《Camp Closeted》21. Vogue Model
I yawned, entering the cabin that I actually missed sleeping at. Benny had his headphones on as he was laying down on his bed with closed eyes.
I anxiously breathed as I hoped he was feeling a lot better now. I haven't talked to him for 3 days and I'm not even sure if he knows about what Logan did to me.
Benny's eyes quickly opened as if he sensed I was coming and they rapidly lit up. "Micah! Where the hell have you been?" He exclaimed, throwing his headphones off. "I couldn't even text you because I don't have your number and your lame ass don't use social media!" His voice sounded relieved.
I smiled as I tightly hugged him. "I've been at the nurses office." I sighed, making him quickly break off the hug.
Benny looked up at me as his eyes landed on my darkened eye. "What in the hell! How'd you get that?"
"Logan." I let out quietly as I bit my lip, watching Benny's face quickly crinkle in confusion. "He wanted to punch me back for what I did at the night of the bonfire but, I swear it got out of hand. It felt like he was actually trying to kill me."
He backed away, quickly thinking to himself. "Logan did this? That's so childish of him to do! He's probably off his medication." Benny's eyes met mine again. I remained quiet as Benny sat back down on his bed, continuing to speak. "Why'd you stay at the nurse's office and not a hospital?"
I slowly shook my head. "Hospitals are too far away from here." He clicked his mouth in disappointment, continuing to examine my eye.
"Ima talk to him." Benny let out as I sat next to him. "That ain't right. If I was you, which is very unlikely because I can beat a bitch up, you can make him catch a case."
I furrowed by eyebrows down at him. "Like sue him?" I couldn't help but half-laugh.
"Why not." He shrugged. "I mean I know he's my best friend but what he did to you was wrong as fuck."
I quickly shook my head. "No, I don't wanna do that. I just wanna stay away from him, I guess. I think I remember him saying he wanted to kill me if he ever sees me again."
Benny's voice quickly began to reply. "Yup, he's not taking his medication again. That boy is so stupid sometimes I swear!" He looked at me as he sighed. "Logan has really bad anger issues. I'm sorry you had to go through that. I wish you didn't."
I bit. "But I did." Silence broke out between us. "But I can't be sad about something that already passed. I just have to make sure I stay away from him, medicated or not."
Benny crossed his arms at me. "And I guess I'm staying away from him too. Even though we've been friends for so long he's been hanging out with his band mates more and hasn't even tried talking to me. He's slowly but surely turning into an ugly wrinkled asshole." I couldn't help but explode out in laughter at what he said.
Benny's nose shifted. He did this a couple of times as his facial expression progressively got more disgusted, sniffing the air around us. "Bitch, is that weed?" He dramatically gasped, getting up off the bed to look at me. "Micah, you did not!"
I widened my eyes at him as I played innocent, hoping he didn't notice what I think he noticed. "What?" I scratched my head.
"Boy don't you act dumb with me because you know I'm not dumb!" He pointed his finger straightly at me as I gulped. "Now why would you smoke weed? Aren't you a baby?"
"I'm 18." I quickly scrunched my eyebrows down at him. "Wait Benny aren't we the same age?"
"Hell no." He sassily replied. "I'm forever 21."
"But you look younger!" I exclaimed, genuinely surprised as I tried to process his age with how young he looked.
"Um, that's because black don't crack." He snapped his fingers up as he stuck his tongue out, laughing. "Now don't change the subject, you ain't slick! Why did you smoke weed?"
"I don't know." I tiredly fell back against his bed as my eyes pointed up to the roof. "I just wanted something that can help the pain be more tolerable."
"Get off my bed before you make it smell!" He rolled his eyes as I laughed, quickly getting up. "Did it even help?" Asked Benny.
"A little, yea." I chirped, our eyes meeting as I stood back up straight. "I also noticed it made me less nervous." I shyly added.
"Micah, you're crazy." Benny sighed as he crossed his arms at me. "Listen, I don't mean to be rude, but if you're planning to become a pothead, don't ever come to me smelling like one."
I playfully rolled my eyes. "Benny it was only once. I'm never gonna do drugs again. I know it's wrong."
"That's what they all say and then they go onto try some crazier shit. Either way it's both bad so just be careful." He spoke warmly.
"Yes mom." I teased, slightly smirking.
