《exchange student (cevans)》three
A month had passed since I got to Boston and everything was going really well. I had made a few friends and within a couple minutes of my first day at Boston University I became pretty close to Grace and Josh, whom with I shared a couple of classes. You could even say that we are best friends, it was that kind of friendship that was meant to be and shows you that quality beats time. We were still getting to know each other but I felt like I could trust them with my life already, if Jess was here she would get along with them so well.
Josh was also an exchange student, he was from Canada but had been living here over a year now. Grace, on the other hand, is American, from California to be exact but she moved here to go to Boston University.
Also, my bond with Lisa got stronger by the minute, she sort of became a mother figure to me and made me feel part of the Evans family along with the rest of the family members.
I was currently about to get ready since Grace and Josh wanted to take me to a nightclub. I laid the outfit that Scott helped me pick before he went out on a date with his boyfriend and hoped in the shower. Once I finished, I wrapped a towel around my body and started applying my skincare products before my make up.
–Oh, crap.
I got out of the bathroom realizing it would probably be better to get dressed first. Thankfully the bedroom I was staying in had its own private bathroom. I got rid of my towel and put my underwear on. Everything after happened in the blink of an eye. My door swung open, which made me turn and scream at the guy who was standing there while I grabbed my towel as quickly as I could. The guy shouted at the same time as I did.
–Who are you and why are you naked in my room?
–Who are you and why are you in my room, creep? –I held tight onto my towel and looked all over to find something I could use to defend myself, I grabbed a heel.
–This is my room. Besides, what damage could you do with a high heel? –he mocked me.
–You'd be surprised to see what this can do... I take it you're Christopher? –I lifted a brow and he nodded in response.– Could you... turn around? –he did as I asked.
–Call me Chris, no one calls me by my full name. Who are you by the way? Oh no, are you a fan?
–Am I a fan? –I said scoffing.– I take it your mom didn't tell you she was hosting an exchange student?
–Oh... you're Y/n. –he turned around to see me.– Mom didn't tell me she gave you my room.
–Sorry, sorry. –he turned again.
–You should probably go...
–Yeah, sorry about that... –he said pointing at the bathroom and then the whole room.
–It's okay, I guess...
He left, closing the door behind him. Wow... what had just happened? Besides embarrassing myself, I happened to learn to always lock the door. I finished getting ready as fast as I could, grabbed my purse and headed downstairs trying not to make any noise and praying not to encounter Chris again. Thank God he didn't see me at all naked but still it was uncomfortable.
–Where are you going? –said a voice behind my back, forcing me to turn around.
–To a nightclub with my friends. Could you tell Lisa, please?
–Uh, yeah sure...
–Thanks, bye. –I awkwardly smiled and turned back around, heading to the main entrance door.
Before I could open it, it swung open, revealing Lisa holding a dog's leash. She accidentally dropped it and the adorable dog came running towards me. I kneeled to pet him and he started licking me.
–Awww, who's the cutest dog? You are! What's your name, buddy? –I tried grabbing his tag to read it's name but Lisa and Chris spoke at the same time.
–Dodger. –I looked at them while hugging the dog.
–It's Chris' dog. –said Lisa.
–Oh, I love you already, Dodger. You're the sweetest. –he licked my cheek, I kissed him and then got up. Lisa and Chris were both smiling.– Uhm... I'm going to go out with my friends, Lisa. I'll try not to come back so late.
–You look stunning, sweetie! Doesn't she, Chris? –I'm pretty sure my cheeks were tomato red by now and I could tell he was a bit uncomfortable since he was blushing too.
–Yes, she does. –he smiled.
–Oh, that reminds me! –she grabbed her bag and handed me a set of keys.– I made a copy for you, honey.
–Oh my God, thank you, Lisa!
–No problem! That way you won't have to wait outside and you'll be able to come and go as you please. –she gave me a soft yet sweet smile.– Have fun and take care, sweetie. You'll hang out with Grace and Josh?
–Thanks again! And yes, I'll be with them.
–Okay, call me if you need me to pick you up or just if you need anything.
–Okay, thanks a lot! Bye Lisa and bye Chris. –I smiled and got out since I knew my friends were already waiting for me. I waved at them and got in the backseat.
–Wow, you look hot, sis. Doesn't she, Josh?
–Yea... yeah. –he stuttered a little but we didn't pay attention to it.
–According to most of your mom's comments on your instagram posts, you need to let loose and have fun so we'll be in charge of that.
–I'm a little scared of your idea of fun, Grace...
–You'll be thanking me by the end of the night.
–I'm 99.9% sure I'll be taking care of you by the end of the night.
We arrived at the club and got in line waiting to get in. While we waited, we started talking and fooling around, I decided to tell them what happened minutes ago with Chris Evans, but I forgot the fact that I hadn't told them who my host family was so everyone looked at us when Grace and Josh started screaming and freaking out.
The line moved pretty fast and my heart skipped a beat when I heard a guard tell a guy he had to be twenty one to get in. I had just turned twenty a couple of months ago so I didn't know if they would let me in.
–Guys, guys, what do we do? –I whispered freaking out.– I'm not twenty one!
