《exchange student (cevans)》eleven


–I don't know if this is weird but I was thinking, would you like to... I don't know, maybe...

Oh my God, was he going to ask me out? What are you thinking Y/n? It's Chris Evans you're talking about. But why did he sound nervous? Maybe he had bad reception...

–Yes...? –I asked, trying to encourage him to go on.

–Sorry, Y/n, do you want me to take you home? –Charlie whispered to me so I turned to see him and nodded while mumbling a "yes, please".

–Oh, I didn't realize you're busy... –said Chris, he probably heard Charlie's voice.

–I'm not! –I cut him off, probably sounding a little desperate. I gave myself a facepalm.

–Can I call you later?

–Uh, yeah, sure... You're the one that called

me but yeah... Are you okay?

–Yeah, yeah. It's just... I'll call you.

–Uh, okay...

–Bye, Y/n.

–Bye, Chris...

That had to be probably one of the most awkward moments in my life. I picked my stuff up and followed Charlie all the way to his car. He was asking me things about the song and our next meet up to finish it but I couldn't stop thinking about Chris and the phone call we just had.

I was on the phone with Y/n, about to invite her to spend one weekend here to have her meet the crew and spend time with her when suddenly Lizzie and Scarlett basically busted my trailer door open and tried to show me something on their phones.

They were making weird faces and whispering things but I didn't understand a single word or thing they said and did. I had to hung up with her in order to talk to the girls and only ended up making things even weirder with her.

–Bye, Y/n.

–Bye, Chris... –I turned the phone off after hanging up with Y/n and gave the girls a death stare.

–What? –I asked almost shouting.

–Have you seen her last Instagram post? This guy is moving quick!

–Why? What happened? –I took Lizzie's phone and started reading her last picture's caption.– Wow, I can't remember when was the last time I played the piano. Thanks Charlie Puth for the pic and for encouraging me to reconnect with the musical part of me. –I sighed.– Ugh, do you think they're dating?

–We don't know...

–I mean she never replies his obvious flirty comments, she only likes them. You should go comment something and we'll see what she does! –said Scarlett.


I took my phone and went straight to Instagram to comment on her photo. The girls took their phones as well and we started laughing at how everyone started commenting the lyrics to "Kiss the Girl" from The Little Mermaid.

–No! Why did you write your comment in all caps?

–Can't you see that we all are throwing hints at you? Somehow Disney lyrics apply to your love life...

–But you're making it ten times worse and obvious.

–Nah... –we all stayed silent a couple seconds.– Oh my...

–God! –screamed Elizabeth.

–What? –I asked, almost shouting since their behavior made me freak out.

–She replied, going on with the lyrics. The risky part of the lyrics... –she emphasized.– That can only mean that she's doing the same thing as us...

–Yeah, yeah... –Scarlett nodded.– She's testing the waters.

–Can't it be that we're looking a little too much into it? She's probably just playing along. –I said while typing the lyrics that followed.

–Probably but I'm pretty sure Scarlett and I are right.

–If you say so... I don't know if I should comment what goes next.


–Why? Is it riskier? –asked Lizzie.

–I can't believe you do know the whole lyrics and dialogues to The Little Mermaid. –whispered Scarlett more to herself.– I'm ninety nine percent sure the rest of us are googling the lyrics.

–Maybe? I don't know... –I said ignoring Scar.

–Do it! –they said at the same time and I just erased the last phrase which said "until ya kiss the girl" before posting the comment. Seconds later, Pratt commented what I had just erased.

–What just happened on Insta, man? Did you invite her? –said Chris Pratt opening my trailer's door.– Oh hey, girls.

–Hey Chris. –they greeted him while sending me a clearly confused glare.

–Pratt knows as well...

–Were you planning on inviting her here? –asked Scarlett, raising her eyebrows in surprise.

–Wow... that's a big step. So you have already made up your mind about this? –asked Elizabeth this time.