"How's you and Jesse?" He yawned, laying down, throwing his blanket onto his body.
I shrugged, leaning back against the wall as i stared off at the distance. "We're good." I clicked my mouth. "All we really do is make out and I still get nose bleeds from it because it's always overwhelming. He's just so hot Benny."
Benny nodded at me with a smile. "I'm not gonna lie, he ain't my type, but Jesse is one hell of a good looking guy. Are you guys planning to ignore his ex and just date, or what?"
My lips pursed as his question genuinely conflicted me. "His ex Tristan, talked to me about Jesse doing him dirty and him not wanting the same thing to happen to me. I don't know what that means though."
"Sexually did him dirty or mentally did him dirty?" Benny snorted.
I quickly narrowed my eyes at him as he obviously knew which one, making him chuckled to himself. "Most likely mentally." I answered.
"Well then be careful." Benny's voice was serious now. "Don't let your guard down too much. I don't ever wanna hear your ass crying about a broken heart."
"Oh please." I deeply breathed. "That's never gonna happen." I anxiously chuckled.
"How did you and Tristan even come to talking?" Benny curiously asked.
"He told me at the nurses office. Him and his friends were the ones who brought me in, I think." I answered softly.
"They brought you in?" Benny's mouth gaped at me. "What if Tristan secretly likes you?"
"I don't think so." I shook my head.
"It's a possibility that you could help him get over Jesse." He shrugged as I loudly whined out in annoyance.
"That's not going to happen!" I laughed.
A wave of silence came over us as we glanced at some of the guys getting in the cabin, Benny's voice breaking the silence. "All these guys and I don't even got one. You know, sometimes I wanna be in a relationship, but sometimes I feel like I'm too much of a bad bitch to be in one, you know what I mean?"
"I think so." I answered, following what his eyes were looking at which was Keanu throwing his shirt off, his tan and gorgeously built body glistening at us.
Benny rolled his eyes as if he was having a seizure. "Like that's too much to handle." He squeaked.
"What do you look for in a guy Benny?" I smiled.
"A big dick." He casually joked towards me, answering innocently.
I playfully rolled my eyes at him as I tried to hold in my laughter. "And?"
He sighed as he looked down, running his hands against his blankets. "This about to sound boring as fuck but I want someone that can make me laugh, someone who is smart, oh and also someone that likes me for me." He shrugged. "What about you?"
My cheeks began to burn for some reason. "Honestly, the same thing."
Benny humorously rose his eyebrows up. "Oh you like big dicks too? See I knew damn well you were a bottom, bitch!" He cackled, clapping his hands.
"Oh my gosh, shut up." I loudly laughed with him, making some of the guys with Keanu throw us glances.
We got quiet the second Keanu and 3 other guys came closer towards our direction, their eyes not leaving us. Are they coming here?
"Hey Micah." Keanu's enticingly deep voice was low and sounded genuinely warm. "Look dude, we're sorry for just watching and letting Logan do that to you." I quickly looked away as I clenched my jaw. "It got crazy and we never meant to let it go down like that. We're sorry." He bit his lip, my eyes glancing at the 3 others guys that looked serious also.
"I-It's okay." I let out, trying to force out a smile. "What happened, happened. There's no point in holding grudges."
"Alright, well, we're planning to go on a hike right now, if you guys are down to come?" Keanu raised a perfectly shaped brow at us as Benny and I rapidly looked at each other.
Benny looked hesitant as his eyes were squirming for me to say no. "We would love to go." I brightly smiled this time, catching Keanu off guard. "Ima go get ready. You should get ready too Benny." I looked at Benny as his mouth was incredibly dropped, walking myself to my bunk bed to go and get dressed.
Keanu nodded as he seemed happy that I said yes. "Alright, we'll be outside waiting."
Once they left the cabin, Benny quickly ran towards me, his squinted eyes meeting mine. "What the hell do you mean go on a hike? You're ass was just chris browned and you don't you wanna rest?"
"Benny I can't spend my days resting all the time. Plus, the only thing that hurts the most right now is my face, not my body." I tilted my head at him, making sure my face looked serious. "I'll be fine."
Benny groaned out in stress as he threw his hands up into the air. "What the hell am I gonna wear? I don't have sporty outfits."
"Just wear something comfortable." I laughed, looking at him dramatically spin around in confusion.
