《Camp Closeted》16. Prince Eric
I don't know how, or when, but my eyes immediately opened.
The second my eyes opened, they were met with set of deep blue dilated ones, which only gave me a second to process since my body had already decided to thrash around.
I coughed, my hands slamming against the dampened ground as water shot out my mouth, only strengthening the coughs even further.
I felt like I was just resurrected from an eternal slumber and I wanted to just feel normal again. Familiar voices around me started to talk as I continued to die. "So mouth to mouth does work." Rama huskily chuckled.
After my coughing fit, I finally looked up to who owned the strikingly blue eyes and it was surprisingly Jesse.
I thought he was mad at me forever and never wanted to talk to me again, especially how I talked to him that day at the cafeteria.
My body didn't even have enough energy to release a reaction since I was still so beat up. "W-where are the others?" I croakily asked.
Jesse remained quiet, Sascha running towards me with a towel as he began to speak. "You were the only one that washed up here. We were actually rowing our canoe and then when we saw you lifeless, Jesse suggested we go hel-" Sascha was quickly silenced by Jesse's strong nudge against his shoulder.
"Give me that." Jesse's sharp jawline flexed as he snatched the towel from Sascha. "You okay?" He asked monotonously, helping me get up.
"I-I'm fine, surprisingly." I tiredly breathed out. "We need to find the others."
Everybody else started surrounding me, even Logan who was throwing me a dirty look, his eye still badly discolored from my punch.
Jesse spoke again, his strong hands keeping me balanced. "Who was in your group?"
I coughed as I began to answer, sitting myself away from the lake with Jesse's strong muscular arms holding me. "Well there was Benny, Cadence, Milan, and Posh."
Rama quickly groaned out. "Fuck man, seriously? I feel bad for Cade having to deal with your group's bullshit. I bet none of you twinks even helped row the goddamn boat!"
My voice quickly replied as I glared at him. "Cadence and I were the only ones rowing so shut the fuck up!"
"Who the fuck do you think you're talking too?" Rama's fists tightly clenched towards me as I remained wrapped in the towel, Jesse quickly going in front of me.
Keanu began to speak deeply. "Wow, bro chill, he and the other guys just drowned so calm down." His arms began to block Rama from retaliating any further.
Rama clicked his mouth in annoyance as he turned around. "Cade better be alive, that's all ima say." He surrendered, walking his shirtless self away from us.
I was without a doubt shivering beneath the blanket, Jesse's cold ocean eyes worriedly glancing at me. It was visible he looked worried but didn't know how to help.
Logan's voice was broken as he spoke, his fists tightly clenched at me. "Benny was in your boat?" He blurted out, catching my attention.
"Y-yea." I nodded, turning towards him, watching him begin to speak again.
"I wish you didn't survive." Logan's sentence rapidly sliced me in half as Jesse rapidly got in front of me again, Sascha shyly sitting next to me with another towel in hand.
Jesse's voice began to rise in volume. "Logan what the hell is wrong with you? Why would you say that?" Jesse pushed him away as Logan kept glaring at me. "Get outta here!" Jesse exclaimed.
All of a sudden, I felt warm tears fall onto my frozen cheeks. Sascha murmuring to himself as he stacked the towel on me to keep me warm.
Keanu sat on the ground as he sighed. "Look, I'm pretty sure Benny's gonna be alright, and hopefully the others also. Everybody just needs to calm down."
I really am hoping for the best..
My body didn't leave the small campfire that Sascha made an hour ago as it kept me from freezing to death.
Logan coughed as he began to speak to everybody. "Benny just texted me, he said he's fine. He just got back to the bunker." My eyes widened. "I don't know he got back, but he's okay I guess."
Rama's deep voice quickly appeared. "Is Cade with him?"
Keanu's curious voice also joined in. "Is everybody okay?"
Logan took a while to answer as he furrowed his eyebrows down at his phone. "Hold on."
At least Benny is okay.
As they started their own conversations that I couldn't hear, someone else quickly captured my attention.
Sascha sat himself next to me with crackers. He gestured for me to get some but I didn't have the desire to eat. "Staying in a library and just reading has a lot of perks." He smiled innocently. "Like learning how to make a camp fire."
"W-why did you bring so many things for canoeing?" My voice was cracky, the loud sounds of the fire cracking like a whip blanketing over it.
"Well you just never know when you or somebody else is gonna need help." He shrugged, running his fingers through his fluffy long hair. "For example; today."
"Thanks." I threw him a small exhausted smile, noticing Jesse was just across us, sitting by himself.
