《exchange student (cevans)》thirteen
–Zoe! –I said approaching her. She was already in full Gamora costume.
–Hey, Chris. –she smiled and hugged me quickly.– Long time no see.
–I know! How've you been?
–Great, you?
–Good, good. Actually, I wanted to ask you something....
I was beginning to feel anxious about the whole Y/n situation because everyday more people knew about my not so little crush on her. However I've known Zoe for a long time and knew I could trust her to keep everything we talked about a secret.
When I found out about her being good friends with Salma and knowing Y/n, my plan seemed to become a little easier. Maybe if Zoe could take Y/n in, it would be easier for her to come here to Atlanta. So here I am, about to tell one more person about my crush on a woman half my age and hoping to get help.
I started telling her everything, from how I met Y/n to my plan on bringing her here to spend more time with me and get to know her better. I was eager to see if she would not only help me by letting Y/n stay with her for a couple days, offering Salma to keep an eye on her or whatever but by maybe giving me and insight on what Y/n's parents might think about me and us possibly dating in the future.
–Oh my God... –she said once I finished talking.– Okay, so I have no problem offering Y/n to stay with me, –I sighed internally, relieved.– but, to be honest I don't know what they might think about you guys together. Salma is open minded about lots of things but she's really protective over her daughter. And Y/n's dad is twice as protective. Y/n's the apple of his eye...
–Oh no... –I bit my lip, starting to worry.
–Let's not get ahead of ourselves and take it one step at a time, don't worry, okay? –she said as if she had just read my mind.
–Talk to Y/n and depending on what she says I'll talk to Salma.
–Thank you so much, Zoe. –I hugged her.
–No problem, Chris. –she hugged me back.– But I'll be watching you, huh? That girl is like a little niece to me and I won't hesitate to kick your ass if you break her heart.
–I promise I won't. –I said raising both my arms.
–You better.
–Hi, Y/n! –said Chris once I answered his FaceTime call.
–Hey, you. –I smiled at my phone and sat down at an empty table, the farthest from the school buildings I could find.
–How have you been? How's everything going with your mom? Sorry for not calling you yesterday, the Russos were all over me all day asking me to re shoot some scenes and when I was finally done it was almost midnight. I'm really sorry.
–Don't worry, it's okay. I've been good, thanks! Everything's going great, we are spending as much time together as we can since it's been a while since we last saw each other. And your mom has tagged along with us sometimes, they are becoming really close. –we chuckled at the same time.– You?
–Busy, tired... –he sighed and then smiled.– I love this job but it requires a lot of physical and mental work and sometimes you don't get too much time to rest. But leaving that aside, I've been good. –he laughed.
–Oh... I don't know what to say that might help... Maybe try to ask the Russo's for a little longer breaks...? And try to sleep in between scenes.
–Yeah, don't worry. That's great advice, I'll talk to them, they're nice guys. –we smiled.
–So... did you want to ask me something?
–Yeah, it's more like a proposal. –my eyes probably popped out or something because he started loudly laughing.– Not that type of proposal... yet. –he whispered that last word but I pretended not to hear it.
–God, you scare me, Robert.
–You know my middle name? –he smirked. I mentally facepalmed me and started blushing out of shame.
–Well yeah, Lisa was complaining the other day about giving you guys middle names and not really using them a lot. –I lied, hoping that he would believe me.
–Oh... –he seemed to believe me, he also sounded kind of disappointed but I tried not to think too much into it.
–So, you were about to propose something to me? –I chuckled.
–Yeah, so remember how you said you're a big Marvel fan?
–Aha, I am... –he laughed at my tone.
–So, since we're about to wrap up, I was thinking that maybe you'd like to come here to Atlanta and get to see a little action behind the scenes.
–Oh my God. –I mumbled, my face probably going all pale.– Are you serious?
–Yes! I already asked the Russos for permission to invite you to set and Zoe Saldana offered to have you stay with her. I was thinking maybe you could come next week since Scott told me your Thursday and Friday's classes got canceled...
