《Danganronpa/sdra2/dra one shots》Papi (Mikan version)


Mikan pulled you to her cottage almost instantly after you knocked on her door


If she wasn't so shy and cute you would think she was saying something else

(Blehhh *allergic to bullshit)

She grabbed your arms gently and pulls you to her bed and next to her

Hajime help, Mikans being weird again

Is just you

She started to unbutton her top shirts revealing your bra and your gay side of your sexuality started to come to you

She sat up and dragged her with you by the jacket/shirt/straps and went towards the window but her body still facing you

She opened the window with her still facing you

She got the back of your neck and forced your head to be next to her ear

She pushed you to the chair that was behind you making you fall onto the chair

She went behind you and massages your shoulders

She bent down in a seductive way still behind you and whispered in your ear but still massaging your shoulders

She sudden got a dress on, somehow and was on your lap

Dang she cute!

She put her hands around your neck and get off you but dragging her with you

Her back then faced you but her body against yours and she hand one hand around your back

She used her other hand to put yours hands on her hips as she swayed them from side to side

She turned her body to you

She put her hand on your neck and was about to kiss you

She put her hand in your Hair but you pulled her off you

Her originals clothes were back after you pushed her of you and headed to do the Door

She buttoned up her shirt and stopped you before you could open the door


She dragged you by your shirt (if you had a jacket or backpack she basically just forced that off you)

She pushed you to the chair and walked backwards towards the window that she previously opened

She closed the door and headed to you


She sat on top of you

She grinded a bit on your lap

They just said that their name is (Y/N)

She did the same dance as before after she took you off the chair only this time she kinda unbuttoned/ripped your shirt

Time stopped

You walked away from the frozen Mikan

You dumb bitch/cock

You looked at the mirror of yourself

Most likely isn't she just wants to sleep with ya

A hot mess

She could just be trying to trick you so she can kill you

Say yes

Most likely but she's hot so whatever

Don't say thou's lord name in vain

I don't know, she' got a good body type to me

You put your hand next to the mirror and looked down

Plus your in a killing game

You looked at the frozen Mikan

Probably just going to be a one time thing

You walked away from the mirror and towards Mikan


You put yourself where Mikan placed you and time came back (you time overlord)

Mikan started to slowly come up after being in a dance dip

She put a hand on your chest

She slowly pushed you to the chair

She pushed you onto the chair and massages your shoulders like she did before but this time she was sitting on your lap

She kinda grinded on you a bit while massaging you

She lifted herself off the chair dragging you along too

She dragged you in the middle of the room and put your hand on her fast as she swayed then around but still dragging you around

She walked backwards dragging you making you fall onto her bed with you on top of her

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