《exchange student (cevans)》twenty one
–I'm sorry you have to see me go through this. I kinda feel I'm dragging you into my mess... –I said looking down and he grabbed my face, making me look up at him.
–Hey, hey... you're not dragging me into anything and even if you were, I'm here for that, I'm your boyfriend.
–I love hearing that. You're the best boyfriend, friend and anxiety buddy ever. –I smiled and pecked his lips.– Come to Boston with me.
–I'll be there as soon as I can, it'll be a nightmare to not be with you.
–Oh God, you're so cheesy.
–Yes you are, –said my dad ruining our moment.– come on Y/n, we've got a plane to catch.
–Coming, dad. –I said rolling my eyes and pecking his lips once more.
–Call me when you land.
–I'll text you, you'll probably be asleep.
–Just call me.
–Okay, captain. –I laughed and pecked his lips.–
–Ew! Not in front of me, kiddo. –I shook my head at my dad and started walking towards security to enter the gates area.
–Hey, Chris. –I picked up, put the call on speaker a kept on putting my earrings on.
–Hey, babe. How was your day?
–It was great, I had a couple classes in the morning, had lunch with my dad and I'm about to drop him off at the airport before heading to your mom's for dinner.
–She says she misses you living with her.
–I miss her a lot as well.
–Why didn't you stay there?
–Well, I wanted to live the college dorm room experience and don't you think me living there as your girlfriend kinda accelerates our relationship?
–It doesn't!
–Would you live with my parents? Without me being there?
–See? But still, I spend most days with your mom.
–True. I miss you. I can't wait to see you.
–Me too, come home pleaseeee. –I said leaving my dorm room.
–I promise I'll be there as soon as my last interview here finishes. –I pouted.– On that note, I gotta go, babe.
–Okay, sweetheart. I'll talk to you later. –I said hopping into my car, which my dad recently bought me.
–Did you just...?
–What? –I asked confused, leaving my phone next to the dashboard.
–Did you just call me "sweetheart"? –he asked with surprise and excitement in his voice.
–Oh, I get cheesy every once in a blue moon, don't push it, Evans. –I laughed, rolling my eyes even if he couldn't see me.
–I'm so used to you calling me "Chris", "Christopher" or "Evans", this is a big thing. –he said and we both laughed.– I really have to go, see you soon, doll face.
–Bye, Chris.
We hung up and I started driving to my dad's hotel. I was really grateful he ended up coming to Boston with me since it had been a while since we last saw each other and he was able to meet Lisa and helped me move in into my new dorm room, which I shared with an asian girl named Kim.
Once I arrived, he got in the car after putting his luggage in the back and I started making our way to the airport. All the way there we laughed and kept reminiscing about everything we did this last couple of weeks. We went clubbing with my friends, which was a little weird since he's old but he's really trying to pull the "cool dad" off, we got tattoos -which will make my mom freak out-, we had lots of junk food and just spent as much time together as possible.
–Te voy a extrañar, pa. (I'm gonna miss you, dad) –I said breaking our hug, since he was already about to go through security to get to his gate.
–Yo más, mi amor. (I'll miss you more, my love) –he said grabbing my face and smiling at me.– Think about coming to Mexico for Easter.
–Ugh, I told you mom already bought me a plane ticket to spend Easter with her and Mr. French fries.
–Well, then I'll make sure to visit you after you get back. And don't get mad at your mom, we're both fine now.
–I'd love that and I'm no longer mad at her, we're just... not speaking to each other that much right now. She doesn't approves my relationship with Chris.
–Well, I'm not fond of it either, Captain America is a little too old for you but he seems okay, I guess.
–He's very nice to me, dad. I wish you could have gotten the opportunity to know him better.
–Fine, but if he messes with my little girl, he's a dead man. –I rolled my eyes playfully while I shook my head.
–Say hi to everyone from me, will you? Even Sandra.
–I will. –The speakers announced that it was time for his flight to board.– Well, that's my flight. Love you, princess.
–Love you too, dad.
