at her. She was here so close to me. Strange tingling were teasing me. She pulled the blanket on her shoulders and snuggle more in me. Her hand reached my shirt holding it tightly while her head rested on the side of my chest. My heart jumped as I feel the warmth of her body next to mine. Her warm hand was on my chest holding my shirt tightly in her fist. I didn't understand what to do. My arms moved up to wrap around her but then I stopped. I just keep thinking what to do. My heart was compelling me to hold her in my arms while my mind was stopping me. What if she got up then??? I sighed and put my arms again aside. My eyes moved to the clock placed on the side table. It was still 4 of the morning. My heart was beating as hell. I look down at her pretty face. Her breath was fanning my neck making me restless. My arms were itching to be wrapped around her but I was stopping myself. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes tightly. But her breath,her feel,her closeness, her warmth was disturbing me. For once I thought to wake her up. But then I stopped myself because I knew if she woke up then she'll again be on the distance from me and for now I just wanted to keep feeling her close.

"Mehak." I whispered her name while my fingers start playing with her hair.

Her head moved and she came more closer to my heart while making my heart restless. Her feet touched my feet creating sensations in my body. I never felt like this. I never being close to anyone like this. No one was this close to me ever and now suddenly all this. I was not understanding what was happening inside my heart. Sweet torture she was giving me.

"Sleep Aarham." I said to myself and nodded on my thought.

I closed my eyes but her feel was still with me.

We were laying together close,so close to each other. Her breath her feel was disturbing me. I just couldn't hold myself and slowly and hesitantly I put my hand on her shoulder to feel her close. I keep my eyes closed and fall again into sleep.


I snuggle more in something. I feel so good. The warmth the feel was so good. Few,seconds passed and I realized something.

Where I'm sleeping???

My eyes snapped open. As my eyes opened,I saw a white T-shirt. My hands tightly holding it. I moved a little back and saw his sleeping face. I was almost glued with his body. My arms were on his chest. His arms were not holding me but her right hand was placed on my shoulder.

What I did???

Mehak how can you do this??

I scolded myself and slowly moved back creating distance between us. My heart was beating as hell. I suddenly missed the warmth of his body next to me. My cheeks flashed red when I thought of me sleeping all the night like this near him. I checked the time and it was half past five. It was Fajar time. I look again at his sleeping face which was looking so peaceful. My lips stretched into a smile. I slowly made my way out of the bed and went in the washroom to do the ablution. After the Wudu I came out and covered my head with that heavy dupatta of my wedding dress in namaz style. I start offering my prayer after placing prayer mat on the ground. As I completed my prayer,I made Dua.


Pyaare Allah G. Thank you for everything. For blessing me all this. I just want you keep blessing us. And as he's dying to fall in love with me. I'm too dying to fall for him. I want to be on love with him madly. So please Allah(SWT) connect our heart and fill with each other's love. Ameen.

I completed my Dua with a smile and got up taking my prayer mat. As I turn to the bed side,his eyes captured me. I startled for a second and then look down. He was seated and was looking at me. I was feeling his gaze. It was now getting difficult for me to move. His not moving gaze was disturbing me and I start biting my lips in nervousness. I look up again at him who was still seated in the same position and his eyes fixed on me.

"Its...its..getting late for Fajar prayer." I said looking at him.

And I saw the most beautiful smile on his lips. He nodded and I saw him coming out of the bed but before going to washroom he whispered something in my ear which freeze me on the spot.

"You made my morning beautiful." He whispered and rushed in the washroom leaving me in a shock.

I smiled on his thought and walked back to the bed. I sat down and saw him coming out. He didn't look at me but took prayer mat and start offering his prayer. My eyes refused to avert from him. His every feature my eyes were following. His lower eyes whose lashes were so beautiful. His beautiful nose,his cheeks,and his moving lips. His jaw,his chin and his long attractive neck. I was just lost and forget that it's not good to keep looking at someone when he's offering prayer. But it was not in my control. My heart wanted to keep looking at him. My eyes were stuck on him. My eyes were following his every move but refusing to avert from him. My heart was beating in different rhythm. Something I never feel before was developing inside my heart.

"You know its bad to keep gazing someone when he's in condition of prayer." His voice snapped me out of my gazing.

He turned his head to me and I saw a smile on his lips. My head and eyes lower down.

What I was doing?? How can I gaze him like this??

What would he be thinking about me??

Mehak you are such a stupid person.

I was scolding myself mentally while playing with my fingers. He didn't say anything further so I look up at him who was making Dua(Supplication). Again I was lost. My heart was fluttering. I could feel my heart beat in my ears. I was lost again in watching him. I saw him getting up after completing his Dua. But my eyes were stuck on him.

