《Sex Goddess: A Lovely Seduction》Sex Goddess: A Lovely Seduction [3]


Kate stepped into the house with her father behind her. She checked around for any sign of their forced entry but she saw that everything was clear. She listened and heard the banker in an upstairs room on the telephone. Her father acknowledged it too and pointed towards the stairs for her to go. She knew what she had to do.

She followed the voice to the banker’s study and opened the door.

The banker swiveled around in his chair and dropped his phone in his lap.

“HEY! What the hell do you think you’re doing in here??”

Kate stepped in front of him and held her hand out.

A hazy fog came over the banker’s eyes and a goofy smile spread across his face. Kate’s head tipped back and she stretched her shoulders, popping her neck.

“I need you to give me what’s in your vault.”

The banker stood up quickly and nodded his head up and down. He didn’t move for a second. Kate came closer and whispered directly to him in a soft and sultry voice, “Now.”

He stumbled over a box or two but he made it to his vault and opened it up for her. Kate’s father walked in with a black bag and emptied the contents of the metal safe into the bag.

The man still reeled at Kate, his hands by his sides and his eyes glazed over.

“We’re done here.” Kate’s father grabbed her by the arm and she shook her head fast twice on the way out to get herself out of her seductive mindset.

“Next time, it’ll be the bank.”

She put her head down and followed him to their car.

At school the next day she didn’t see the boy from the hallway until lunchtime. He came and sat next to her with the same smirk on his face. “Hello, Kate.”


She swallowed more apple juice. “What’s your name?”

He smiled sweetly. “Trevor.”

Kate nodded and went back to eating her nasty cafeteria pizza. “That’s a nice name.” She blushed and hid behind her hair. She was embarrassed at having admitted that outright.

“Good as any I suppose.”

“You’re not eating?” She noticed no tray in front of him.

He smiled and stared into her eyes. The same dazed confusion spread into her mind. She fought to kick it out but she found herself forgetting what was so horrible about it in the first place. He said something, but it didn’t compute in Kate’s head. The daze slowly thinned and he repeated himself.

“I already ate.”

She looked around. No one had seen this exchange. She decided to go for it.

“What are you?” She leaned closer to him so no one else could hear.

He smirked again. “None of your business.” He got up and walked away from the table.

She sat there, speechless. She had just asked him what he was after he sent her mind spinning and he had the nerve to say, “None of your business”???

She was furious.

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