《In Lockdown With Them》chapter 4: Drugs and UFOs


I felt something light hit the back of my head.

"Psst, Liv," I was currently sitting in Ms. Lockwood's History class, bored outta my fuggin mind when I heard Huda whisper yell my name.

I twisted my body and looked for Huda, she was sitting two rows behind me to the left, how she managed to aim whatever she threw at my head and make a perfect headshot? I have no idea.

"Underneath you" she mouthed.

I looked underneath me and found about twenty balls of crumpled paper, which I'm guessing are from her previous attempts of hitting me with. I picked one up and opened it slowly, trying not to make a lot of sounds.

It had one word written on it.

"Food" followed by a creepy smiley face.

I wasn't even surprised it didn't have anything to do with what happened half an hour ago, the both of us didn't give a damn about these things, okay... that's a lie, I gave an incy wincy tiny small little damn about what happened today, but you can't blame me, can you?

I smiled at myself and grabbed a Snickers bar from my bag, I was so used to this to a point that I actually started packing food just for Huda knowing she's going to eat all of hers before the first period even starts.

I aimed the Snickers bar at her lap and threw it, it landed on the floor, but hey, at least she got it in the end.

She smiled at me and started jumping in her seat mouthing "thank you" a million times. A few students looked at her weirdly, probably new ones, the rest were just used to Huda's hyperness. Is that a word? I don't even know.

She opened the wrapper loudly not even caring if the teacher could hear her or not and was about to take her first bite when Ms. Lockwood's annoying voice made her jump in her seat and let go of the chocolate bar, causing it to fall on the floor.


"Ms. Martin, what do you think you're doing?!"

And Huda being Huda answered "Drugs?" and closed her eyes, awaiting her death.

Ms. Lockwood just rolled her eyes and said "Throw the bar in the trash can and keep your eyes on the board, Miss Martin,"

Huda gasped and shot a hand over her mouth for dramatic effect, "ywou dwid no juss sway thad," Huda said, her hand muffling her horrified voice.

Ms. Lockwood looked at Huda weirdly, "Excuse me?"

"You told her to throw away food," I explained to Ms. Lockwood.

Ms. Lockwood rolled her eyes again and got back to teaching the lesson right after telling Huda to focus or she'll sit through detention and blah, blah, blah... y'know, typical teacher stuff.

I shook my head and continued to doodle on my notes.

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"Liv, I'm telling you, we're all aliens, every one of us... human is just another fancy name our ancestors called us and we later made up the idea of green creepy creatures that come from outer space called aliens, when in reality we "humans" are the actual aliens."

We were making our way to the school parking lot, school had ended and Huda was trying to convince me that the comet that killed the dinosaurs was a Ufo and we are all just a bunch of aliens whose ancestors came out of that Ufo.

"Seriously? A Ufo? You're telling me we all came from a huge giant undefined lamp spaceship thing from outer space? Huds don't you think it's time for you to stop with the theory crap?"

"You did not just call a Ufo a giant lamp," Of course that's the only part she heard.


"No, I said a huge giant undefined lamp spac-"

"Yeah, yeah, whateve- OH! Oh! ... Speaking of lamps, do you think lamps actually suck the darkness of the room instead of producing the light that lights up the lighted room that was once dark?"

What the actual fuck.


"OH MY GOD! Olivia! Listen! Listen! Hear me out! I got something! Listen!" Huda suddenly started jumping up and down before throwing herself on the floor and doing somersaults.


She stopped doing somersaults and stared into space all of a sudden. She scrunched her face up and tilted her head to the side, clearly thinking about something.

"What?" I repeated.

"What?" She averted her gaze towards me.

"What, what?"


"You said you had something to tell me!" I almost yelled, growing extremely agitated.

"Holy shit." She smiled widely. "I forgot. HA. That's funny."

"How is that funny?"

"I don't know."


"What what?"

"Oh my god Huda get your ass off the floor- and pat your pants because they're all dirty now-, we're going home and you're going to take your meds-"


"Don't you even think about interrupting me you little shit. You're going to take your meds, or so help me god I swear I will not hesitate to shove them pills so far up your ass, ears, and nostrils."

Huda stared at me horrified. She got up. Got into the driver's side of her car. Played her favorite Rolling Stones, Arctic Monkeys, and Beatles albums. Drove us home. And took her meds.



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