I was lying if I said I didn't miss seeing Jesse.
The campfire perfectly illuminated against his physique. Every single crack of bright flame perfectly defined every single shadow from his bare chiseled body as my breath hitched at his sight.
His blue eyes that were being tinted orange by the fire were looking down at the stick he was fidgeting with, a careless but ever so perfect strand from his slick black hair just falling onto his pale structured cheeks.
Sascha followed my eyes and smiled as his cheeks began to burn. "You like Jesse huh?" He slightly laughed as I shook my head.
"N-no I don't." I calmly lied. "What makes you say that?"
I don't know why I lied about my feelings about Jesse, maybe I'm just in denial that I really do like him.
Sascha breathed in as he laid his head against his legs, watching the fire burn bright before us. "I've read enough romantic books, and the way you guys look at each other just remind me of them."
"Interesting." I tried to hide a smile as Sasha began to speak again.
"Well since you don't like him, do you think you can keep my very deepest biggest secret ever?" Sascha anxiously bit his lip as he whispered. "I've never told anyone this secret before."
"Yea of course, what is it?" I weakly replied.
"I've always had the biggest crush on Jesse." He bubbled shyly, his cheeks quickly burning up as I remained quiet.
"Really?" My emotions were very mixed and slightly confused and if Sascha noticed this on my face, he'd know something is up so I just quickly smiled. "That's so cute."
My voice came out drier than intended but Sascha was so star struck at looking at Jesse and I couldn't help but feel so happy for him.
I can't blame him. Jesse looked absolutely god sent and everything about him was perfect.
Too perfect..
A voice that made my soul roll it's eyes began to speak, it was Rama. "The sun is about to set, I'm leaving before we get eaten by wolves or something." He walked pass us as he wanted to get back on the large canoe. "I'm gonna go see if Cade made it back."
"I'm coming." Logan announced.
"Hold on I'm getting my stuff." Keanu chirped.
Sascha quickly looked at me. "You ready to go?" He softly asked, tucking a long curl behind his ear.
Just before I could've answered, somebody's voice had already spoken out for me.
"He's staying with me." Jesse interrupted, stretching out his gorgeous body as he yawned like a baby. "Im gonna need help to row the other boat that washed up with him, so..." His eyes were subtly shy as it slightly shifted to look at me.
Sascha took a second to reply as he ran his hand through his hair. All of a sudden, he smiled widely. "Oh, sure, okay then. Get back safely guys." He slowly waved, following the other guys onto the other canoe.
I remained seated, my eyes carefully focused on the bright fire as Jesse's tall figure stood right next to me, watching the guys begin to row away towards the setting sun.
Our surroundings were just filled with distant water splashes and a couple of deep chuckles coming from the canoe that began to disappear.
Before I knew it, we were alone..
I didn't bother flinching as Jesse quickly sat next to me on the ground, our eyes not leaving the dancing fire.
"Not gonna lie," Jesse's deep and slightly raspy voice began to speak. "I did wanna save you while I was doing mouth to mouth with you, but mostly to just kiss you again." Jesse confessed.
I couldn't help but deeply chuckle. "Imagine if I didn't wake up?" I raised an eyebrow at him, our eyes meeting. "You would've been kissing a dead person."
"But I wasn't." He answered softly. Looking at Jesse for too long always made me anxious and my cheeks always began to burn and I hated it. I remained quiet, making him speak again. "I know you're scared of Tristan because you're a pussy, but I'm never gonna leave your side ever again." He let out as my mouth dropped at him. "What? You are." He chuckled.
"I just don't want problems with anyone." I tried to hide a smile as I looked back at the fire.
"Well, I have a problem with you not wanting to have problems with anyone, meaning you have a problem with me." He slightly smirked, his shoulder beginning to brush against mine as I rolled my eyes.
"I have a problem with you?" I began to taunt him, trying to hide a smile beneath the towels.
"Yea." He taunted back, his head almost towering over me.
"What are you gonna do about it, bro?" I began to talk like a cringey fuck boy as he began to laugh.
"I don't know, bro." He shrugged, acting like a cringey fuck boy back as his dilated eyes shifted around my face. "No homo, but like, you're super hot bro." I cringed at his compliment.
"That sounds super homo." I nervously chuckled, hiding a devilish smile under the towel. "Bro?" I added as I was about to laugh out loud.
"I only like being homo with you." His voice let out softly, his eyes delicately set into mine as I watched his ocean irises dilate wider.
"Look Jesse, I wanted to apologize to you. I should have never talked to you like that. You've been nothing but kind to me and I took all of it for granted." I genuinely spoke as his eyes observed my face.
