《Camp Closeted》26. You Suck Good
Benny and I watched Minnie gracefully cook fried rice as she continued to rant. "Benny, you don't have to feel pity for yourself. Don't ever compare yourself to that boy! Posh didn't build his empire, his parents got it for him! Don't ever compare yourself to no one and focus on you and your grind only!" She spoke loudly, Benny looking down as he was listening intently.
The heavenly smell of the rice spread all throughout the kitchen as Minnie didn't stop talking. "When you at a race, you don't look back to check on the others because they will pass you! Focus on making yourself the best you that you can possibly be, not because of someone else, but because you're doing it for you, you hear me?"
"Mhm." Benny sighed, playing with a spoon in his hand.
"I know you Benny." She glanced at him as she tilted the large pan side to side. "I know you got work ethic and I know you're capable of doing great things in life. You ain't ever gonna have competition if you already know you're going to win, so remind yourself that you a winner!" She warmly smiled at him as Benny smiled back. "Just because that boy already got everything doesn't mean you also can't have everything and more."
"You right." Benny tiredly sighed.
"Boy I'm always right." Minnie let out a loud laugh. After Minnie gestured us to finally try the fried rice, we didn't even hesitate for a second to quickly begin eating. After putting some onto my paper plate, I quickly took my fork to begin digging in.
"This is amazing." I let out, unexplainable great taste exploring my mouth.
"Mmm!" Benny began to dance as Minnie began to laugh out loud. "Uh oh uh oh uh oh uh nuh nuh." He began to hum Crazy in Love by Beyoncé as I fully agreed with a small snicker.
I have never tasted fried rice this good in my life! "Thank you so much!" I cheered.
"Oh please." Minnie playfully waved me off as she clicked her mouth. "You ain't gotta thank me for nothing child, you know I love cooking for y'all!"
She just smiled as she watched us eat like complete animals. The kitchen completely filling up with the heavenly aroma of fried rice.
She wiped her hands with a small towel as she spoke again, breaking the silence that was only filled with our chewing. "Now, tell me why a tall and incredibly handsome boy has been looking all day for you Benny."
"What boy?" Benny quickly raised an eyebrow at her, hungrily stuffing his mouth with more food.
Minnie took a second to gather her thoughts. "He-uh, said his name was Keanu." Benny almost choked as Minnie continued talking. "He was a real tall boy and he said he was looking for you."
"Oh my god, Keanu? Looking for me?" Benny's eyes were widened as mine were too. "T-that's weird. You think it's about last night?" He turned towards me.
I shrugged as I couldn't stop eating. "Probably." I swallowed.
Benny let out a loud squeal as he quickly grabbed my hand and ran out the kitchen. "Thanks for the fried rice mama!" He exclaimed.
"Careful boys!" Minnie laughed behind us, watching us frantically run out the kitchen.
"C-calm down." I laughed as we finally reached the cafeteria again.
Benny was audibly breathing hard. "Ima go find Keanu's fine ass and ask him why he was looking for me. Tell your Italian Stallion I said hi!" He smiled, making me playfully roll my eyes at him as I watched him run away.
Words cannot describe how much I actually want Keanu and Benny to date..
"Jesse I can't do this." I whimpered as I knew I wasn't gonna be able to do it.
"Yes you can." He purred into my ear. "I know it feels really hard but just hold onto it."
Jesse's firm shirtless body brushed up against my back as he helped adjust my hands. "Like this?" I asked.
He didn't respond until he fixed my hand one last time. "Like that." His charming voice deeply spoke against my ear. "Now shoot."
An exhale left my mouth as Jesse's body slowly backed away from mine, giving me space to shoot.
My hands quickly thrusted upward, biting my lip as I watched the basketball fly towards the hoop.
"Aw!" I pouted, watching the ball miss the hoop only by a little. "I suck!"
Jesse chuckled to himself as he ran to go get the ball, his shirtless body glistening from the warmth of the sunset. "You suck good though." He teased.
