《Jin the Devil of Remnant》The true meaning of being the "Iron Fist Champion!"



Mostly after the mess that happen between my meal and from Nora craziness. From there my team JNPR is next in line for the tournament and they're facing with BRNZ a group of three guys and one girl. The three guys their weapons contains a cattle prod close range, wrist-mounted saw blades for long range, karambit, but blades aren't long it does remind me of a person named Vega I fought a long time ago, and the girl is a sniper a long range. The bad thing about my team is that we don't have a long range advantage mostly Pyrrha is one, but she rarely uses her weapon to a gun she's mostly a close range. Also due to the forest side of them that makes it harder for my team to get a clear shot at them. Myself and my sister's team RWBY are sitting in the bleachers watching my team fight.

Ruby: "Big bro you think they can win?"

Weiss: "Team BRNZ have the advantage against them due to the forest side of them."

Jin: "They'll win *team RWBY turns to me* believe me Jaune maybe weak, but he has grown since then. His a good strategist as Prryah is a good fighter with brawn and brains they can do this as well for Nora and her unnatural strength they'll win."

Yang: "I'll take your word for it."

Four minutes later

They were doing so well it's to bad that I don't have any long range experience with guns. As the battle continued also Nora making that massive shock wave to team BRNZ. Jaune said something that I slap my front face so hard to do so because of what happen next.

Jaune(afar): "Thus is it guys! let's finish'em with team attacks! Ren, Nora, Flower Power!"

Team RWBY looks over to me as I have a steaming slap mark onto my front face that I made myself. The only thing happens next is just getting worse as Weiss and Yang are patting my back to cheer.

Nora(afar): "Wait, what?"

Jaune(afar): "F-Flower Power, that's your team attack name."

Jin: "Oh my god..."

Ruby: "Brother I think you meant to say is 'Oh my Oum.'"

Jin: "Please don't sis I had enough of this for one day even thou this is the first day!" I said as slump more down to see my foolish team keeps on making a fool of themselves.

Ren(afar): "Since... when?"

Jaune(afar): "Guys, we went over this! 'Flower Power' is Ren and Nora. Ren brings the flower, Nora brings the power. Like those Martial Arts moves that Jin taught us."

I let out a sigh of sadness because of what Jaune said... dear god please stop this!

Ren(afar): "How do I bring a flower?"

Nora(afar): "No, silly not'a! flower! Flour! like in baking!"

Ren(afar): "Why would I bring that?"

Jaune(afar): "No its your symbol?"

Pyrrha(afar):"So what are we?"

Jaune(afar): "Pyrrha!"

Pyrrha(afar):"Sorry! I just wanna make sure it's clearly defined."

From this point they were clearly chatting..... GOD DAMN IT JAUNE!! YOU ARE LIKE THE FOOL DAN HIBIKI!! JUST WAY!? YOU ARE CLEARLY IN A MIDDLE OF A FIGHT!? WHY!? ...I'm just glade that he's now here.

(Author: Also do to making this... FUCKING DAN IS BACK!? WHAT THE FUCK!? DAN HAS MADE ANOTHER COME BACK TO THE GAMES! great! *sees the readers* Okay witch one of you motha fuckas is a Dan because I know a shit talker when I see one! Dan is coming into Street Fighter V in Winter 2020)


At this point my soul is broken and took out my scroll and texted Nora. I seed her a message that had full on caps log, "NORA SMASH" and from that I look down to my team. I see Nora looking at her scroll and smiles like a crazy girl she is and jumps towards them. Once there she swing her hammer and sending the full team in a out of bound style. I slump back onto my seat and turn pale white as my tony soul of myself came out as I see my team done this to themselves. The only thing that I heard next was my little sister saying.

Ruby(anime crying tears): "BROTHER DON'T LEAVE ME!!!"

A few minutes later

The next match started and I was sitting next to my friends once more and seeing two more teams fighting each other. This time it was team NDGO and SSSN turn.

Port(intercom): "This time is going to be one of more toughest, testosterone filled, teammates we've seen so far.I'm of course talking about Team SSSN. But, they are going to face Team NDGO of Shad is certainly a crowd- wait a moment. Where's Gwen Darcy?"

Oobleck(intercom): "Ph! I forgot to tell you, Gwen Darcy was reported that she was sick. We need someone of a substitute for team NDGO."

Port(intercom): "You know what I'm thinking?"

Oobleck(intercom): "What is it?"

Port(intercom): "What about we use him."

Oobleck(intercom): "Jin Rose/Branwen"

This caught my attention very fast as I never expected to be so soon. Heh? I guess my time for fighting in the tournaments aren't over yet. Once Oobleck my sisters were excited for my turn to fight.

