《Darkness (Book 1 of The Royals Trilogy) #Wattys2017》CHAPTER 3


For two years I had dreaded to live this day. I'd always known where Ana was but I'd never mentioned it to others, on the contrary, I kept them away from her. Every night, I would sneak out of the house to see Ana through her window. I saw all that she suffered as she had to grow without the help of her sister. I didn't realize that every time I saw her, my heart that never beats, always does when I'm near her.

One day, a few months ago, Emma noticed my strange behavior, "Do you sneak out just to see the one you love?"

Shocked, I looked at her, "and what if I do?"

She shrugs, "don't worry, I won't tell the others." As the days passed by, I became more worried that Emma would tell my 'friends' about Ana, but soon I learned to trust her.

I would return from my escapade and find Emma reading a book in the living room or sitting by a window looking at the night sky. When she heard me she would turn around and our eyes would meet and it seemed like a silent conversation passed between us.

Devion had decided to leave Emma a human until the time was right. "Today is the day, boys," said Devion in his office where me and Benjamin were standing before him.

"The day for what exactly?" Benjamin asked confused.

"The day that we finally have at our disposal Ana and Emma one full vampire," said Devion proudly.

"What will happen to Ana after Emma's transformation?" I asked, I had already guessed but I hoped I was wrong.

Devion smiled, "she will die."

My eyes widened, my hands turned to fists and I tried to keep my face expressionless, but inside I was shocked and hurt. Ana was a girl, young, who had a life ahead of her, she did not deserve this.

"But-" I started.

"Do not try to argue with me, Ethan, this discussion is over. You are dismissed," snapped Devion taking his attention away from us.

Benjamin nodded and left the office. But I stood rooted to the spot.

"I demand you reconsider," I told Devion.

Devion turned to me and his face hardened with frustration, "I've already said what's to be done, Ethan, the girl saw us and will see much more in the ritual. She is a threat to our existence," said Devion trying to reason with me.

"We'll make her promise not to tell!" I yelled in frustration.

"She's a human! Humans make promises they don't keep!" Devion was getting madder by the minute and I knew it was best to keep him as calm as possible.

More calmly I told him, "You know what I think? I simply think you don't want anyone to take your power."

"And you know what I think? I think you like this girl! And, I'm the world's most powerful vampire, no one can take my power and especially not a silly human girl!"


"First of all, that's absurd! I would never fall for a human!" the lie rolled off my tongue so easily that I almost believed it. "And second of all, that doesn't mean somebody can't take you down."

In an instant I was thrown against the wall, Devion standing there with his hand around my neck, "that is absurd and it's a good thing you don't like this girl because then you won't mind when she dies and I'll make sure you're the one who kills her." He let me go, "Now go." With no other option, I walked out the door.

Back in my room, I wrote a note out of desperation and anger, Your sister is alive. Come and get her. I entered the room and found Benjamin sitting with Emma as he told her of what was to come. "Ben, do you know where Ana goes to school?"

Benjamin shook his head, "no, but Devion gave me some files on human. Take them."

"Thanks Benjamin," I looked at Emma, "I'm sorry." Knowing what I was talking she muttered 'thanks'.

I opened the file and found myself looking at a photo of Ana, her dark hair in curls and even though she looked happy, if you looked deep into her brown eyes, you could see that she was hurting. I dropped the picture and looked at the other papers.

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Guardian/Tutor: Daniela Johns

School: West Coast High School.

My photographic memory helped me remember every detail. I reached the school in without any trouble. I entered the large building and into the office. The secretary looked at me, "can I help you?"

"I'm looking for Anastasia Drew," I said directly to the point. I had to make my visit brief before Devion and Benjamin realized I had gone to Ana's school.

The secretary looked at me for a moment before answering, "I'm sorry but the school's policy says that we must have a letter signed by the guardian to allow a meeting with another student during school hours."

"Forgive me, but I'm not in this school."

Surprised she said, "Aren't you one of the seniors?"

"No," I said neutrally.

"Oh but I'm still unable to get her out of her classes," she replied sternly.

"Okay," I took the note out of my pocket and handed it to the secretary, "Could you give this to her?"

Silence. "I'll give you her locker number." The secretary handed me a paper with the number written on it: 110.

"Thank you," I said walking out of the office in search of her locker. When I found it I dropped the note inside and was about to leave but something crossed my mind. I was a royal vampire. I could walk in the sunlight without catching on fire and nothing about me gave my identity away, hmm. I returned to the office and the secretary asked me, "You didn't find it?"