"Shut up!" I chuckled, what he said making my cheeks slightly burn for some reason. "How would you even know?" I teased back.
Jesse shrugged, my eyes tracing down his gorgeously chiseled body. "I secretly watched you eat yogurt off your spoon and I gotta say, you got some good techniques."
I winced at him as I couldn't help but laugh out at him. "You're such a creep." I grinned widely as I gestured for the ball. "Let me try again." I caught the ball immediately after he threw it at me.
"Focus on the hoop and not suck this time." He deeply chuckled as he winked, continuing to tease me.
I rolled my eyes as I prepared to shoot again. "If I make this, you owe me frozen yogurt." And with that, I quickly thrusted my hands upwards, carefully watching the ball leave my grasp.
I spoke again, this time my tone sounding disappointed as I watched the ball completely miss the hoop. "I give up." I groaned out in annoyance.
"I'm still down for frozen yogurt though!" Jesse just chuckled to himself as he went to go and get the ball again. The second he picked the ball up, his smile rapidly faded away. "Why are you here?" His voice a lot more stern and louder now.
I quickly turned around to see who he was talking to, my eyes widening the second a pair of familiarly striking blue eyes slashed through mine.
"I saved your boy toy and you reward me with a dirty look?" Tristan devilishly smirked as his tongue quickly went over his reddened lips. "How courteous of you Jesse."
My heart immediately began to beat faster as the thought of me kissing him at the night of the bonfire crept itself into my mind. "Saved him?" Jesse's eyebrows quickly furrowed down. "From what?"
I'm not letting Tristan speak again. I'm not a child, I can speak for myself. "H-him and his friends were the ones who brought me to the nurse's office. That's why you saw them in there with me." I anxiously bit my lip.
Jesse's mouth slightly dropped at Tristan as I turned back towards him, having to look up since Tristan was a little bit taller than me, almost the same height as Jesse.
Tristan's familiarly mysterious eyes shimmered as his face was a lot closer to me now. "Your eye is getting a lot better. Such a shame a beautiful boy like you had to get hurt." He smirked as his charming voice made my cheeks burn, his finger tucking a small strand of my hair back up.
I anxiously backed up away from him as Jesse began to walk towards us, throwing his shirt back on. "Tristan, I get that you helped him and shit, but I still don't know why you're here." Jesse quickly walked in front of me with his fists tightened.
"Jesse.." I softly let out, my voice audibly cautious since I didn't know what he was about to do.
Tristan didn't even bother looking at him back as they both shared almost the same tall and muscular physique. Tristan didn't even look at all affected by Jesse being all up on his face, his face tilting to the side to keep looking at me.
Tristan devilishly smirked. "It's interesting to see you act so different towards me now that you're not drunk." He said to me, his eyes now looking back at Jesse. "How did you feel when he told you my tongue tasted like strawberries?"
Jessie's face was immediately drowned in a pool of confusion, his eyes hastily looking at Tristan. "What the hell are you talking about?" His sharp jawline quickly clenched.
Tristan's catlike eyes immediately widened as his mouth amusingly dropped at me. "Oh he doesn't know?"
"I don't know what?" Jesse exclaimed, still standing in front of me.
"Why don't you ask him yourself." Tristan had on a smug look, managing to send a rush of mixed emotions to run through my veins.
I quickly bit my lip. "I-I was drunk at the bonfire and I kissed him." My eyes quickly met Jesse's. "Apparently I said he tasted like strawberries, I'm sorry." The second I finished talking, I felt my stomach completely drop at the immediate silence that broke out.
Jesse's face rapidly scowled as he walked away from the both of us. "Y-you kissed my ex?" He stuttered from disbelief as I just looked down in embarrassment, Tristan just keeping on a smirk. "Micah what the fuck! Why would you do that? You knew he was my ex!"
