《Positively Yours》Positively Yours.
The sun shined so bright that it forced war to open his eyes, waking him up from his deep slumber with a tired sigh. He sat up and let his eyes adjust to the bright surroundings. When he had gathered his consciousness, he stood up and gathered his towel and other bath necessities.
After taking his bath and dressing up in his uniform, he headed out to the kitchen, and to his surprise, his husband was still there taking his sweet time in eating his breakfast, usually the latter would be out of the house when he goes down to grab his breakfast.
"Oh, Good Morning, you don't have any morning club activities today?" war asked the man that was peacefully eating his omelette and rice and he just hummed in reply. He went to the kitchen counter to make his sandwich and to fetch some orange juice.
"You're just gonna eat a sandwich?" his husband asked in a rather hushed voice and it made war jump a little. War can never be so used to these casual conversations they do.
"Oh, yea, I'm not used to eating rice in the morning. Want some orange juice?" war replied. War stared at the other man and all his thoughts all went to the gutter when he realized yet again that he married a very attractive man.
"Yea, that would be nice, thank you war." the other man said and smiled at war, with that he went to the cabinet and fetched another glass, and filled it up with orange juice. When war settled the latter finished his meal and drank the juice that war had given. This whole scenario for war was so awkward. War and his husband have never gone past being civil with each other. They have been married for a year and a half and never once had a deep talk nor any casual conversation inside the campus, and yes, his husband and him are in the same university just a different course. War was taking Architecture, while his husband took Engineering, what type of engineer his husband was taking, war doesn't have any clue at all.
"You're wearing the ring every day?" his husband suddenly asks and war had instinctively played with the wedding ring in his finger.
"Yep, my friends think it's just a normal ring and I sometimes swap it out with the engagement ring also it's a good prop to shoo away some annoying people." war explained as he smiled a little at the ring. War wearing the ring makes him feel a little bit closer to the man he had already promised his forever with.
It's just they never really seem to talk about it and he just wasn't the type to ask yin questions about the marriage and the whereabouts of yin's ring. War just learned to live with the fact that somehow his marriage life will just be like this, short and awkward conversations and everyone thinking Yin is still single. War sighed at that thought.
His husband, Yin Anan Wong, the two met when they were in high school. War could still remember the day he first saw Yin. he was giving his speech as a freshman representative. Yin gave that dependable and hard-working student vibe, with his neat uniform and very strong aura. He became one of the schools, Heartthrob. War wasn't lesser, he was cute, bubbly, and friendly. But even with the same school, their paths never crossed that often. War would only see Yin if there's any school program or when he walks past war's class.
War and Yin officially met each other when war's grandma and Yin's parents had set them up for an arranged marriage. Yin looked he wasn't okay with the set-up and if Yin had ever talked to him and told him that he doesn't want the marriage to happen, War would have been willing to talk to his grandma to cancel the arrangement but yin never talked to him about it and just went thru to all the dates and any meetups that their elders had set-up for them. Until they just knew the families had arranged a closed-off engagement party and wedding ceremony. Being a part of a rich and influential family, it was so easy to drown any news about the arrangement and the thing the public knows is that the Ratsmeerat and Wong's had decided to merge, Solidifying both of the families their influential status, without the public knowing the two heirs had married off as part of the agreement.
War thought that it won't take long for the public to realize that the two families sudden merge had come with an arranged marriage as its plus one but to his surprise, even with the frequent public show-ups and sometimes getting snapped together when they go out for a quick grocery trip, the public still thinks they are just besties who just like to hang out with each other.
"Would you like to share a ride with me today?" yin asks as he cleans up his plate and glass. War looked at him like yin had somehow grown another head. The thing is, Yin never initiates things like this unless his parents or war's grandparents are around.