Port(intercom): "Yes, that's the man whose the fifth team member of team JNPR, but due to some rules and for him being that fifth team member. The Header Master has given him the right to fight with any team whose missing a teammate."

Oobleck(intercom): "You are right!" He said as he gets his scroll and started to call me.

I see my scroll and see that Oobleck is calling me.

Port(intercom): "Since at History of Beacon, we have someone selected as a substitute for team NDGO. The man whose a fighter in dear heart, a person who can destroy a meer Todesstier with a punch that has a strength of hundred Beringels, and a man who is well respected towards many places to the Kingdoms of Remnant! Jin Rose/Branwen!"

The entire crowd either in the far back or close by me to where I sit also either looked at the perspective camera, the screen T.V that once was Port and Oobleck, or at there seats who are taking pictures of me. I gave a sigh and got my chair and ruffled my two sisters Yang and Ruby hair and walked down to the arena as I go my things together to fight.

Back at Patch


Tai: "That's a new one in the books. Lets see how he's going to hang on."

Zwei: "*Bark, bark!* DO YOUR BEST! JIN-SAN SEMPIA!"

Summer: "I HOPE THAT MY- *realize that Jin is in a team of girls* I pray to Oum! we don't get any more love letters!"

To another location to Raven's Bandit Camp

Bandit 6: "Look boss! isn't that your kid?"

Raven turns around as Vernal is with her also she looks at the big old T.V that shows the Vytal Festival Tournament. Raven eyes widen as she sees her emblem on Jin's new clothes for the tournament not only that it wasn't hers only. There were Tai, Summer, and her younger brother Emblem onto his clothes as well. If wasn't for her member she couldn't mistake him for some Huntsmen and she sees that its her child.


Raven: "Cancel all what we were going to do right now and somebody turn on the volume of this damn thing. Also get some thing for me to eat or for yourself either way get something Vernal. I want to see my son fight."

Vernal wanted to question her, but didn't because of the many times before she remembers what would happen. She went off to to cancel some stuff and gets something to eat for her and herself because she is hungry for real. Back with Raven she's looking at Jin whose with a group of girls.

Raven(mind): "I swear to Oum if these girls wants to get a piece of my son they better back off of their horny asses off of my son."

Finally back to the arena where Jin is with NDGO

I'm now the substitute of team NDGO and before any of them spoke I bowed my head towards them and said.

Jin: "Hello, my name is Jin Rose/Branwen and I shall not let your team down. I am a well fighter and strategies and I shall help you all in any way that's in my ability. It's pleasure is all mine." I said as I bow down to the three girls

The three girls were taken back for what I have said, but soon enough knew that I wasn't like the guys they met.

Nebula: "Nice to meet you Jin. My name is Nebula Violette and I'm the team leader of NDGO."

Dew: "Dew Gayl and lets see what you can do."

Octavia: Octavia Ember and prove it if you are what the rumors say you are." She said in a cold tone.

Jin: "You will once fight commence." I said as I stare at team SSSN.

It was a while, but I stand in far right of team NDGO. I watch my opponents to who I am facing. The two I know so far is Sun and Neptune. Blake said that Sun is capable to summing clones of himself, Neptune from what I can gather he can manipulate water. For the other two I didn't know so much, but I know three things. The two other members are Sage and Scarlet from there Scarlet is capable of gliding in the air. My mind was annoyed when Neptune began to flirt with these cold hearted girls.

Neptune: "Alright girls, try and remember. Hands above the waist." He said as he does the movement.

Sun: "Ignore him, for he... yeah, he's dumb."

Neptune winked and I have a tired sigh and I get to my stance. I raise my leg and letting out my electricity through out my body. The whole area seemed to jump that includes both teams were jumped by the sheer force of Jin made.

Jin: "Enough of your chit chatting. That won't help you fight in the tournament."

Sun: "Jeez! chill man."

Jin: "I am indeed 'chill man' but I don't fool around like some dumb children. When you are ready to fight you must be ready to fight. That is the way of fighting."

The arena changed on our side and it's the desert terrain and these girls are from Vacuo so it's a home field advantage, but that would also include Sun as well. Because he's from Vacuo as well.

Nebula: "Alright, home field advantage!"

Sun: "Don't get too cocky, that's my turf too."

Scarlet: "I hope I don't get sand in my shoes."

Neptune: "Be cool, man" He said as their side changed as well.

Jin: "It's seemed that you got the ocean."

I look at Neptune and sense his soul for a moment as he didn't look t good. Once I felt his aura and discover a big weakness in his play........ Neptune is afraid of water. Lord have mercy on me... I HAVE FOUGHT WORST THINGS LIKE- you know this is the point where I think this world is changing me very well and I don't like it. Once the arena changed in both side of the field the count begins. Once it did before we could move this blue boy went fast as some kind of animal and went past me!? went all the way up in mountain.