–Yeah... –I said, even though it came more like a whisper.

–I told Chris he should invite her, she's a big Marvel fan and he can use that as an excuse to bring her and spend time together. –explained Pratt while sitting next to him.–

–Oh, I like that. –said Lizzie and Scarlett just nodded in agreement.

–But since she's young and they're barely getting to know each other, –continued Chris.– I suggest that you set up a not sleeping together arrangement, you don't wanna come up too strong and pressure her. –he said looking at me.– Plus, like I told you before, she might be the kind of Christian that is waiting for marriage to you know...

–Wow, you really like her that much? –asked Scarlett.– Because if you, Christopher Robert Evans, are willing to date her and not have sex you must really like her.

–Okay, okay, one, you're making me sound like a man-whore sex addict and two... –I sighed.– I'm fucked, aren't I?

Pratt just chuckled and nodded but the girls were in extreme shock, it even seemed like they were not breathing at all. After a few seconds they recovered from it and we decided to go grab something to eat while we waited to be called back to shoot a scene.

–Thanks for bringing me home, Charlie. And for everything else, I had a great time.

–Don't thank me, I love spending time with you. –he said pulling over in front of Lisa's house.

He looked at me and we smiled. I sighed and turned to see the house, Lisa was trying to hide but I could tell she was watching us from the kitchen window, which made me chuckle. I looked back at Charlie and he was slowly getting closer to me, I guess he was trying to make a move and kiss me but I didn't want to with Lisa watching us. I didn't know if I wanted to kiss him at all...

–Uhm... I really need to get inside. My host mom is waiting for me, actually she's watching us. –I giggled.

–Oh... okay. –he smiled and kissed my cheek.– Let me get the door for you.

–Thanks. –I pulled back, taking my seatbelt off while he got out of the car and opened the door for me. I got out and he closed the door.

–So, next Wednesday sounds good? To keep working on the song.

–Uh, yeah sure. I'll let you know, I still haven't memorized my schedule that well. –I said while slowly approaching the house door.

–Okay, I'll be waiting... for you to tell me.

–Yeah... –I said grabbing the knob.


–Y/n? –he suddenly asked.

–Can I take you out sometime? –he scratched the back of his head.– Like on a date?

As much as I already had the feeling that he liked me, the question caught me off guard and I just opened my mouth a little and blinked repeatedly, a common thing I did when I was in shock. He started making some sounds, trying to say something, I guess I was taking too long to answer.

–Uh, yeah, yeah... sure, that'd be nice. –I nodded and gave him a smile. He sighed and his face showed relief.

–Great, so... I'll call you.

–Yes! –I opened the door.– Bye... and thanks again.


I got in and closed the door, sighing at how awkward the last minutes were. Since the door was right next to the kitchen I just turned to the side to watch Lisa, smiling. I could tell she wanted to ask me something but was waiting for me to talk first. I just said hi while taking my jacket off and hanging it on the rack by the door.

–Hi, sweetie. So...?

–So what? –I chuckled.

–Who's this young man?

–He's just a friend. –I smiled shaking my head and sitting on one of the kitchen island's stools.

–Are you sure? He seems to have a little crush on you. –she said raising her eyebrows while leaning on the counter next to me.– You know, I'm just asking because I promised your mom to take care of you.

–And I think she's been doing a great job.

My heart skipped a beat when I heard her voice. Instinctively I turned to where the voice came from -which was the living room- and gasped, putting both my hands on my mouth. I got up and ran towards her, hugging her tight. I only heard Lisa yelling "surprise".

–Mom? What are you doing here? –I asked breaking our hug.

–I wanted to spend time with my daughter and surprise you, now answer the question, muchachita (young lady). Do you have a boyfriend that you have been keeping a secret from your mother? The woman who brought you into this world?

–I forgot how dramatic you were. –I rolled my eyes playfully.

–Don't roll your eyes at your mother, sweetie! –said Lisa, in a sort of warning tone.