We hugged one last time and I saw him leave. I fought the tears trying to come out of my eyes and started walking towards the exit to head to Lisa's. On my way there I bought her some flowers and a cake. When I got there, I used my set of keys to get in. Lisa insisted I kept them to visit her whenever I wanted.
–Lisa? I'm here! –I said placing the things in the kitchen isle. I saw Dodger run up to me and I started petting him.– Hey, bubba.
–She's not home yet.
I can't describe how fast I turned to look at the source of the voice. I opened my mouth, shocked to see him standing there and started laughing. I ran up to him and we hugged each other, he lifted me and then put me back on the ground. I couldn't believe he was here, he totally made me believe he was still doing his press tour about hour and a half ago.
He stared deep into my eyes and began leaning in to kiss me. My hands rested on his shoulders behind his neck and his hands were grasping my waist. Our lips finally brushed against each other and we stood there for a few seconds before pressing them. Our mouths began dancing in sync and just as I was about to let his tongue in my mouth, a loud gasp made us break the kiss fast.
–Oh my God! –they both screamed at the same time.
–Scott! Lisa! –I covered my face and turned around. I was extremely embarrassed and felt the heat increase in my cheeks. I probably looked like a tomato right now.
–What's happening? –I turned back again to look at them, with my arms crossed and trying to cover my face with my hair. Scott's hands were covering his mouth.– Is this for real? Please tell me it is! –he began jumping excited.
–Oh, is this the other reason why you moved out, sweetie? –Lisa said approaching us. I just nodded.– So this is official? –she said smiling and looking at Chris and then at me back and forth.
–Yes, guys. Y/n and I are a couple now. –he said putting his arm around my shoulders and looking back at me, giving me a reassuring smile. I put one of my arms on his lower back and the other one on his chest.
–Yup. –I smiled and looked back at them.
–Oh, this is the best news ever! –Lisa screamed and hugged the both of us.
–I knew it! Told you mom! –said Scott.
–I told you first, Scott. –she said breaking our embrace and looking at his son while walking towards the kitchen island.– You owe me and your sisters fifty bucks.
–Did you guys bet on us?
–Mom loved Y/n from the start so she secretly wanted you to be with her and also said that the moment you met her she knew you guys would end up together. Shanna and Carly also knew. And I sorta did too but I didn't think you would actually make a move on her.
–Woah, I feel weirdly flattered right now. –I said.
–You're the best girlfriend Chris has ever had, I can tell, even if this is new. I swear. –Chris kissed my temple and walked to the fridge and grabbed a beer.
–Awww. Thanks Lisa, you're my first official mother in law but I know I won't find anyone like you ever again. And I don't intend too. –we hugged each other and Chris stood up looking surprised at what I just said.– What?
–It's just... that was kinda cheesy, doll. –I rolled my eyes playfully.
–Drop it before I punch you, Shmaptain Shmerica.
–I'm your first boyfriend?
–Well... official yes.
–Okay... –he nodded and his expression slightly changed.
–Chris, why don't you and Scott go buy more drinks for tonight while Y/n helps me in here?
I frown, confused at Chris' sudden change in demeanor. The boys left and I started helping Lisa setting the table. I guess I was being a little transparent about having my mind somewhere else and thinking about Chris for Lisa started staring at me with a little concern.
–Don't mind Chris, honey...
–How did you...?
–Oh, I've been a mom for a long time. –she chuckled.
–Did I scare him in some way?
–No... I'm supposing he's afraid of not being up to the first boyfriend expectations you might have. Even if you've dated other guys, your first official relationship is a big deal. And... as you keep growing up, the way you are in a relationship changes and it's no secret Chris is older than you and well, you're not his first girlfriend...
Her last words lingered in my mind for a while. I mean, I guess I already unconsciously knew that but I never stopped to think about it. Chris is so experienced and he's been with many girls before me. I'm not completely insecure about myself but thinking about what Lisa just said isn't a confidence booster. What if he gets tired of my boundaries? Plus, he's always working with stunning actresses...
