《feeling grey. [lloyd garmadon]》[eleven]
"Wakey wakey," someone says, shaking my shoulder. My eyes flutter open and I grimace at the brightness of the room.
"We're here," Cole says. "Everyone else is already outside."
I groan, I did not sleep well last night. Despite this, I pull the covers off me and walk to the bathroom to change quickly.
"What are they doing?" I ask through the door.
"Concealing the ship. The island is swarming with the Stone Army," he responds.
I open the door so Cole and I didn't have to talk through it and pull my hair into a ponytail.
"What's the plan for today?" I ask.
"Finding the Temple, I think. But it's going to be hard since we can't be spotted," Cole says.
"Good thing we're ninja," I respond.
Cole scoffs. "We're good, but not that good. One of us is going to talk too loud or step on something and boom, whole thing gone to shit."
I roll my eyes. "Have some faith in us."
"But you see my point?"
"Yeah, yeah." Cole and I exit the Bounty and meet everyone else outside.
"Look who finally showed up," Kai says, crossing his arms.
"Hey, you could've woken me at any time," I say.
Jay snorts. "And risk getting a black eye? No thanks."
I sigh. "That was one time!"
"One time too many," Jay says.
"Whatever," I say, grabbing a shovel and begin helping to hide the Bounty in the sand.
"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today," Kai says, grinning.
"Shut up!" I say, throwing sand at him.
"Guys, cut it out!" Cole says. Kai glares at me.
"I hate sand! Why do we have to hide? We need to fight!" Cole says, groaning.
"But, Cole. Their weakness is unknown," Zane says. "It would be unwise to start a fight we cannot finish."
"That is why you five must find the Temple of Light," Sensei Wu says, standing on the deck of the Bounty. "Come in, ninja, we must discuss our plans."
Cole grins and runs into the Bounty, the rest of us following in pursuit.
Misako, once again, spreads her scrolls across a table in the bridge. "The scrolls say there's a hidden temple on the island. If you find it, it will give the ninja pure elemental powers," she says.
"So you're saying we get to fight?" Cole exclaims, grinning wildly.
"And you, Lloyd," Misako says, turning to Lloyd. "Once the Green Ninja strikes the Instrument of Peace, he will know the power of the Ultimate Spinjitzu Master."
"Ultimate Spinjitzu Master?" Lloyd mumbles.
"It means you'll be able to access the power of the Golden Dragon, a powerful ancient fighting style," his mother explains.
We all look at each other, mouths agape. I want a golden dragon.
Lloyd laughs pridefully. "Jealous?"
"This sounds too good to be true," Kai says.
"Kai's right," I say. "What's the catch?"
"The catch is, the Temple could be anywhere and we have no clue where it is," Sensei Wu says. "All we have to guide us is this."
He holds out a golden circular piece of metal. There were engravings in it and three small star looking shapes on the top.
"A medallion!" Zane's father says, grabbing it from Wu's hand. "It's like a compass. Match the three holes with something in the island, and it will reveal the location of the Temple."
"What are we waiting for?" Zane says. "Let's go!"
Lloyd gets up from his seat to join us, but Wu pushes him back down.
"Not you, Lloyd," he says. Lloyd sighs.
"Seriously, this again?"
"Your uncle is right," Misako says. "We don't want to prematurely start the final battle until we're at full strength."
Jay laughs. "Jealous?" He says, voice full of pride. Lloyd scoffs.
"Remember, Garmadon doesn't know we're on the island. It is extremely important that you all stay out of sight," Wu says to us. We nod.
"Don't worry, Sensei! Have you every known us to veer from a plan?" Jay says. I snort. Wu looks at Jay, his eyes narrow.
"Shush!" Wu says, interrupting us. "Not so loud."
We travel in shadows, so to speak, stopping here and there to try and match the medallion with something.
We take a break, resting upon a ledge on a small mountain, overlooking some sort of camp.
"It looks like he's building something," Kai points out.
"Building what?" Jay asks.
"Quiet, you idiots. We need to find what the medallion matches up to," Cole says quietly.
"Let me see," Zane says, taking the medallion from Cole's hand.
Zane looks around, trying to find some sort of sign that we've found it. He gasps.
"Did you find it?" Jay asks excitedly.
"No, look!" Zane says happily, pointing to a table.
"Your falcon!" Kai says.
"I thought it was shot down and lost for good?" I ask.
"Not if I can retrieve it and get it back to my father," Zane says, standing up.
"Zane, no!" Cole exclaims. "You're veering from the plan. We're supposed to be finding the Temple and staying out of sight."
"I have to get my friend back!" Zane says and runs away. Cole sighs.
Thirty long minutes later...
"I spy, uh...another tree!" Jay says.
Kai groans. "Jay, I'm going to take that medallion out of your hands and throw it at your face!"
"Would Zane just hurry up already?" Cole says.
Jay gasps. "I found it! The Temple of Light!"
I take the medallion from Jay. Sure enough, the light matched with a bright star.
"That's it!" I exclaim.
Suddenly, warriors from below begin to shout loudly.
"Oh no," Kai mutters.
The Stone Warriors began to surround Zane. He was clutching his bird to his chest, but he failed to retrieve it unnoticed.
"That's it, I'm fighting!" Cole says.
"We can't. They're indestructible. If we go down they'll know we're here too," Kai says.
Cole jumps down. "And if we don't we'll regret it for the rest of our lives. Come on!" He says.
I jump down next to him and Jay does next. Kai sighs and joins us, and we run towards Zane.
A massive vehicle rolls in the way and leads a path for Zane to cross.
"Come on!" Cole shouts. Zane runs over and we sprint away, the whole army following us.
"Remember when Sensei told us to stay out of sight?" Kai says.