"Jesse I was drunk!" I began to breathe a lot faster now as he shook his head in disgust. "I'm sorry." I breathed out.
"Bullshit! How do you remember it then!?" He exclaimed, dropping the basketball down to the ground.
"Because he came up to me and told me!" Our raised voices echoed around the basketball court as the bright orange sunset tinted each of us.
"Did he?" Jesse's eyes were a lot sharper now as he narrowed them at Tristan. "Did he kiss you?" He hurriedly asked.
Tristan let out a low husky chuckle as he didn't even seem bothered at all. "Yea, but come on Jesse. You can't get mad at him, he was really fucked up." He casually shrugged. "May I also add, it was really hard trying not to act so turned on after. I had to keep my serious face on so he listens to me when I say to stay from you."
"Stay away from me?" Jesse's face crinkled. "Why would you tell him to stay away from me?"
Tristan quickly raised his perfectly structured brows up. "Oh so now you don't know why he shouldn't?"
Just before Jesse couldn't talked again, I decided to finally talk. "What even happened between you guys?" I blurted out, making both of them look at me. "I-I'm sorry, I don't mean to get involved with whatever is going on between you two, but I'm just really confused."
Jesse stared at me as if I really just asked him what I just asked him, but he finally decided to respond. "You don't have to get involved. Not trying to be rude Micah but it's none of your business."
Tristan carelessly yawned as our surroundings were still very awkward and hard to process. "It was the business of everyone else."
"Shut up! Why are you still bringing that up? That was a long time ago!" Jesse loudly exclaimed, making me slightly back up. "I'm a whole new person."
Tristan was glaring at him now as his jaws tightened. "Keep telling yourself that Jesse. Also, keep telling everyone that I'm nothing but a crazy ex just because I don't want you to fuck over another person like how you did with me."
"What did he do?" I finally had enough, I just wanted to know. This was emotionally exhausting.
"Tristan I swear to god, get over it!" Jesse's fists clenched tighter as I strongly hoped Tristan tells me. "Don't even bring Micah into this!"
Tristan blatantly ignored him as he let out a tired laugh into the air, Jesse just sighing to himself. "Jesse and I dated a long time ago. Long story short, I caught him getting head from another guy at a party and he tried to talk his way into making it work. He really thought an apology was just gonna make it all better." Jesse's face quickly burned from embarrassment.
Jesse was breathing a lot faster now. "Tristan, just stop." He quietly begged.
"Foolish of me, even after that I gave him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he did change, right? So I gave him another chance only to be proved wrong once again." Tristan's eyes pierced away from me and into Jesse. "After breaking up with him because he cheated on me twice, I made sure that he would never do that to another person again."
"Dude." Jesse loudly clicked his mouth as his face reddened at me. "Are you still not over it? I apologized!" He looked like he was losing his mind.
Tristan only continued. "He didn't like that very much so he told everyone that I'm nothing but a crazy ex that's still not over him. Yes or no, that's what Jesse told you who I was right?" He blinked at me.
"Y-yea." I gulped, taking a second to just process everything he just told me as I remembered the day Jesse told me about Tristan not being completely over him.
Tristan just nodded back at Jesse, his face visibly hurt. "Wow, thanks." It was obvious Tristan was trying to smile but it was a smile out of genuine hurt.
"What the fuck." I unconsciously let out, my face melting into shock as I slowly turned towards Jesse.
The level of pity I had for Tristan now was immensely high as I felt completely hurt by hearing this story and it didn't even happen to me.
Jesse noticed me start to back away from him in disgust so he began to speak again. "Micah, that was a long time ago, I'm a whole new person." Jesse's voice was audibly trying to calm me down but all it did was piss me off even further.
There's nothing I hate more in this world than assholes and that story sounded like the epitome of something the king of assholes would do.
"Jesse, that's so mean." I shakily let out, furrowing my brows deeply at him. "How could you do that to someone!"