"I told you not to gaze when...!" He paused and turned to me.

Now I was in trouble!!

I look down immediately and hold my beating heart. Nervousness overwhelmed me when I feel him walking to me. My fingers tangled with each other and then I felt him seated in just front of me on bed. I didn't dare to look where again I will lost myself. I just keep looking down. Suddenly a current run in body when his cold hand cupped my face and lift it up to make my eyes met with his. Our eyes met and the world stopped. He was seated so close to me. I could feel his breath. My heart was about to come out from my ribcage.


"You know your eyes disturb me in my all prayer." He whispered looking in my eyes.

What he'll be thinking about me that why I was looking at him madly??

I'm stupid!!


But still I wanted to keep looking at him. My eyes and my heart were not listening me. His touch his closeness and his beautiful eyes everything was capturing me in his glamour.

"I'm....I'm...sorry." I stutter while saying.

"Sorry!!?" He said and I lowered my eyes.

"I was...was...just.....I'm...sorry....that...I..." I was saying or can I say stuttering when his thumb touched my lips to stop me.

I look up at him whose heated thumb was pressed on my lips sending chills to my spine. I saw him leaning closer. My breath stuck and I freeze.

"You made my heart beat faster with your gaze." He whispered in my ear.

He moved back to see me. I feel shy on his words. I didn't know what to say what to do. Strange feelings but I was liking it all.

"See my heart beat!" He said and hold my hand only to place it on his heart.

My heart jumped on his act. He put his hand on mine and I just keep feeling his beating heart under my hand. It was feeling so good. I look at my hand and then up at him. He was already looking at me. I didn't tried to move my hand but I just keep feeling his beat under my hand.

"You make it run more faster with your touch." His confessions were making me nervous.

I look down with red face. This time I really didn't dare to look up at him. He leaved my hand and I took it back in my lap. I look up when his hand slipped my dupatta from my head. My hair which were tied in a bun slipped and my hair hanged on my shoulder.

"Just wanted to see your hair." He whispered again.

"Come sleep before I lost myself completely." He said and jumped to his side.

I just keep seated there looking at my hand. I was feeling his eyes on me.

"Mehak." He called me.

And I love it when he took my name. It made me love my name when he took it. I don't know what was happening to me but whatever it was I was just drawn into it.

I look at him and lay down on my side and covered myself with blanket. I turned to face him who was looking at me. I put my right hand under my face.

"I..I never sleep after Fajar prayer." I said looking at him.

"So from now you'll sleep after Fajar prayer." He said.

"I don't feel sleepy." I said and he smiled.

"We still have a lot of time for the breakfast. So till than sleep." He said and I felt his finger touched my eyelids.

My heart jumped with his just a simple touch. I look down and bite my lips in nervousness as his fingers were continuously running on my eyelids.

"Sleep." He whispered and I look up at him.

"And if you are not feeling sleepy then...!" He paused and I waited for him to continue.

My body stiffened when I saw him moving closer. Closer. More closer until we were just an inch away from each other. My breath was stuck and my heart it was running wildly. His warm finger removed the,hair strand from my temple and tug it behind my ear. He just keep looking in my eyes and I was so lost in his hypnotic eyes. His fingers were caressing my ear. He was,so close that the heat of his body was consuming me.

"If you don't want to sleep then you can gaze me like you are doing now.!" His whisper bring me back from my lost senses and my eyes immediately lowered down.

"Something..!" My body stiffened when he leaned on my ear.

I hold the blanket tightly and closed my eyes tightly. What he was doing to me???

He didn't touch me nor did something but still I was feeling all the sensations and tingling in my body just with his whisper. I was going mad. This was all new.

"Something....Something is happening!" He whispered again and moved back.

But I didn't open my eyes. I just keep closing my eyes. I was afraid to meet his gaze which fluttered my heart.

"You can open your eyes now." I heard his voice.

I slowly open my eyes to see him who was now on his side laying but looking at me.

"I'm going to sleep now. You can gaze me as much as you want." He said and my eyes lower down.

How can he use such words!!??

I heard his chuckle but didn't look up. I was feeling so embarrassed. I just keep looking at the blanket. Few time,passed and I dare to look up at him. I sighed when I find him sleeping. His beautiful eyes were closed while his body was covered in blanket showing only his arms out of it. My lips smiled looking at his face. He was right. I was gazing him again. Sleep was far from my eyes and I was again losing myself in him. I don't know what these feelings were. When I didn't saw him,I was connected to his name. Without seeing him I was connected to him and now when I saw him I feel myself fall for him. His name,his feel,his presence,his words everything was pulling me. Something strange I was feeling in my beating heart which was making it to run more faster.