"Micah I'm not about to hike with a damn turtle neck on!" He exclaimed as he cried to himself.
"I'm hiking with a damn turtle neck on." Benny loudly announced as his legs slowly trudged against the ground.
"Aren't you hot underneath that? How are you not sweating?" Keanu curiously asked, his attractively heated face shimmering from sweat as he gripped onto his water bottle.
"Cold hearted bitches don't feel heat." Benny joked out, catching everyone's attention.
"I bet I can make you feel heat." Keanu teasingly winked, making Benny snap his neck back.
Benny half squealed. "S-shut up." I knew Benny was probably getting butterflies in the inside.
Keanu quietly chuckled as he glanced back on the trail. I would be lying if I said this hiking trail didn't make me struggle a little bit. It was incredibly hard on my feet and I felt myself wiping off a bed of sweat from my forehead from time to time.
The fact that Benny wasn't sweating even though he was wearing oversized striped pants and a long sleeved turtle neck made me very conflicted and jealous. He looked like a Vogue model.
Keanu deeply breathed as the ground beneath us started to lack elevation and was flat again. "Let's take a break here." He smirked, our eyes awaiting to see the view that was about to be in front of us.
My eyes quickly lit up as the view from the hill was genuinely too much to handle. Flocks of birds flew together as the lake glittered from a far, sea of evergreen trees spread out in such a vastly manner. "Wow." I lightly gasped.
"I know right?" A boy from my right spoke as the others began to talk within themselves. "It's kinda weird that we've been hiking together but I never introduced myself to you. I'm Henry."
"Micah." I politely let out my name as I shook his hand.
"I know who you are. I helped Tristan bring you into the nurse's office. You probably just didn't see me." He explained, making me quickly drop my mouth at him.
"Oh my god, thank you." I turned towards him. "Seriously, you guys saved my life." I spoke lower, making sure he understood how grateful I was that they helped me out.
His cheeks flushed as his light blue eyes shyly looked down. "It's nothing. We obviously weren't just gonna leave you out there."
I anxiously laughed. "Thank you." I spoke again.
"Are you feeling okay now?" Henry's light blue eyes scanned my face.
I slowly nodded as I looked back out towards the view. "My face is still kinda hurting, but I feel better now. Honestly, thanks to you guys."
Benny's voice quickly appeared behind us. "Hey y'all need to come and see this, there's a huge waterfall and there's a bunch of naked ass people swimming in it."
I scrunched my brows together as Henry and I proceeded to follow the group. My hands waved through the thick leaves as we got closer towards the loud whooshing noises that indeed came from a large waterfall, the sound of loud laughing and splashing emitting in front us.
My mouth dropped as our eyes landed on a bunch of naked guys and girls playing in the water, my cheeks couldn't help but heat up as I was so confused as to why there was so many naked people here.
Henry smiled as his voice began to speak. "This hiking area have different paths that connect to the other camps. These people probably come from Brazen and Serenity."
Benny rapidly screamed out in shock as Keanu was already naked, his light brown eyes looking at us, his incredibly tan skin glowing. My mouth dropped as my eyes scanned down until Keanu's defined abs and v-line, then quickly looking at Benny who was without a doubt staring at every inch of Keanu's naked body.
Keanu began to talk as my cheeks were burning. "I'ma go swim, why not." He deeply chuckled like a child as he ran, my eyes widening at his butt.
Benny and I just laughed together as everything was genuinely too crazy to process.
"I'm coming!" Henry chuckled. "No way I'm going in naked though." He added, throwing his tank top off, exposing his snowy chiseled skin.
"Micah did you see it!" Benny choked on air as the other guys ran to go swim also, leaving just the 2 of us together. "Keanu would rip anyone in half!"
I quickly winded at him as I only laughed louder. "I didn't look, but of course you did!"
"Of course I did!" Benny threw his hands up as he fanned himself. He was audibly breathing really loud as he turned around, his eyes widened as his hand was against his pumping chest. "Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Micah I need to go sit down somewhere before my spirit leaves my body." He walked away as I immediately followed him so I don't have to stare at naked people like a creep. "Gotta Camila Cabello." He added breathily.
He turned around, sighing and noticing that I didn't understand why he just said Camila Cabello. "Because she left her group and we're leaving our grou-you know what, forget it Micah, fuck you." He tiredly laughed, making me laugh with him.
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