War nodded and stood up, maybe a little bit fast cause he felt dizzy. "Yea, Uhm, let me just get my things." war scrambled to pick up the plate and glass that he used. He jogged to his room and threw everything he needed in his bag. When he got down again, Yin wasn't in the kitchen nor the living room. War felt a little disappointed.
He went out trying to look out for their house butler who usually takes him to uni but to his surprise, he found Yin's car in front and yin leaning against it with his shades on. War felt a blush creep into his cheeks. Yin hella looks good in anything, whoever Yin's love would be so damn lucky to see this every day, war thoughts to himself.
Technically, I'm the lucky one since I've married him but still, the person yin will love with all his heart would be the luckiest.
"Come on! Don't you have a 9 am class today?" Yin half shouts at war since the latter was technically stoned into his place. How did he even know about my 9 am class? Stupid war, of course, he sees you in the university.
"O-oh yeah," war timidly answered. He automatically opened the backseat door when yin called his attention again.
"Why are you going there? Am I your driver?" Yin asked as he looked at war in the rear mirror. In war's defense, he got so used to their butler driving him to school so him taking the backseat was just out of habit.
"Sorry, I just got used to it," War replied as he settled himself on the shotgun seat. War looked around and saw no speck of dust. Yin must like his car clean, war thoughts to himself. The feeling of the cool air and comfy leather seats had lulled war into sleeping.
The next thing war knows, he was gently being shaken, he had to blink a few times to get his vision clearer, and to his surprise, they were already at the entrance of the uni's architecture course building. War looked around if there were many students in the vicinity, he sighed in relief when he saw there's almost no one around.
War was planning his whole day on his head when he heard yin call him again. War looked back and saw yin's car window open and yin gesturing to him to come back. War jogged back and lowered his head to Yin's vision. "Hey, I forgot to tell you, my parents gave our butlers 2 months off, so it's just us on the house for the whole 2 months, so text me when your classes are over, I'll pick you up."
War could only nod while trying to process what yin had told him. Oh. OH. it's just me and yin for the whole 2 months? Good lord. I hope I don't do something stupid and can yin do the laundry or clean the house? Cause I know hell I can't.
War was so into his thoughts that he didn't hear his friends call him, he just realized that his friends were around when one of his friends put him in a chokehold making him almost scream bloody murder.
"Win, what the hell?" war asked while holding his poor neck. His 2 friends could only laugh at war. His friends Win and Prat has been with war since he was a freshie high school student but they don't know the arranged marriage thingy, war thinks keeping win and prat out of his heir life story makes him a little normal, one thing he never felt since realizing his life is the only thing he doesn't have control over.
"It's early in the morning and your head is in the clouds already." prat said as he nudged war who was giggling at his friend's antics. "Yea, sorry, I just got a text that our butlers won't be home for 2 months, so I was already planning my dinner for today." war explained hoping he sounds convincing enough so his friends won't ask more questions.
War was busy packing his things when he heard a small commotion going on in front of his classroom, war decided it would only waste his time so he continued and fished his phone from his pockets to text yin.
His eyes went wide when he read yin's message. The commotion was because of Yin being in front of his course building. Suddenly war felt a little dizzy. What the hell?
War ran to get at yin as soon as possible. War was ready for whatever gossip will be trending later tonight since yin decided to go big at picking war up after classes.
War got out of the course building in record time and he can see a lot of people loitering around yin. While yin is preoccupied with his phone probably waiting for another text from war. Why would he wait for another reply from me? Get your head out of the cloud's war.
War had to fight a little to get to yin and his car, being a tad bit shorter is just another type of hassle. When he reached yin. Yin probably felt war's presence so he looked up from his phone and war heard a little hey from his husband.
The next thing war knew was that the crowd that gathered around them screamed in excitement, he looked around and when he saw the reason why the crowd suddenly went gaga, his eyes almost popped out of their sockets.
Yin had opened the shotgun seat and was waiting for war to get it. Yin what the hell??