He just remained silent, his fingers softly pulling my chin closer and I didn't even have the energy to stop it.
My breathing began to speed up as my heart began beating in a faster pace, our flushed faces moving closer together.
"Ah, sike!" Jesse quickly moved away from me as my mouth widened at him, amused. "Miss me with that gay shit. You're a dummy for taking me for granted." He joked, clenching his sharp jawline to the side.
"Wow!" I exploded out in laughter as I quickly replied. "That was actually so fucked up. But I deserve it." I continued to laugh as he smirked to himself.
His mesmerizing eyes met mine again, his deep attentive voice breaking the quick silence. "I forgive you, just don't ever be mean to me again, I'm sensitive." He smiled, momentarily showing me his incredibly white teeth. "Come here." He quietly commanded.
My eyes widened but then softened as his smooth reddened lips met mine. It felt like every single problem that clawed against my head immediately melted away as my brain became mushy.
Jesse got my heart beating against my chest now as he smelled so good for some reason. His warm hand gliding against my cheek to kiss me even harder.
I quickly pulled away, Jesse throwing me the cutest look of distraught as our cheeks were burning. "What if my nose bleeds?" My breathing was fast and my vision was blurring in ecstasy at the view of him being shirtless.
"What if I don't give a fuck?" He groaned out, his desperate eyes shifting up and down at my face.
That's all I needed to hear.
I plunged my lips back to his as Jesse's soft commanding hands grabbed onto my cheeks, making us kiss a lot harder than last time.
The feeling of the warmth radiating off of Jesse's soft plush lips were almost overwhelming. He made my mind go blank as all I felt was incredible heat.
The way Jesse kissed was very eager and the feeling of his lips were unexplainably good. The taste of minty gum entered my mouth as I started to feel Jesse's heated demeanor begin to slowly lay me down against the ground.
Oh no!
This isn't good!
I can't help it!
I quickly pushed him away since I already felt my nose was going to gush out blood like a fucking lizard.
I was undeniably so turned on and I hated it.
Jesse smiled as his skin was so plush and subtly reddened, his white skin slightly glistening from sweat as his black cloudy hair was gorgeously messy. "This can't be normal." He breathed hard, his blue eyes watching me carefully.
"I know, it's so stupid." I looked away from him as I felt so embarrassed and stupid. "Sorry."
Jesse watched me internally cry as my nose kept pouring out blood. "Are you a virgin?" His question rapidly made my eyes widen since it was so abrupt.
"Haven't you asked me that before?" I looked at him as my face was slightly buried into the now reddened towel.
"Maybe, but I don't remember your answer." He casually shrugged.
"Well I am." I slowly nodded as he sat back, his head slightly tilted up at me. "Are you?"
"No." His answer sounded slightly tense as he carefully examined my reaction to his answer. I just casually looked away as I continued to wipe my nose. "Im not." He pursed his lips at me.
"T-that's cool." I slowly nodded, my nose thankfully not bleeding anymore as I tried to hide the towel behind me. "I guess."
This became awkward real quick.
To cut up the awkward silence, he just spoke out once again. "It's getting pretty dark, we should go." He nodded, quickly getting up as he offered a hand to help me get up also.
"You sure we'll be able to row back with just the two of us?" I questioned, eyeing at the large canoe as we left the fire to burn.
"We'll be fine, the water is really calm at night. I'll even be able to row it by myself because, you know, I'm pretty strong." He winked as I rolled my eyes at him, watching him run towards the canoe, my slow self still being wrapped in a towel burrito.
Jesse quickly hopped on the boat. "Also, we'll have a nice relaxing canoe ride, just you and me. Kinda like that cute little scene from The Little Mermaid." He cheekily grinned.
"I call being Prince Eric!" I proudly let out, making him wince as I ran like a child towards the canoe.
"Micah please, you know that's a lie." He chuckled to himself as I slowly got on. "You're obviously Ariel, you're such a little bitch."
I quickly tilted my head in confusion. "Not even!" I exclaimed as he teasingly smiled.
"Yes even." He smirked, pushing his cloudy midnight hair back.
"No!" I laughed and whined at the same time, making him chuckle to himself. "I'm not a little bitch!" I pouted.
"Just acknowledge the fact that you are." Jesse let out deeply, picking up a paddle as I bit my lip at him. "Oh and I look like Prince Eric more than you do, so ha!" He slyly added as I tried to cover up my smile and my burning cheeks.
Fuck, maybe I am the Ariel.
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