–You look older, there won't be a problem and if there is just flirt your way in. –Grace said.
–What? –both Josh and I said.
–Just do it. –she snapped.– Hey. –her tone changed and she winked at the guard. Oh my God...
–Hello. –the guard said in a flirty tone looking at Grace and me.– Come in, girls. –he said clearly checking us out and chewing gum with his mouth open. Ew.
–Our friend is coming with us, handsome. There's no problem, right? –I leaned and winked while playing with a strand of hair.
–Yeah, it's okay, sexy. –I almost puked but kept myself together.
As soon as we got in I told them I feel dirty, that's just not who I am. We ordered our first round of shots and started dancing. Josh was little quiet but every time I asked he said he was okay, he also was acting a little protective over us.
When we got tired from dancing we went to sit with a couple girls who invited us to their booth. We chatted a while with them until they went to dance again and one of the girls took Josh with her, she obviously was into him. Grace and I ordered one more drink and took a couple pictures.
–So... Chris Evans almost saw you naked and you didn't even try to make something happen?
–Grace! –I rolled my eyes. Josh was able to scape the girl for a few minutes and came to sit with us again.
–What are you guys talking about? –he said sitting beside me, leaving me in the middle.
–About Y/n being the only woman ever to not throw herself at Chris Evans.
–Leave her alone, Grace. I support you, Y/n. –he said side hugging me.
–Thank you! –I said emphasizing my words.
–Whatever... –she rolled her eyes.– Can he introduce me to Tom Holland?
–Don't pay attention to her, what matters here is, can he introduce me to Scarlett Johansson? –I rolled my eyes and took his arm away from me.
–Isn't she like married? –I asked.– Plus you guys are asking as if he was my friend.
We kept talking about it and about a few other things before Grace and I were invited to dance by some cute guys. Josh was taken again by the girl who was madly interested in him. It was one in the morning when the girl begged Josh to take her home since she was drunk and he asked us if we had any problem with him taking her to her house and then coming back to take us home. He left and half an hour later the guy who was with Grace offered to take her back to her dorm room since apparently he went to Boston University as well.
–Are you sure? –I asked her.
–Yeah, he seems okay.
–If you say so... but please send me your location so I know where you are and make sure that you get there safe.
–Sure, thing. Love you. –she hugged me and kissed my cheek repeatedly, I was a little worried about how drunk she was.– Are you sure you don't mind waiting for Josh alone?
–No, it's okay.
–Hottie over there can keep you company. –she said winking and pointing at the guy who had been flirting with me all night.
–Yeah, I don't think so. I might actually call Scott to pick me up.
–Okay but imagine if Chris came to pick you up.
–That's not going to happen. –I patted her shoulder softly.– Just when I thought you couldn't talk any more nonsense you go and get drunk. –I chuckled.– You should go now.
–Okay, okay. Love you. –we hugged rapidly.
–Love you too. Please stay safe! –I shouted when she walked towards the exit with the guy and she just raised her arm showing her thumb up.
I grabbed my phone from my bag and dialed Scott's number, I didn't want to wait for Josh with the guy who had been flirting with me the whole night. After a few seconds he picked up only I realized that it wasn't him, it was Chris. His voice sounded raspy as if he had just woken up.
–Scott, I'm sorry for calling this late but I didn't want to bother Lisa and I feel like it's too late to call a cab. I had a few drinks and... –he cut me off.
–Hey Y/n, it's Chris. Scott went out with his boyfriend and forgot his phone.
–Oh, I'm sorry, did I wake you up?
–No, no, it's okay, where are you? Send me your location and I'll pick you up.
–No, don't worry, I don't want to bother you, my friend Josh can take me to Lisa's.
–No, no, really send me the location.
–Are you sure? –I bit my lip, nervous.
–Yes! Don't worry.
–Thank you so much.
–No problem. –we hung up and I sent him my location.
I called Josh to let him know that he didn't need to come back to take me home and once we finished the call I hurried outside trying to not be seen by Chad or whatever his name was. Unfortunately, he noticed me leaving and offered to wait outside with me and didn't take a no for an answer. The house wasn't far away so hopefully Chris wouldn't take long.
This guy tried getting information out of me like my phone number and all that stuff, he didn't seem like a bad guy, it appeared like he just wanted to keep in touch with me but I wasn't looking for something so I tried to change the subject. He even tried to kiss me which only made more uncomfortable and pray to God that Chris didn't take long.
God had mercy and answered my prayers for in a matter of seconds I saw Chris pull over and get out of the car, walking in my direction. He must have seen the discomfort in my eyes for he put his jacket over my shoulders and hugged me.
–Here you are, babe. Thanks for inviting me, by the way. –he said sarcastically and kissing my cheek.
–What the hell are you doing? –I whispered.
–You're welcome. –he said whispering back.– Thanks for looking out for my girlfriend, dude. –he said to Chad.
–You... you're... you're welcome.
He stuttered and by the look in his face I could tell that he probably recognized Chris, who put his hand in my lower back –gaining a death stare from my part–, walked me to his car and opened the passenger door for me. I mumbled a quick "thanks" and sat down. Chris closed my door, walked to the driver's side and got inside.