–Oh honey, I didn't mean to make you feel bad. I was trying to say that he's probably concerned about not giving you what you want and deserve. I know my son. –she said hugging me.– I more than anyone want to see the two of you together, I wasn't just being nice when I said you're the best girlfriend he's ever had. You're so different from them all... And I just know the future holds good things for you two.
–Thanks Lisa... I guess I'm a little afraid now. Chris is so experienced and he's been with all these beautiful actresses. And I... I have my belief system that it's a bit different from his... What if... What if he gets tired of that? –I sighed.– I'm not sure if I should be talking about this with my mother in law –I shook my head and laughed a little.– but you've just become a mother figure to me...
–Oh honey, –she said moving my hair away from my face.– trust me. You have nothing to worry about regarding that. You're so special in so many ways and I know my son sees that and he knew what he was getting into with you. It's been a while since he was actually head over heals for someone, believe me. This has to do with Chris' anxiety, his mind can sometimes make him extremely insecure about himself. And I can tell your mind is beginning to do the same, don't let it.
–Thanks, Lisa.
–No need to thank me, sweetie. Can I just ask you a favor?
–Yeah, sure...
–Please don't break my son's heart. You're a good girl but Chris has been through a lot of heartbreak in his life.
–Oh no, I'd never do anything to hurt him. He's a gem.
We hugged again and kept setting up everything for tonight's dinner. A few minutes later, Scott and Chris arrived with their sisters, brothers in law and the kids. When they did, Chris kissed my temple and I could tell he was a little more calmed down, which made me feel a little relief.
–Would you like to go to my place after dinner?
–Sure, but I can't stay too long, I have a rehearsal early in the morning.
–A rehearsal? For what?
–It's a secret. I'll actually reveal it later tonight.
–Should I be scared? –he asked smiling nervously.
After chatting a little and Chris' family going nuts (in a good way) finding out about us, we ate dinner. I really loved this family, they almost never fought and love overflowed. Plus, since day one they made me feel part of the family. We were eating dessert when Stella came up to me and asked if she could sit on my lap, which of course I let her.
–Yes, Miss Stella?
–Now that you're my uncle's girlfriend can I call you aunt?
Everyone was looking at me with a smile on my face, I wanted to say "of course" because I adore her but first I wanted to make sure everyone was comfortable with that. I looked at Carly and Lisa, they were smiling and nodded at me, knowing that I was looking for their approvals. Then I looked at Chris, I was afraid of what he might think because I didn't want him to feel as if we were going too fast but he put a strand of hair behind my ear, smiling and looking at the two of us with tenderness.
–Yes, princess. You can call Y/n your aunt now. –he said smiling at his little niece.
–Yes, of course you can, little miss. –I said.
–Yay! –she screamed and hugged me tight.– You and aunt Shanna are the best aunties ever!
–Aww. –I hugged her back.– Well, you're the best niece ever.
After dinner, I gave them the news that Charlie and I were releasing a song together, which made them all go crazy and excited for me. Then, Chris and I said our goodbyes and headed to his house.
We were laying down on his bed after he gave me a quick tour of the house. I was resting my face on his chest looking at him while he rubbed my back. We were watching Beauty and the Beast but not really paying attention to it.
He moved a little, making me turn in order that my head was on his bicep and he stared at me before leaning towards my lips. We began kissing but after a couple seconds I stopped him, I couldn't get my conversation with Lisa out of my head.
–Hmm? –he said kissing me again.
–Wait... –I said in between kisses.– wait...
–Sorry, sorry, I don't want to pressure you.
–No, that's not it. I mean, yes, thank you but... I've been meaning to ask you, why did you freak out a little when you found out you're my first boyfriend?
He sighed and sat down. I did the same, trying to catch his eyes since he looked down, I was beginning to get worried once again but then he lifted his head and smiled at me, slightly shaking his head. He took one of my hands in his and intertwined his fingers with mine.
–I got scared. I'm such an asshole for reacting that way, I'm sorry.
–But why scared? You're not telling me something.
–You're good at reading me.
–I'm supposed to be, I'm slowly becoming a psychologist. –I said smiling and he laughed.– And I'm your girlfriend so...
–It's still unreal... –he said caressing the back of my hand with his thumb.