War was never fond of the attention, that's why he always tried to stay away from anything that could make him the center of attention but right now yin just threw away his plan of staying low in the university.
"Thank you." war murmured hoping yin had heard it. War looked at yin's expression and basing the little smile dancing around his mouth, the latter had heard it. War settled in quite uncomfortably in the seat knowing some people could be checking them out and war was just really not loving the attention and quietly wished yin drives off this instant.
Yin settled in but war heard the latter sigh. "War" yin called him out. War was gonna ask what the latter needs but he got stoned in his seat when he saw how close yin was to him. Everything felt slow-mo. Yin was so close that he could smell yin's perfume and he could hear the soft breathing of the latter. War felt his breath hitch and his heart rate pick up. This is not good for my heart at all.
A soft click broke war's reverie. Yin had seemingly put on war's seatbelt. He felt a blush creep into his cheek. Whatever this movie is, it's so cliche. "Safety first, war." yin said as he retreated to his seat. War hopes the latter didn't hear his erratic heartbeats.
War and Yin shared a very comfortable silence inside the car when yin decided to break it first.
"So, for tonight's dinner, are you planning on taking out or dining in some restaurant or fast-food chain?" yin asked as he tried to look at war while being still aware of the road. War pondered for a while.
"Uhm, I was planning on cooking instead, is that okay?" War said, still contemplating what he would cook for tonight. Would yin like pasta or maybe something with rice on it? Stir fry?
"As long as it's not a sandwich then I think I'm good with it." yin laughed a little, making war blush a little. In his defense, he only eats sandwiches in the morning and he's mostly eating rice for lunch and his dinners, well it depends on what the house helpers cook.
"What do you want to eat?" war asked, he suddenly had the desire to make the best dinner he could do for the man driving and it felt foreign for war. Yin as my motivation to cook?
"I'm craving some stir-fried chicken oh and some som tum too." yin answered, his brows furrowed probably from thinking what food he wanted to eat. War could only smile at his husband.
"Then we need to do a quick grocery run," war added while trying to fight a smile. Yin just nodded. I think these 2 months will not be so bad.
When they got home war was weirded out with yin, usually, he would just help out war with the grocery bags but right now yin had taken all the grocery bags and war just towed behind yin.
"I'm leaving the bags here, I'll go to my room now. Give me your bag, I'll drop it in your room." yin said as he settled down the grocery bags at the kitchen aisle.
"Okay, I'll just call when dinner is ready." war replied while giving his bag to yin.
War went on working on yin's requested dinner for tonight.
An hour later, he was making the som tum when he heard yin sit on one of the chairs near the kitchen aisle. War looked at yin. Yin, who is busy arranging his laptop and some papers on the table, looked up. "So, how was your day?" the latter suddenly asked, which made war extra confused.
"Quite okay, I think?" war answered while being unsure what the heck was even happening. "You're not sure?" yin laughed a little at war's uncertainty. War blushed at yin's statement.
"Yeah, I mean nope. My day is as normal as it gets." Minus the fact that you suddenly showed up to my course building like it's the most normal thing to happen. War answered, he could have said the last part out loud but war thought the latter would get annoyed so he decided to keep to himself.
Yin stood up and went to get the plates and utensils they were gonna use and set the table himself. War just looked at his husband who did all those things quietly. The feeling of domesticity creeping on him. I think I could get used to this yin.
War wordlessly worked on the rest of the dinner, while yin sat on one of the kitchen aisle chairs.
"Hmmm, that smells delicious." yin mutters unmindfully, that made war feel proud at the dishes he cooked.
"Hey yin, I don't hope you don't mind if I ask-." war started. "Well, you're already asking," Yin replied jokingly that war unconsciously glared at his husband.
"Yea, so, did your professor announce the joint project that the engineers and archi students will work on for this semester. I think it's for the finals." war said while scooping rice for yin's plate.
"I think they already told us? I wasn't really paying attention and prom or bever had probably taken notes for that." yin explains as he scoops some stir-fried chicken. Shrugging.