–Thank you for that... show over there.
–You're welcome. –he smiled and started to drive.– So I've been meaning to ask you something since we met.
–Okay... you make it sound like that was a long time ago. –I slightly chuckled.– But shoot.
–You really don't know me? –he asked briefly looking at me.– I mean, do you not know who I am?
–Of course I do, Captain America. –I answered turning around and rolling my eyes.– Are you surprised I didn't scream or threw myself into you? –I raised my eyebrows.
–You kind of make me sound like a douche but yeah...
–You did sound like that. –I laughed.– But I'm a Marvel fan so I did know who you are.
–So tell me the truth, we're you asleep when I called?
–Yes. –he laughed.– I fell asleep on my mom's couch so you actually did my back a favor by waking me up.
–Well, then you're welcome. –we looked at each other and smiled.
–Are you hungry? –he asked.
–It's almost two in the morning...
–That doesn't answer the question.
–Mmm... I could eat something.
He kept driving and then parked outside a little 24 hour diner. I loved the place, it was little and looked like it could have a couple of things fixed nevertheless it was cozy and when he opened the door, the smell was amazing, letting you know the food would be as well.
Chris put his hand on my lower back, directing me towards a booth in front of a window. I looked at him, squinting my eyes but he ignored me. He was getting awfully comfortable doing that. We sat down and a few seconds after a middle aged lady approached us, handing us a couple of menus.
–Chris, sweetheart! Long time no see. –she said and briefly rubbed his back.– And who is this young lady?
–Sarah, it's always great seeing you. –he said grabbing her hand and squeezing it.– And this is Y/n, uh... she's a... friend.
–Oh, I get it, a "friend". –she made quotation signs with her hands and winked.– Well, you must be a pretty special friend, precious. You're the first girl he has ever brought here.
–Oh no, no, we are really just friends. –I said hurriedly.– Actually we just met today.
–If you say so, precious. –she made it clear she didn't believe me.– Can I take your orders? Do you want the usual, baby? –she said looking at Chris.
–Yes, Sarah. Make it two of them.
–Sure thing. –she said leaving.
–What's the usual? Thanks for letting me decide what to eat, by the way. –I rolled my eyes.
–You'll like it. –I stared at him squinting my eyes until he told me.– It's just a regular cheeseburger.
–Oh, I'm allergic to meat... –his face dropped and went all pale. I started laughing.– I'm just kidding, you should have seen your face.
–Are you a picky eater?
–Mmm... I wouldn't say so... I just don't like eggs and get tired of eating the same thing pretty easily but other than that I eat everything.
–Good to know... –he said nodding. What did he mean?– So... Scott tells me your mom is Salma Hayek.
–Ugh, he tells everyone that. –I shook my head smiling. It didn't bother me at all, it was actually kind of funny.
–Two cheeseburgers with fries. –said Sarah putting our meals in front of us.
–Thank you. –we answered in unison.
–Would you like to share a milk shake? –he asked me.
–Yeah sure, is chocolate fine?
–It's perfect. –he smiled.– Sarah could you bring us a chocolate milkshake as well?
–Oh, and a glass of water please. –I added.
–Make two of them.
–Of course. –Sarah said and left for our drinks.
–So... aren't you supposed to be filming the last Avengers movie? –he lifted both his eyebrows surprised.– What? I told you I'm a Marvel fan. –I took a bite out of my burger and he finished chewing before answering my question.
–Yes, we are but they gave me a few days off. I'm thankful for that, like most times, we are filming in Atlanta but the weather can be barely tolerable so I appreciate having days off and spending them somewhere I don't melt 24/7.
–Really? –he nodded.– My mom is actually also going to work in a Marvel movie soon.
–Yeah, I heard! The Eternals, isn't it?
We kept eating and getting to know each other. It surprised me how easy we got along, the conversation just kept flowing. I had the wrong idea about him, but he was really funny, kind and down to earth. After an hour or so we finished and he didn't let me pay so feeling a little resigned I agreed to head back home.
We sort of snuck in, trying to make as little noise as possible to not wake Lisa up and we headed upstairs. Apparently he was staying at his sister's old bedroom. Both our rooms were in front of the other. I smiled at him and he did the same.
–Thank you so much for picking me up and for the food. –I said whispering.
–It's nothing, I had fun.
–Yeah, me too... –we stared at each other.– Oh, I almost forgot. –I took his jacket off and handed it back to him.– Thanks for lending me your jacket as well. –I chuckled while still whispering.
–No problem.
–So... see you in the morning? –I grabbed my bedroom door handle.
–Yeah, yeah. Sleep well.
–You too, goodnight.
We gave each other a short glance and smile before we both got into our bedrooms. Once inside I sighed thinking about everything that happened tonight, it didn't go completely as planned but turned out great, I had a good time.
The clock on the wall marked three thirty in the morning. I checked my dms to see if Grace and Josh were safe and sound. I took my clothes and make up off and headed straight to bed, it didn't take long to fall asleep.
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