–Exactly, thank you Lisa.

–Wow, I see that you guys have already become good friends. –I laughed.– And yes, I promise you he's only a friend. We're writing a song together and he actually just asked me out but we're only friends, at least that's how I want to keep things between us until we get to know each other better.

–Just make sure he has that clear. –my mom said.

–Very clear –Lisa emphasized.

The three of us kept talking about multiple things for a while and I was behaving a little too clingy with my mom. I missed her a lot, we were in mid-February and I hadn't seen her since New Year's because she had been working on a new movie in France. She also told me she was dating a French guy so I suppose the location of her new movie turned out to be convenient for her.

Whenever my parents dated someone, I never paid much attention to it because most times their relationships with other people didn't last long and they always got back together. At first, and mostly since I was a little girl, it was difficult trying to keep up with their weird and kind of toxic relationship but as I grew up I learnt to ignore everything that happened between them and their occasional partners, I never even bothered to learn their different couple's names.

Lisa and my mom really seemed to enjoy each other's company, if you didn't know the truth you would probably think they were best friends. They talked like they had known each other forever. I don't know why but that made me feel at ease. At times they would leave me out of the conversation but I didn't mind, I enjoyed listening to what they were saying while eating a slice of the pizza we ordered.

–It's getting quite late... –my mom pointed out.– I'll be here in Boston until Thursday, I was thinking that maybe you could stay with me...

–Where are you staying? –I frowned.

–At The Liberty, Lisa was really kind and offered me to stay here as well but maybe we could give her a little break from being an amazing host to you.

–Oh, don't say that. I love having Y/n here. –she said gently stroking my hair, making me smile.– She's brought so much happiness to the house, all my family loves her.

–Oh, Lisa. –I hugged her.– Thank you. You don't mind me spending a few nights with my mom, do you?

–No, sweetie, not at all. I'll miss you but I'll be fine and I think it's important for you two to spend time together.

–Thank you! For what it's worth, I'll miss you just as much. –I smiled.– I'll pack my bag quick and be right back.

I left my dish in the sink and went upstairs to pack up a small bag with my pjs, a couple outfits and my essential products. Just as I got into my room my phone started ringing. Jess' name appeared on the screen so I decided to talk to her while packing. Before I could even say hello, she started snapping at me. I smiled, rolling my eyes and grabbing some clothes.

–Let me get things straight, you forget about your childhood best friend, move to the other side of the world and then reach out just to to drop a bomb about you living in the same roof as Christopher Jamal Evans?

–Well, hello to you too... –sarcasm in my voice was evident.

–No, no, I had to reach out! I had to find out through Instagram.

–How did you expect me to tell you if you don't answer my texts, woman? –I laughed.

–Okay, it was my fault but you also take ages to reply so you can't blame me.

–I'm not blaming you!

–Well, spill the tea!

I told her everything that happened last weekend regarding Chris, of course she payed most attention to parts of the story like the first interaction that we had, bumping into each other in my room, me being almost naked. I tried to not leave any detail out and of course I ended up telling her about my mom coming to visit.

–Wow... just, wow.


–How does he smell?

–Pretty good, not gonna lie. I don't know what cologne is it but it's great. And if you think he's handsome in pictures, he's breathtaking in real life. But what's even more amazing is that I didn't have to play it cool and try hard not to fangirl because he's really chill and down to earth... It was easy to talk to him and have a deep conversation.

–Oh, no...


–You like him. Like for real. This is no longer an innocent platonic celebrity crush, you have to be careful...

–No... we're just friends.

–No, I know you. You're starting to like him.

–You think...?

–Totally. And please don't go crazy and call me crazy as well but based on what you just told me and what I see on social media, I think he might like you too.

–I'm sorry, Jess, but you're crazy. It's Chris Evans we're talking about.

–I'm about to sound like I'm contradicting myself but so what? You're gorgeous, Y/n. I wouldn't be surprised if he was into you.