"Micah, I know! Just let me explain!" Jesse tried to calm be down even further.
Tristan loudly sighed, beginning to mock him. "Oh Jesse, guess this is another one of those people that could've been but won't be. All because they learned about how much of a horrible person you truly are." Tristan tilted his head as he grinned at the both of us. "I must say, watching another person get disgusted of you is truly entertaining to watch."
"Tristan just please shut the fuck up!" Jesse brokenly exclaimed, making him laugh loudly.
I quickly shook my head. "Don't tell him to shut up! How could you even be so vile towards a person who loved you?" My voice was painted with sadness and complete distraught as I glared at Jesse.
Tristan's grin slowly faded away as his face began to show how he felt inside, which was true pain. What I said probably reopened a wound.
Jesse's voice was a lot faster now. "Micah, that was 2 years ago. I know I fucked up but people make mistakes and I definitely own up to mine!"
"Then why are you the one that's angry when Tristan should be the one expressing more anger than you!" I couldn't help but raise my voice. "I don't get that!"
"Because he has expressed it Micah! He still is!" Jesse's voice finally broke apart into a loud scream, making me tense back. "For 2 years now he's made people I got feelings for just simply walk out of my life, and you're probably next! Just because of that dumb fucking mistake I made a long time ago!" He brokenly let out.
Tristan and I openly stared at Jesse as tears began to stream down his flushed cheeks, his voice a lot lower as his tone was audibly broken. "He doesn't believe that I'm no longer that asshole and that's why I'm so angry! I'm angry that he doesn't believe that I've changed! I'm angry that he's not even letting me prove that I have!" He sniffed, quickly wiping off his tears as if he hated that he was crying.
I watched as Tristan rapidly walked away from the situation since it probably got too sensitive for him also.
"How do I know that you changed?" I blurted out, my voice audibly trying to be softer now as I hated seeing him cry.
"Micah, I just have.." He sighed, closing his eyes for a long pause, then opening them up again, tears still continuously leaving his reddened ocean eyes. "I don't know what to tell you to make you believe me, but I just have.."
"Jesse.." I let out his name with my breath, not even knowing what to respond back to him.
"Please, just believe me. Believe that I've changed.." Jesse lightly choked as he sniffed, not even caring to wipe his tears away anymore. "Please Micah.." his deep voice cracked out.
- In Serial87 Chapters
Seeking Elysium
Elysium Ling is a returnee. She’s been to an alternate world, coerced into fighting their wars, and somehow returned alive. Now, 13 years later, she finds herself again taken to a foreign world – this time, by her own choice. Not the same world that she returned from, but a foreign world nonetheless. There, struggling in an unknown world, utterly alone, she has a chance encounter with a young lady with a lovely voice. An encounter which would spark a chain of events that would irrevocably shape the world around them. That young lady’s name is Rosalind. This is her story. Disclaimer/Trigger Warnings (Please Read!) THIS WORK WILL MOST LIKELY CONTAIN BOTH HOMOSEXUAL AND INCESTUOUS UNDERTONES. IT WILL ALSO HAVE OCCASIONAL DESCRIPTIONS OF GORE THAT CAN GET REASONABLY GRAPHIC. PLEASE DO NOT READ THIS IF YOU ARE UNDER THE LEGAL AGE IN YOUR COUNTRY TO CONSUME SUCH CONTENT AS MENTIONED ABOVE, OR IF YOU ARE TRIGGERED BY HOMOSEXUALITY, GORE OR INCEST. Notes on Relation to Lily Ex Machina While this story is intended to be a sequel to my first work, Lily Ex Machina (LxM), I will be writing it in a manner that does not require readers to have read LxM to understand it. While having read LxM will likely enhance your enjoyment of this work(I hope), I am intending for this story to be able to stand on its own legs. As such, certain worldbuilding elements that I have expanded upon in LxM will likely be repeated in Seeking Elysium(SEly). As such, for newcomers, it should not be an issue to follow this story without prior knowledge of LxM. On the other hand, for my returning readers, I do beg your forgiveness for forcing you to read through stuff you already know. I’ll do my best to try and make it interesting, but no guarantees of success, I’m afraid. On the other hand, if you’re a newcomer to this series and enjoy SEly, I do hope you’ll take the time to read Lily Ex Machina as well, if only to get more information of the backstories of some characters. Update Schedule I will only post completed volumes on RRL; if you would like to follow the story while it is ongoing, you may do so at my website. I update twice a week, on Wednesdays and Sundays. Supporters on my Patreon get access to chapters a day earlier.