Jin(mind): "Question this world logic and it's movement as this is not normal. Not even the slightest of normal at all."

I used the move step first and got close and personal with Sun as left hook him, but he manage to dodge the attack, but never expected to be punched in the stomach with my right arm. Once that happen he was move first enemy to fight against. He's my first opponent and I began to fight him. He gave him a left and right he blocks both right kick and left kick, but as well with a low kick. He did manage to block the kicks as he jumped in the air dodging the low kick, but once that happen I gave him a left punch to the gut. Sending Sun away back so once Sun had enough of this he brought out his weapons from there I can only block for a couple of his attacks of his nunchaku. He then transform them into gun mode as well so I had to dodge more to block his attacks and his bullets in the same time. It was for a while until I counter attack onto him as I saw a opening and struck him right in the left side of his of chest right were the lungs are he backs off away as he started to cough a little. So I brought my new weapons under my sleeves came out both of my weapons and click a button to make them Gaun Dao poles and made a stance with them. Once I made that stance I kinda remembering that looking at Sun view it looks like I'm holding two Dao Blades and once he saw it he changed his nunchaku into Bojustsu Staff. I ran up to him I had less experience with weapons only because I mainly use my fist, but once I got the hang of these two weapons also I come to my realization that I never knew what to call this style. Heh maybe "Dao style?" anyways! I ran towards him and started to slashing towards Sun and I'm not going to retreat or block. Sun was blocking my attacks and he as well starts to attack to me as well, but he never expected for me to not blocking I went full on attack slash and turning my blades towards him and pushing him making him retreat back. Sun got it back when he notice he looks back as he behind the wall with my two blades I struck down right on, but he blocked it with his pole.

Sun: "BY OUM!? What kind of training do you do?" He said as he struggles to restrain the strength that I'm pushing down.

Jin: "Training that you would consider none human."

I then started to slam my swords against his blocking one after another slamming him as Sun could resist as he tries not to go down. But,Neptune shots at me so I stopped and dodged the attack. Once I got to it I see that the rest of NDGO Dew took down the huge guy with a simple knock out of the ring, as Nebula is fighting Scarlet, and Octavia was fighting with Neptune, but got blasted with Neptune weapon she did her best, but she got outed. Sun regain his strength and used his semblance and summon his clones to attack me. I connected both of my swords together and made Nightfall as both blade are in both ends. I slash one and other with style finishing them off. Neptune got next to his friend Sun and both of them charged towards me. Scarlet is barely holding off his own against both Dew and Nebula. The battle got intense once Neptune transform his weapon into his trident form as Sun got back to his feet and I got ready. With Each hit they made I kept on fighting no backing down as I slash around making spins and switching between "Dao mode and Nightfall mode." Even tho it was a two on one I faced much worst like an army of JACKS before and this is too easy. Both of them are being pushed back as I'm doing more to it like doing kick, spins, and detaching as well. Anyways! back to the battle as both of them are far way back and I see them getting tired so I took my chance I release some aura energy towards my Nightfall. I started to spin my Nightfall around knocking them away a little, but with that the two got staggered and now with a clear shot of them staggered. I pulled back my weapon far enough with a powerful house swing towards them slashing right on the lower part of the body and defeating two people in one attack.

(Music ends)

Jin: "*sighs and looks over to see Dew and Nebula defeating Scarlet* I guess we won."

The two girls came towards me and both looked at themselves and now to me.

Nebula: "Jin can you take part in the doubles matches?"

Dew: "What we heard that you can represent both Kingdoms if you go into the final rounds of the tournament. Also being said that you are the strongest one in Beacon due to your... experience."

Jin: "What experience?"

Nebula: "Way back when we heard about the "The Guardian" we heard about many things about him by that you. We heard that you can hit like an army and know so much of fighting styles that you made by your hand. Many people say your from any of the four Kingdoms I wouldn't lie, but from what I see. I could tell that you could be one bad ass in Vacuo." She said as she grins.

Everyone in the arena are cheering and let out a hand out towards Nebula once her hand on my hand hold each other I pulled her in a fake hug.

Jin(whispers): "I see through all of your lies. I can see that you and your team let untrain students as bait for the Grimm they come out damage as for you and your team come out unscratched. Know this... I can report this and get the proof I need to send you all packing and try to fight me will be a great mistake. Know this I'll be willing to help your Kingdom to be represented, but if you do this act again you'll know what's coming. Do I make myself clear?" I said as I made my voice more of a grown up and with venom.

Nebula(scared): "Y-yes."

Jin(whispers): "Good."

After that I let her go and look around and I see both Weiss and Ruby looking at the airship up in the air. Both of them started to run and I get that their going to the airship so I get where they were going. I headed out to check why are they going to that Airship?

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