I don't know how much time passed when I was looking at him without blinking. I feel the urge inside me to touch his face. His eyes,his nose,his cheeks and his lips. My eyes lower down for a second on my own thought with shyness. I look up again and my eyes captured his hands. I wanted to hold his hands. To feel his fingers with my hands. I was lost in watching him when a knock on the door wake me up.I sat up immediately.

Again a knock and I turned to see the time. My eyes widened when I saw the time. It was 8 of the morning so that means I was looking at him for the last two hours. I was,shocked on myself. Again a knock I heard and I rushed to the door to open it after placing my dupatta on my head.

"Assalam-o-alikum Bhabhi." As I open the door my cute and naughty sister in-law Aabia was standing there.

"Where is bhai??" She asked and I get aside to give her way.

"No I'm not coming. Just came to tell you both that breakfast is ready. All are waiting." She said and I nodded.

"By the way how was the night?" She whispered in my ear and winked before going.

But I could hear her giggle. I smiled and all the night start flashing on my mind. I smiled and went to wake him up. I keep standing near him but was thinking how to wake him.

You can do it Mehak!!

I said to myself. I nodded and leaned over him to call him.

"Aarham." I called him.

But no response. I waited for him to open his eyes but I think he was in his deep slumber.

"Aarham." I called him again.

When he didn't move I trembly shook his shoulder to wake him up.

"Aarham get up." I said while shaking him.

I waited and leaned again to shook him. He turned at the same time making me lose my balance and I fall on top of him. His eyes snapped open and we both look at each other. I was freeze on top of him. I realize in which position we were. I immediately tried to get up but he failed my attempt and wrapped his arm around my waist to pull me completely to him. Our bodies plastered and my hands on his shoulders. My heart was beating with his and all the nervousness and shyness took over me. I was melting under his heated gaze.

"I want you to wake me everyday like this." He said and hold my hair lock in his fingers and start playing with it.

My eyes lower down with shyness. I was heated up. His touch and closeness was melting me. He was giving me tingling in my heart.

"Its...getting...late." I said breathlessly.

"I know but you make it too difficult for me to leave you." He said again and touched my chin.

His heated touch was making me shiver. I wanted to free myself from his embrace but still I wanted to keep feeling these tingling he was giving me.

"Aar...Aarham... Everyone is...wai...waiting." I stutter and he smiled.

"Aar...Aarham... Everyone is...wai...waiting." She shuttered and I couldn't stop myself from smiling.

I don't know what was happening. But whatever this was I was drawn into it. She was something. Something that was pulling me to her. Here I couldn't stop myself to hold her in my arms. I could feel her heart beat next to me. Her heated palms on my shoulders,her shivering eyes,her dry lips,her uneven breath. We were only connected to each other with name and now after looking at her I was feeling that I was really connected to her not only to her name but her.

How badly I feel the urge to kiss her forehead but I stopped myself. I could see her nervousness and shyness on her face. Her red face was telling me what she was feeling. So I decided to stop teasing her more. I slowly removed my arms from her waist to free her. She look at me as if she was thinking what to do. I saw her getting up slowly and I really missed the warmth of her body next to mine.I smiled on my own condition and look at her who was now standing in front of the wardrobe but I could see her whole body was shivering. Her long hair were hanging on her back and somewhere I wanted to feel her hair with my hands. I imagined my fingers running in her hair. I shook my head to bring myself out of her captivation.

"Here...here is your clothes. You go and fresh yourself." I look up at her her voice.

She was holding my clothes in her hand while her eyes were lower. I walked to her and took my clothes from her hand. For the first time someone was doing this. Taking my clothes out and all. I keep looking at her and she was getting nervous on my gaze. I saw her biting her lips. I really wanted to stop her from doing so but I stopped myself now.

"Thank you." I said and rushed to the washroom to change in the clothes my wife gave me.

After taking shower and changing into brown shirt and black jeans I came out of the washroom. I was rubbing my hair with towel when my eyes find her smiling to herself. She was holding her dress colour of pink.

"Talking to yourself?" I asked taking step closer to her.

She startled on my voice and her smile faded when she saw me. Her eyes again were fixed on ground escaping from me. I stopped in front of her. I smiled looking at her who was looking so nervous. I thought not to tease her now so I get aside to give her way.

"Go get ready." I said and she almost run to the washroom.

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