8 212 - In Serial6 Chapters
The Song of Souls
WARNING TO MY USUAL READERS: This is not my usual style of story. I've decided to turn this into an anthology of short one-shot stories, that are very atypical of my usual stories or style. Some will be horror, others romance, and others just stupid silly ideas I have. Basically, a collection of shorts I write when I need a break from my usual writing style. I'll include a summary at the start of each "chapter" telling you what to expect. MAKE SURE YOU READ THE SUMMARY! The content and quality of each story will probably vary wildly. (One is even a horror romance featuring an eldritch horror. I promise it's weirder than it sounds.) If you do want to check out my usual writing, be sure to take a gander at my ongoing series, Of Men and Dragons. It's a bit of a long haul at this point, but hopefully it's worth the read! Cover: By Gej302
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The Touch of Infection
Carisa's been running for her life the past two years. Loosing her loved ones and anyone she grows close to. The apocalypse was caused by an alien raise coming to earth and proclaiming they'll fix the planet. Their way to 'fix' it being destroying humanity with a plague. However they didn't expect the human body to be as persistent as it is, the infection they spread mutating and making humans reanimate with a hunger for flesh. They thought they could contain it, control it even, but it's spreading faster than they thought. The world is dying faster than ever before. And Carisa only want to survive, to make it to the next day, bumping into an Alien she thought she'd be petrified. But upon further inspection... their not that much different that humans. Curiosity at its peek with both of them and so she gains a tail always creeping behind her. The aliens just won't let her go. Story is written on my free time so it has a lot of typos, sorry.It's been marked #1 in "alien race" woooBook cover made by: @tinybandaid on instagram
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Midnight Falls
When you're a seventeen-year-old girl with anxiety disorder and a gorgeous, popular girl that absolutely hates your guts for who-knows-what reason bullying you whenever she gets the chance, Anna Falls has no choice but to face reality....her life sucks. But the little sparks of hope that build up her optimistic, bright soul convince her otherwise. She will always think of one thing and that there is hope in life. Maybe even a goal. It might not be visible now, but she knew that it became as clear as a bell when she ran into Luke Carter. Twice. In one day. Second time being literally into him. --"How about fifty-fifty?" I offer in ragged breaths."We could have just done this from the beginning," he replies, breathing heavily. We both chuckle.I gaze into his green eyes. "Your eyes are really beautiful," I blurt out."I know," he smirks."Are you always that egotistic?" "It depends," he answers, pushing my hair behind my ear.I smile at him. "You're welcome then.""I never said thank you.""And I said you're welcome. Are we done, Catherine Obvious?" --#3 in annoying: 11/18/2020#39 in teenagers: 01/03/2021#8 in disorder: 01/12/2021#110 in romance: 01/19/2021All media used within the cover does not belong to me, but belongs to the app Canva.
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Back In Time *King George III X Reader*
You have been living in Great Britain with your genius uncle and his spoiled child since your parents died. Your uncle was a scientist, always making inventions here and there. One that intrigued you the most was his latest invention, a time machine. Though, it worked as planned, it contained errors that your uncle hasn't fixed yet. You are sent back to 1776 to test the machine. But something went wrong with the program. Will you ever get back to your own time? Will you make friends or fall in love with historical people?
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8 66