–So you have already planned all of this? –I was the one smirking now, nodding a little as well. He laughed and turned a little red.– Yeah, I have... –he looked down for a brief moment.
–Wow... thank you, I feel... what would be the word? Flattered? I don't know... –he smiled.
–No need to thank me. Plus everyone here wants to meet you and I thought you could record a couple videos with some of us for your dad.
–That'd be great... –I whispered, I was thinking about everything that was happening.
–So... what do you say? –he asked and I could tell there was a little bit of excitement in his voice.
–Wow, well, first of all, thank you, really for inviting me and planning all of this. It means a lot. –I shook my head smiling, still processing everything he just said.
–It's really nothing, to be honest I'd also like to take you out and show you a couple places here. –My heart skipped a bit when I heard this and I could feel the heat on my cheeks, my face was probably turning into a bright tomato.
–Thank you. –I smiled trying to play it cool.– Can you give me a couple days to think about it? Plus I need to let my parents know and all that jazz.
I obviously wanted to go and chances of my parents letting me go are high with Zoe offering to take me in. But still I was the child of two hispanic parents so even if they gave me a lot of independence and I had their trust, I have to ask permission for a lot of things, this being one of them.
–Sure, sure. Take your time. –he smiled without showing his teeth. Again, I didn't want to read much into it and get wrong ideas in my head but he looked a little less happy than he was seconds before.– And about the plane tickets, I can get them for you, you really have nothing to worry about.
–Ay, I don't want to bother you with that, don't worry if I end up going I can handle that stuff, really. You're already making it all easy and accesible for me.
–It's really nothing, I want to do this.
–First let me see if I can go and then we'll worry about this, okay? –I laughed and he did the same.
–Fine but I don't give up easily. –I rolled my eyes playfully.– I've been meaning to ask you, how's Dodger?
–He's doing great, I've been taking care of him and Lisa and I pamper him a lot so you have nothing to worry about. If you want I can send you pictures of him and FaceTime you whenever I see him.
–That'd be great, thanks! I can't believe he likes you more than me. –I laughed.
–He doesn't! I know he misses you.
–Who are you talking to and why are you so smiley? Josh and I have been watching you for a while and you're all happy and laughing and blushing and oh my God! –yelled Grace when she saw my phone. I wanted to kick her for exposing me.– Is that? He is, he is, you are... –I bursted into laughter when she began stuttering. Chris chuckled.
–Why is Grace acting weird? –Josh said joining us.– Hey, Y/n... –I mumbled a quick 'hi'.– I mean Grace is always acting weird but why is she... oh my, he is, oh my, Chris Evans!
–Nice to meet you, guys. –said Chris, laughing shyly.
–Chris, these are my friends Grace and Josh. Guys, this is Chris.
–Captain America! –screamed Josh.
–Could you shut up? You're drawing attention! –I said pulling Josh's arm forcing him to sit down next to me.
–My name is Grace. –she said still in shock, I wrinkled my nose cringing a little.
–Hi Grace and Josh. –said Chris smiling but clearly not knowing what else to say.
–Okay, so this got awkward. Talk to you later? –I asked.
–Yeah, yeah. I'll be waiting.
–Okay, bye Chris.
–Bye Y/n, bye guys.
–I admire you. –said Josh.
–I love Tom Holland. –spoke Grace at the same time as Josh and I hung up as fast as I could since I was cringing hard.
–Oh my God, guys. –I said putting the phone down and resting my head on the palm of my hand.
They were still in shock, all pale and not saying a word. I snapped my fingers in front of both their faces and that somehow seemed to bring them back. I started laughing.
–He totally likes you, dude. –said Grace.– Oh my God, he's so handsome.
–How do you know? You were all frozen and stuttering.
–My whole body wasn't moving but I still heard his "I'll be waiting" when you asked if you could call him later.
–You're crazy.
–Oh my God, I just met Captain America. Damn, Grace. We totally made fools of ourselves in front of one of the coolest dudes ever. –Josh said and we all laughed.
–So I changed my flight, I'm leaving tomorrow at noontime.