–Ugh, I love you.

–I love you too. Now, what are you going to do with this Charlie guy? His comments on your Insta sometimes make me want to puke, sorry but it's true.

–I don't know... Sometimes I feel like that as well, he's a great guy and I love spending time with him, I mean today he got me doing stuff I was afraid of doing but I feel like he's going a little fast.

–When you see him you should tell him that.

–Yeah... Oh man, I've missed talking to you.

–Me too. –we sighed and I heard my mom shout my name, telling me to hurry up.

–I should probably go, my mom's calling me.

–Okay, say hi to her from me. Love you.

–Sure thing. Love you too. Bye.


We hung up, I put my phone on my jean's back pocket, grabbed my bag and headed back downstairs. We said goodbye to Lisa and I promised to still come over to say hi, pick some stuff that I probably forgot to pack -because I always do- and just spend time with her.

My mom and I got out and her chauffeur, James, was already waiting for us outside Lisa's house. He opened the door for us and we got in. I said hi to him once he got in, I've known him for as long as I can remember, my mom met him when we came to the US to chase her dreams just about twenty years ago, when I was a little baby. I was raised mostly in Mexico but I traveled a lot to the USA due to my mom's work and she traveled back home as well.

My mom, James and I were catching up on the way to the hotel but once my phone buzzed I stopped paying attention to the conversation. I took it out of my back pocket and saw that Chris had just sent me a text.

Hey, sorry about earlier, Scarlett and Lizzie were interrupting me...

Read 10:12 pm

heyy, don't worry :)

Read 10:12 pm

Are you available right now?

To talk on the phone.

Read 10:12 pm

the clarification😂

i'm not ;( turns out my mom came to visit me and we're going to her hotel right now, i'll stay with her a couple days.

Read 10:13 pm

Oh okay, don't worry. That's great, enjoy your time with her!

Read 10:13 pm

i will!! thanks :))

how was your day, btw?

but did you want to ask me something? i felt like you wanted to on the call earlier...

Read 10:13 pm

Actually yes but I'd rather ask you through Facetime or something.

It was good, a little bit tiring, we had to shoot a lot of heavy scenes today. I'm just getting to my rental apartment. How was yours?

Read 10: 26 pm

sorry, we were checking in and settling in our room 😅

you're making me nervous🙃

should i be worried or something?

really?? you should head to bed asap

mine was good, i played the piano which was great yet strange since it's been a while since i last did it... and helped a friend to write a song which was also exciting😊

Read 10:27 pm

It's nothing bad, don't worry😂

Can I call you tomorrow?

Yeah! I saw on Instagram, I'm glad for you! I can only imagine how you feel. You're now focusing also on what you wanted to do besides your degree.

Read 10:27 pm

it better not be bad, Evans🤔 you're not helping my anxiety 🥲

yeah sure, i'm free after 1:00 pm :)

thank you!! exactly, and it feels good, you know? it felt right... kinda cheesy but it felt like it's something i was meant to do...

i don't want to keep you up too late, you're probably dying to go to bed.

Read 10:28 pm

I'm sorry! I promise it's not, no need to feel anxious.❤️

Okay, I'll call you then😊.

I feel you, it sounds cheesy but I get the feeling, it's one of those moments and emotions that you're lucky if you get to experience them more than once in life. I'm truly happy for you. And don't worry, I'm making myself something to eat before taking a shower so I'll be heading to bed a little later 😂

Read 10:29 pm


yes!! it's crazy how well you put into words what i mean.

i'm going to have to say goodnight, my mom's asking me a thousand questions and i have to wake up early tomorrow so...

Read 10:29 pm

Haha don't worry, we'll talk tomorrow.

Goodnight, Y/n😊!

Read 10:29 pm

thanks, chris :)

sleep tight.

Read 10:29 pm

You too!

Sent 10:30 pm

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