"Um, yes, but," she looked at me, "I was thinking, could I join this school as a student? I never finished my last year of high school."


"Sure, just bring one of your guardians, they'll need to sign some papers to subscribe you."

"No problem, he'll be here in a moment, I already called him." She smiled at me as I left and when I was out I ran to my car and opened the trunk. Being a vampire we always had costumes with us for an occasion like this. Inside was a suit with a shirt and tie and also for adult fake mustache and glasses. When I was ready, I walked in again.

"Good afternoon," I said in a deep adult voice. The secretary looked at me and dropped the papers she had been checking and smiled. "Oh you must be the guardian of the young man who just left."

"That is my son and he would like to join this school," I said smiling and she stared at me a moment and I looked in her eyes, I could see that she was attracted to me. At first I was flattered but then that was replaced by disgust.

"Here are your papers," she said handing me them.

Name: Ethan Davis

Gender: male

I answered all the questions as fast as I could and I gave them to the lady. "Well Mr. Davis, your son is now in school. Tomorrow he must come prepared," she gave me the books and smiled. Not knowing what to do I took them and smiled before leaving as quickly as possible without seeming like I was running.

School was over and among all students I saw that Ana had just opened her locker and was reading the note. I got out of there quickly and got to my 'home' and I saw that Benjamin and Devion didn't look very happy.

"Where have you been?" Demanded Devion.

"Out," was all I said.

Benjamin said nothing to me but stared at me curiously. "Well I'm here, what's going on?" I asked and Devion answered, "We'll go hunting and when we return, I will bite Emma."

"Isn't it better to bite her now so we'll have her ready for tonight?" suggested Benjamin.

"Okay, I like your idea," said Devion.

We entered the house and there was Emma with a frying pan in her hand, "stay away!" Benjamin laughed before appearing behind her. He took the frying pan and hit her, she laid on the floor with a bruise on her cheek. Devion approached and lifted her before biting her neck. When Devion's fangs cut into Emma's skin, she screamed in pain before falling onto the floor unconscious.

"Take her to her room, Ethan," ordered Devion and I gently lifted Emma and in a second she was in her bed. "Ethan!" Benjamin yelled from below. I looked at her once more before following Devion and Benjamin into the forest.

After the hunt we returned home and found Ana trying to convince Emma to escape. "I will not leave you Emma! They sent me a letter telling me I have to take you with me."

Emma then replied, "It's too late for me Ana, you have to get out of here while you can."

"No!" yelled Ana before taking her arm and surprised she said, "Emma? I think you're sick, we have to get you to a hospital."

"Ana I don't need a doctor! I want you out of here!"

"I can't leave you here!"

While the two sisters argued, I saw Devion smile before entering the house. When Ana saw us she screamed and her expression was filled with fear. Benjamin laughed and I stared at her with pure horror. "It worked, just as planned," said Devion from the darkness in which he was hiding. Recognition crossed Ana's face.

"What do you want?" she asked looking scared and ready to run. Benjamin and Devion laughed again.

"We just wanted to finish the ritual," said Benjamin.

"What ritual?" she asked horrified. Her brown eyes were wide with fear and her posture stiff as she looked at the three of us.

"The one you're in now," responded Devion and turned to look at Emma, "your sister is a very beautiful human and it would be a waste not to have her with us so I made vampire." Ana turned to Emma for some kind of signal but she saw all the truth in her sister's face. Terrified, she stepped back but Benjamin was faster.

"Emma, honey, you look hungry why don't you eat something," said Devion and Emma approached Ana. I saw her close her eyes in horror and it took all my self control to not push her away but I knew that the best way to keep her alive was by hiding my fear and playing Devion's game. But when everyone thought Emma was going to bite, she didn't, at the last moment she turned to us with a feral look in her eyes. She lunged at Benjamin and grasped Ana from him. She looked at us and hissed before she broke the window and disappeared into the night. Devion and Benjamin looked surprised and I was relieved that they'd escaped.

Benjamin recovered first, "this is all of your fault, Ethan! If you'd helped me with Emma we wouldn't be in this mess right now."

I growled, "so now it's my fault that you let her get away!?"

"Enough!" Devion shouted angrily. "Ethan find them! Benjamin is right, this is all your fault, so now you have to fix it. Till then, you are no longer welcome in this house."

Benjamin smiled, satisfied. "Fine! " I yelled and left the house getting into my sports car. I didn't drive to anywhere in particular, just here and there, thinking. If they thought I was going to help them get the two siblings back they were wrong, I wasn't in agreement with their ways but sadly, Devion was the king, and there was no changing that.

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