–Oh perfect. –I smiled.
–Alright so, I also wanted to visit you because I have some news that I rather tell you in person instead of doing it through the phone. –said my mom in a serious tone.
–Okay... –the waiter passed by and I asked him for a glass of water, which made my mom snap at me for not paying attention to her.– I'm listening! –I said raising both my hands.– You want to tell me something and you came to tell me in person because you didn't want to do it through a phone call.
–Ay, I'm sorry, baby, it's just that I'm nervous and telling you makes me anxious because I don't know how you'll react... –she said playing with her napkin.
–Mom, is everything alright? –I asked worried.– Are my abuelos okay?
–Yes, yes... It's nothing bad. Actually, it's something good I guess, it makes me happy.
–Remember how I told you I was going out with a French guy? –she said while looking for something on her purse.
–Ay no... Are you pregnant? –I asked a bit too loud.
–Sh! Don't draw attention! I don't want headlines full of fake news, of course I'm not pregnant. –she said.
–Then what is it...? –I was nervous for I was beginning to know where this was headed to.
–I'm engaged. –she said showing me an open little black velvet box with an engagement ring.
–What? –I yelled.
–Sorry... what? –I whispered-yelled.– But you never... you never are too serious with the guys you go out with... And you barely know this guy. Plus, you and dad, you always get back together, you guys are weird but belong together... Oh my God, does dad know? Ay no, this is going to crush him... You have to tell...
–Y/n! –she cut me off since I was rambling. I was experiencing a roller coaster of emotions.
–Oh my God, I'm going to be sick. –I said feeling my stomach growling.
–Y/n, this is a good thing. François is an amazing person.
–His name is François? –I rolled my eyes.
–What's wrong with that?
–That's only like the most common French name in history...
–I don't get where you're going.
–Oh my God, mom. You've only been going out with this dude for like two months.
–Actually, it's been a year.
–What? –I asked, shocked and beginning to get angry.– You kept your clearly seriously committed relationship a secret... from me?
–Y/n, don't be like that.
–Don't be like that? You're basically telling me you don't trust me. I'm your only daughter, I thought we didn't keep secrets from each other...
–You have every reason to be mad at me, you're right, most of my relationships were never serious but can you please be happy for me?
–Oh my God.
–Please come with me to France on Easter, I saw Boston University is going to join Easter with Spring Break so you'll have two weeks. He's dying to meet you and you're going to love his kids, they want to meet you as well, his daughter is the same age as you and his son is three years older.
–What? –I shook my head.– Does my dad know?
–I wanted to break the news to you first.
–To me first? –I laughed bitterly.– Dad and I have clearly become the other family, we're second to you now.
–Don't be like that, you're always my priority, you come first.
–Yeah, that's why your boyfriend's kids want to meet me, because they found out about me after I did. –I said sarcastically.– I'm not hungry anymore. –I got up.– I'm spending the night at Lisa's.
–Y/n... –she said in a warning tone.
–Don't you dare reprimand me. –I took my bag and walked to the exit.
When I stepped outside the restaurant it started raining. Just what I needed. I began running towards the nearest place where I could wait for the rain to go. I hadn't realized that I was crying. I got inside a diner and sat in an empty booth by the window. I was actually the only person there so the whole restaurant was empty.
I grabbed a napkin and wiped my tears. Why did it hurt me? My parents had been divorced for years now... I guess that seeing them get back together multiple times made me believe that they'd eventually end up together.
I began to feel bad for how I reacted, I really wanted to be happy for my mom but it really hurt that she kept her relationship a secret from me for about ten months. Apart of being my mom and behaving like one she was always a friend to me, I didn't keep any secrets from her and up until now I thought she didn't keep any from me. Plus, this marriage would change everything.
–Hey, sugar. What would you like to have today? My Lord, are you okay, sugar? –said the waitress when she saw me crying. I realized I was in the diner Chris had taken me to when he picked me up since it was the same waitress that took our order that time.– Wait, I know you... You're the girl that Chris brought some days ago. –she pointed her pen at me.– Well, the only girl he's ever brought. –she said a little zoned out.