This made war amazed at the man in front of him, Yin was known as one of the consistent dean's-listers of the engineering course, and seeing him this oblivious to the incoming joint project just makes war snicker.
To his amusement war had unwittingly asked "are you still the yin that is known to be a consistent dean's-lister?" When he realized what he said he automatically looked at the other and he was scared of what the reaction of the latter was, but when he heard a loud booming laugh from yin, war sighed in relief and sniggered at his lack of brain to mouth filter.
"Sorry for ruining your impression on me but I am not close on how the university rumors and how the media portrays me," he said in a matter-of-fact tone.
"Then I'm glad I can see that side of you." war supplied again, slapping himself internally. Yin could only smile at war.
War, who was trying to read Yin's emotion, saw how his eyes flickered some emotions that war failed to understand.
"But who's gonna do the laundry and clean the whole house?" Yin suddenly asked. Making war do a sour face.
"Oh hell. Not me, I think I'll just live in the hotel for a while." war joking said and matched with an act to stand up on the dining table. Yin laughed and jokingly added, let me come too.
2 weeks have passed since war and yin got the whole house for themselves. And if war was honest yin, for him, was the perfect house husband. War thought the latter doesn't have any idea on household chores but he was surprised when yin started cleaning the whole house like it's one of his Saturday duties and just last Saturday, Yin banged on his door making war woke up startled and almost murdered the man on the other side of his bedroom door. When war opened his door he saw the least favorite thing he would want to see, yin in his comfy clothes with a pink apron above it and a boat cap that was made from a newspaper was the cherry on top. War almost swore at the sight. Yin criminally looked cute and good at the same time.
Yin wore a large smile while handling war; War's apron and newspaper boat cap were not how war imagined his Saturday would go. But war did enjoy that certain day, it was tiring but it was fun to see yin at the ends of his wits just because of war and his inability to understand that dusting would be done first before sweeping and mopping. In the end, Yin made him do some chores related to the kitchen and the rooms.
"Just leave the cleaning part of the job to me and you do your thing on the kitchen and rooms, please."
War smiled at the memory, he was so engrossed with his daydreaming when he felt a violent nudge on his side making him whip his head to whoever did that to him, and to his not so surprise it was prat who repeatedly gestured him to look in front.
Confused was an understatement but when war realized he slipped into daydreaming in the middle of the professors explaining the joint project with the engineering course, he almost slapped himself.
"Mr. Ratsameerat, if you're done with your musing, can you now pick the engineering group you'll be grouping with?" the professor said rather sternly. Out of embarrassment, War could only say a hushed yes and half walked, half ran to the podium where the picking event was happening. He looked at the engineering course side and he had no idea who got a group already, War may have given up the thought of pairing up with yin's group, without any hesitation he picked up the first paper that he had touched. Since he didn't hope to be grouped with Yin's he just asked for a group who would actually work and not just let their other groupmates fill in for them.
War handed the piece of paper to the professor and he let the teacher announce it. "group 10?" war quickly scanned the room to see who would be the group of engineers they would work with. War was dumbfounded when he saw the group that would be working with them. Should've known that everything that's about his husband, he might just get it.
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*THIS WORK IS FINISHED* In a world of epic struggles between superheroes and villains, not everyone is enthused with the spectacle. Walter Watson is an unassuming young man and a part of the Powerless majority. His only want in life is to escape the noise of celebrity Heroism which is, he believes, no more than a thinly veiled excuse for neverending martial law. He wants freedom, not Power, and he has no hope in saving a world that was doomed to conflict from the start. Unfortunately for Walter, fate has different plans. His entire life will come crashing down as the Truth reveals itself. He is harboring not only the greatest... but most terrible ability in existence. The very key to Power itself. DISCORD --LINKS-- PATREON !! This story includes gore and characters that some may find disturbing.
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