《Fated • Namgi [✔️]》1


Pink, cherry blossoms fluttered down from their trees slowly. Streets bustling with cars and sidewalks filled with people, the petals were stepped on occasionally. The city, a beautiful and bustling place to live. Seoul, a cultured, well-mannered home for those willing to live there. In the middle, the heart of this city sat a park.

In this park was a statue. A stone cold, rock hard, smooth statue. It was beautiful, all the edges curved beautifully. It's hand reaching down as if to hold your hand. There was a legend saying that when the statue touched hands with their soulmate, instead of staying in that statue form, they become human and live with their soulmate forever.

People from all over the world visit this statue to hold its hand. It never changed from its stone form. It became a popular area for tourists and people to take pictures of. Friend groups, couples, anyone who had the time would come and take a picture, holding their hand.

Nobody believed in the legend, because usually they were made up. The legend, though, had a nice ring to it, so it stayed, keeping the park alive and bustling. It seemed as if the legend was alive, but not within the statue, but within its radius.

One man, though, respected and known, had never set foot in the park. Kim Namjoon, CEO of one of the biggest companies in the world. He never bothered going, it was usually a waste of time for him. He was always busy, too, so no time for relaxing. Plus, what good would it be to believe in a silly, made up folktale?

On a sunny, warm, spring day, he had finished his work for the day. At this time, he had received a call from one of his good friends, Park Jimin. Jimin was also a serious worker, but more lenient and he usually was open-minded, grinning and trying new things all the time. His friend had asked him if he wanted to visit that park.


Namjoon declined, saying it was a waste of time for him but Jimin knew better. He knew that Namjoon wouldn't have answered the phone if he was busy with something. And so, the two made plans to meet up in ten minutes sharp. Namjoon packed his stuff up, grabbing his bag and heading down the elevator.

Before he could leave the building, he was approached by his secretary. She gave him information about the next project and for him to start considering ideas for the next presentation. It was just like that. In a blink of an eye, his schedule was filled up again. He thanked her, leaving the building and waiting for Jimin. He, sadly, was going to have to cancel.

When Jimin's car pulled up, he walked over, getting in on the passenger side and looked out the window.

“I'm going to have to cancel this time, my schedule just got filled up with work.”

Jimin rolled his eyes, pressing the acceleration pedal and beginning to drive. He wasn't being serious about this, despite how serious Namjoon was. He drove towards the park, which was about a fifteen minute drive.

“Jimin, I need you to take me home.”

“What am I, a cab? No. I'm taking you to the park like we planned, you'll have time to work later.”

“Excuse me? Jimin, as your superior-”

“I'm not changing our plans,” Jimin said, his one of voice going from bubbly to serious. Namjoon shut up, leaning back in his seat and staring out the window. His friend was scary when angered, and he didn't want to displease him. This was maybe the fifteenth time he had cancelled on him, so maybe it was a little too much.

They pulled into a parking lot, and Jimin found an empty spot. He parked his car, pulling out the key and got out. He breathed in the fresh, cool air and smiled. Namjoon got out after a minute and looked around, clearly uninterested. Jimin looked towards him before he grabbed his arm, pulling him towards the park entry.


Once in the gated park, they stopped running, taking it all in. Families, couples, friends, they all laughed and looked around. The statue as busy as always. Jimin, though, had other plans first. They walked around the park, following the trail. Signs were placed around, talking about the flowers and other types of plants there. Namjoon was enjoying himself.

About twenty minutes passed before Jimin started pulling Namjoon to the statue. There were plenty of other statues around with their own little back stories, but the statue with the most fame was pretty obvious. Namjoon was stubborn, not wanting to go over to the ground and take a picture in fear of his reputation.

Jimin, though, had gotten his picture taken from Namjoon, and was forcing Namjoon up there. People didn't care for him, too busy talking to others or looking at their pictures. He was hesitant, but took the statues hand. Jimin snapped a picture, smiling, but right after, the statue was gone.

Namjoon was faced with a boy. A curly, blonde-haired boy stared right back at him. The only clothes covering him was from the stone statue, but it seemed to had became real, just like him. His brown eyes shone with blue glints. His skin was as pale and smooth as snow. People stared while this moment happened.

Namjoon was confused, and the boy was no different, but instead of being calm about it, he started to cry. Namjoon was overwhelmed when he watched the boy cry and people started taking pictures, murmuring and talking about what had happened. He heard the shutter of a camera, and he knew he had been caught by a reporter. Jimin ran up to him, staring at him.

He couldn't speak but instead stare. Stare at the boy, at Namjoon. Namjoon had not let go of the now-living statues hand and held it tightly. The boy, tears falling down he cheeks onto his bare chest, let go first. He wiped his tears away, but they continued to fall. It wasn't long before the authorities arrived.

They took the boy in handcuffs, though what could he really do? They questioned Namjoon and Jimin and told them they'd get to them in a day or two. The two were bombarded with questions when they tried to leave, but instead blew them all off. They arrived at Jimin's car and sat there in silence.

“The legend was real.”

“I don't believe in legends,” Namjoon grumbled, looking out the window in disbelief.

“Well, you saw what just happened. Namjoon, that's your soulmate,” Jimin said with a hint of fear in his voice. Namjoon couldn't believe his ears.

“What? That boy?! I don't even know him!”

“Namjoon, he's human now. He isn't a statue anymore. This is just as confusing to him as it is you,” Jimin argued. Namjoon closed his eyes, taking this all in.

That boy was now a nuisance in his life. Not only did he have more work, he'd have to visit the police station and get questions answered. He couldn't help to feel a little bit of sympathy, though. That boy had been in the statue for hundreds of years, of course he'd be confused.

Now that the legend was proven real, what would Namjoon do now?

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