–Yes, that's me. Hi Sarah. –I smiled briefly without showing my teeth.
–What's wrong, sugar? –she asked a little worried.
–Ah, probably nothing really bad, just family stuff.
–That's sometimes the hardest stuff to deal with. Let me bring you something to cheer you up, give me a second.
Before I could say anything she left. I sighed and tried my best to stop the tears from coming out of my eyes. Oh God, how I needed Jess. I miss her so much, I feel like she would know what to say and do but at the same time I didn't want to call her. I had weird mixed feelings, I wanted to be alone and not talk to anyone yet I wanted to be held and talk about what happened.
I took my phone out of my purse. I had lots of texts and missed calls from my mom and a few messages from other people. I decided to turn my phone off. A tear fell slowly down my cheek and I cleaned it with the palm of my hand, sighing. I hated crying in public. A couple minutes later, Sarah brought me a piece of chocolate cake and coffee and sat down in front of me.
–I hope this will make you feel better. Want to talk about it?
–Thanks, Sarah. Really. –I smiled, trying to show her how much I appreciated her concern, which seemed to be genuine.– It's weird, I do want to talk about it but at the same time I don't. –I sighed, shaking my head and taking the fork to grab a piece of the cake.
–It's okay, sugar. –she smiled with empathy.– I hope you don't mind it but I called Lisa and told her you're here.
–Not at all, thank you.
–She had to drop off her grandkids at Carly's house but she'll pick you up right after. –I just nodded, not looking at her but down at the table and the cake in front of me.– Let me tell you a story about Chris and Scott. I hope Chris won't get mad about me telling you this... –she giggled.
I smiled and listened to her while still sipping on my coffee and eating my cake. She started telling me a story about Chris running away from home with Scott when they were little kids. He had pushed Scott, causing him to almost bleed out and tried to hide everything from his parents by running away and taking his little brother with him. Sarah had to take them to the ER and call their parents.
The way she told the story, almost acting it made me laugh every now and then. After she finished her story time we got to know each other, she was really lovely and made me forget about what happened for a moment. A bell rang, meaning someone had come in. I didn't turn to see who it was but what Sarah said next made me.
–I think your ride's here, sugar. –I turned and Lisa was closing her umbrella. I sighed and looked back at Sarah, getting up and grabbing my purse.
–Thanks Sarah, how much do I owe you?
–Oh it's nothing, sugar. It's on me.
–No, no, let me pay you. Please.
–Don't worry, sugar. I kinda own the place so it's on the house.
–Are you sure?
–Thank you so much, for everything. The food and cheering me up.
–You're welcome, sugar. I hope you feel better. Remember, nothing lasts forever, the sun will shine again tomorrow.
–Hey, sweetheart. –said Lisa, gently touching my shoulder.
–Hi, Lisa.
–Ready to go home? –I just nodded.– Thanks for calling me, Sarah.
–You're welcome, Lisa. Good to see you.
–Good to see you too.
They both said goodbye, I thanked Sarah once more and then Lisa lead me outside, where her car was parked. We got in and she started driving towards her house. For a few minutes, neither of us said a word but when we reached a red light she noticed that tears were coming out of my eyes.
–Oh honey... Want to tell me what happened? Your mom called me to ask if you were with me and was worried about you being upset when you left her.
–So you didn't know about it?
–No... when your mom arrived she only told me she was nervous about breaking some news to you but that's all I know. I'm here if you want to talk. –she stroked my hair which was a little wet and smiled. I smiled back.–
–My mom's getting married to someone else. –I said once the light turned green and she started driving again.
–Isn't that good news?
–Yeah, I guess. She never got into serious relationships and always got back together with my dad. They always had an on and off relationship which sort of made me believe that eventually they would end up together but I guess they won't...
–Oh, sweetie. –she said once she finished parking outside of her house.– Let's get inside and we can talk this over a cup of hot chocolate, sounds good?
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Return Of The Frozen Player
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