《Sex Goddess: A Lovely Seduction》Sex Goddess: A Lovely Seduction [14]


Having had to explain the dreams to her father in possibly the most awkward conversation known to man, Kate felt some of the burden taken off of her. Her father promised he’d work very hard to figure it all out, and she believed him. The next day at school, Kate searched for Trevor.

A tap on her shoulder turned her around and into his waiting arms.

“I was looking for you.” No one other than a vampire or half breed would be able to hear her muffled words through Trevor’s chest.

“And here I am.”

She looked up and smiled. “I had such a nice dream last night.”

“So did I.”

“Hmm. Doesn’t that seem odd? That when we’re apart we dream of losing each other, but when we’re together we dream of being together?” Her speculation wasn’t suspicious, just honest consideration.

“I suppose so. But you never cease to amaze me. In all my life, no one has had such an impact on me as you, Kate. I want you to know that.” His eyes started off sincere, and shifted to guarded and “manly”. Kate smiled at his attempt to cover up his feelings. She reached up and pecked his cheek.

“That was the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. You shouldn’t be ashamed of it.”

He chuckled and took her hand. He walked her to class and said goodbye.

In class, Kate had a hard time focusing. There was a slight buzz in the back of her head that reminded her of how it felt coming off of Trevor’s seduction. But she knew that he hadn’t seduced her since that day he proved to her he wouldn’t. She took a look around the classroom when the teacher’s back was turned and saw nothing but the usual. Human students doing human work at human speed. Nothing smelled out of the ordinary and she heard and counted all the heartbeats in the room. Everything around her was fine, but something in the back of her head wasn’t.


She felt a tap at the back of her head. A note slid over her shoulder.

She unfolded it.

Haven’t been able to meet with you yet for tutoring. This afternoon?

Kate raised an eyebrow and wrote back,

Who’s this?

A few minutes went by. The note finally came back to her.

You really don’t remember me? Grant. Funny how you can tutor Trevor all the time but when I ask for help you don’t even remember my name. Me out of all people.

Realization washed over her and she felt bad. She replied,

SO sorry. I’ve had so much on my plate. Of course I’ll tutor you this afternoon.

She passed the note behind her and the bell suddenly rang. All the students rushed out of the classroom before she could get a look at Grant. She was standing, and when she looked down to gather her books, the note was lying on her desk. She opened it again.

Great! Just do me a favor and don’t forget about me again. You don’t want the darkness to get angry, do you?

The only thing louder than Kate’s heart pounding was the sound of the disturbing maniacal laughter coming from outside the door, disappearing down the halls.

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