–Don't avoid my question.
–You're good. It's just... I just... I'm scared I won't be a good boyfriend to you. Your first relationship is full of dreams, wishes and expectations... I'm twenty years older than you, Y/n... what if I don't live up to what you want? Up to what you deserve... Plus, what if you get bored of me? It's rare seeing people who married their first partner. I don't want you to get scared thinking that I'm already seriously planning out our marriage but I'm all in with you.
–Oh honey... –I gently rubbed his cheek.– First of all, don't worry about me getting scared with you saying that kind of things, commitment doesn't scare me, quite the contrary... I'm all in as well. –I smiled.– And I would lie saying that I don't have certain expectations but you matter more to me than the idea of what a first boyfriend does. Plus, in the couple weeks we've been dating, you've been more than amazing. It's me the one that's scared about you getting bored... You've dated all these super models and with all my boundaries... –I looked down.
–Hey, hey... don't. Don't do that, don't ever compare yourself to anyone, okay? You're perfect and you drive me crazy, I could never get bored of waiting for you.
–You're perfect. –I hugged him tight.– I can't wait for you to come to my performance.
–Don't be nervous, we'll do great tomorrow!
–I can't believe the day finally came and that you're dropping an album!
–It's unreal...
–Thank you for walking me all the way to my dorm room, Charlie.
–Oh, it's nothing, beautiful.
–Hey... –I heard and turned around to see Chris walking down the hallway towards us.
–Christopher. Hi. –I smiled, hugging him quickly.– You made it!
–Hey, doll face. I wouldn't miss it for the world.
He gave me a flower bouquet, kissed my cheek and put his arm around my waist. I looked at him confused. We tried not to show any type of affection in public since we were hiding our relationship from people, just my closest friends and our families knew about it so this behavior threw me off.
–Chris, this is my friend Charlie, the one who invited me to write a song with him.
–Oh yeah, what's up? –Chris said with lack of excitement in his voice.
–Hey man, nice to meet you... –Charlie replied in a similar tone as Chris'.– Uhm... are you two dating? –he said pointing at us and then scratching his head.
–Uh... we are just... –Chris cut me off.
–Yes, we are.
–Oh, I had no idea...
–Yeah, sorry about not telling you Charlie, we are keeping it lowkey for now.
–I better go. –he turned and walked a few steps before slightly turning.– See you tomorrow?
–Yeah, yeah...
–Okay, bye...
–Bye, Charlie.
He walked away and I sighed, turning to look at Chris giving him a somewhat stern look. I shook my head and turned to unlock my dorm room door. Thank God my roommate wasn't here, she's not very kind and fond of me. I turned the lights on and got in.
–What was that? – I said getting inside and throwing my bag to my bed. I sat at my vanity to quickly fix my make up since Chris and I were going out to eat. Chris sat on my bed and looked at me playing dumb.
–What was what, babe?
–There's no need to be jealous, he's just a friend. –I smiled teasing him.– And don't call me babe.
–I'm not jealous. –he laughed.– And why?
–Yeah sure, you just decided to throw that little who's the alpha sketch out there.–I chuckled and got up to seat next to him.– And that word just makes me want to... –I wanted to say "throw myself at you" but I resisted my impulses.– kiss you.
–Okay, maybe I was a little jealous but I just know when a guy has other intentions. –he said putting strands of my hair behind my ears.– And in that case, I'll say it more often. –he began getting closer.
–Ugh, hearing you admit it makes me want to kiss you more. –I threw my head backwards chuckling before looking back at him and getting closer to his face.
I gave him a quick peck on his lips but he put his hand behind my neck and pull me back onto his lips once again. I placed my hands on his neck, deepening the kiss. It's been almost a month since I last saw him and I really missed him, I wasn't even sure if he was coming to the song presentation at Charlie's university and launch party tomorrow since a record label wanted us to record the song with them.
I opened my mouth a bit to let his tongue inside my mouth and I without permission, a moan escaped my mouth. I had never moaned before, which made me break the kiss and cover my face a bit ashamed. Chris put a hand on my back and I started laughing.
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