"Yeah, that was good advice," Cole says.
"Why didn't we listen?" Jay says, ducking to avoid arrows.
"Why don't we ever listen?" Zane says, dodging some spears.
"Look, the gate!" I exclaim. "It's closing fast," I say, sprinting towards it.
We cross an unsteady bridge, the wood breaking underneath us. Stone Warriors surround us on both sides, trapping us on the bridge.
"Ideas?" Kai asks frantically.
"I say we jump into that hole!" Jay says, pointing to a dark and creepy looking hole.
"Next idea!"
"I say we fight!" Cole suggests.
"With what?" Kai says.
"Zane, any ideas?" I ask.
"I-I think I have one," he says.
The bridge breaks, sending us all falling to the ground.
"Use your Spinjitzu onto the planks!" Zane shouts.
We jump from plank to plank, leading us to the treetops.
"How is this even possible?" I shout.
"Who cares!" Kai shouts back.
We reach the floor and run to the Bounty, the warriors following not too far behind.
"What's going on?" Lloyd asks.
"Prepare for battle," Zane says, placing his falcon on the table in front of his father.
"You were spotted?" Wu asks. "By one? Two?"
I laugh nervously. "How about the whole army?"
"Did you at least find the Temple?" Misako asks. We nod.
"It's at the top of the mountain," Kai says.
"Good thing I just finished the vehicle. It'll get you there in no time!" Zane's father says.
We run and jump into the newly produced vehicle that Zane's father had created.
"I also packed a surprise in the back," Nya says, kissing Jay quickly. Jay grins and kisses Nya's forehead, Kai rolling his eyes.
Lloyd jumps in as well, much to his pleasing.
"This time, we'll stick to the plan," Kai says.
"Good luck, ninja," Wu says.
Cole drives us away, the Stone Army close behind.
"You do know how to steer this, right?" Jay asks.
"Yeah, sort of," Cole says.
"Faster!" I say, looking behind us. Cole presses on the pedal, trying to get away.
"That's as far as that'll take us," he says once we've reached the mountain.
Kai jumps out and runs to the back. He gasps.
"Nya packed us her Samurai armor!" He shouts. "Oh, I love my sis!"
Kai jumps into the seat and walks over to us in the armor.
The army reaches us and Kai turns towards them.
"I've got this!" He says.
Kai picks up one of their cars and throws it far away. He destroys the rest of them and runs over to us.
"Hop on!" He shouts.
We jump onto the suit and Kai begins to climb up the mountain as fast as he could. The army's vehicles climb up the wall, following us.
"We're not climbing fast enough!" Zane shouts.
Kai shoots a grappling hook at the top and we soar to the top of the mountain.
"The Temple of Light," Lloyd says, staring at the Temple.
"Wow," I mutter in astonishment.
It was huge yet ancient. The once red brick was tarnished and covered with vines and other leaves. The brown wood was muddy but still in tact. From the top of the mountain, you could see everything. It would've been a beautiful view if the island wasn't so infested with evil.
We enter the Temple, pushing open the huge doors. We walk to the back wall, examining it.
"Guys! It's...us," Jay says, pointing.
"How? It's everything we've ever done!" Kai says.
"There's even me training with Mistaké privately," I say, pointing to the picture.
"And look, it's right now," Cole says.
Sure enough, it depicted the six of us standing and looking at the very wall in awe.
"How could it all be here?" Zane asks.
"Destiny," Lloyd says. He looks around. "I think I know what we need to do."
We follow him to the center and watch as he wipes the dust off the ground. A picture is revealed—the symbol of the Green Ninja.
The six of us hurry to find our own symbols. They were spread out to look like a star. We all stand on our designated a lot and wait for something to happen. But nothing did.
"Uh, now what?" Lloyd asks.
The Stone Warriors have gotten closer, I could hear their shouts in the distance.
Lloyd gasps and looks up, narrowing his eyes.
"The bell! The Instrument of Peace," he says. "You guys ready?"
"Bring it!" Cole shouts.
A determined look flashes across Lloyd's face, and he takes off. He sprints towards one of the walls and pushes off it, launching himself towards the bell.
He kicks the bell, and it clangs loudly.
A bright beam of golden light shoots out of the center of the bell, right onto Lloyd.
"What's happening?" Lloyd yells.
"No one move!" Zane shouts.
Lloyd looks at me, the bright light making it hard to look back. I nod at him encouragingly and his eyes close.
The bell emits another beam of light. It bounces off Lloyd and hits a pole across from him.
The light bounces to a crystal, then to another, and so fourth. I watch as the beam travels to each of the guys. They too begin to glow as the light hits them, but not nearly as bright as Lloyd.
Suddenly, the beam hits me. I feel a new power inside of me. I feel warm and confident for a second, like nothing could ever get in my way.
A hilt of a blade appears in my hand, and I look down at my clothes. They had changed, and I liked it.
Lloyd was the only one left to be hit by the beam. He begins to float upwards in the bright light from earlier. A bright sword shoots up from the hilts of our blades. Mine being green at the bottom and fading into a shade of grey.
I point my sword at Lloyd and a great gust of wind flies out from it, hitting him as he spun.
A small dragon erupts from Lloyd's chest, brightening the room, but only for a second. The giant beam of light disappears and Lloyd falls to the ground.
The Stone Warriors run into the room, and we all grin and look at each other.
"Now we get to fight!" Cole shouts.
Kai charges at one of the warriors and hits it with his sword, a bright flame of fire erupting from it.
Kai thrusts his sword into the ground and draws a circle around the warriors, surrounding them in flames. He walks into the flames and hits them all out.
A wave of warriors run towards me and I grin.
"Finally, I can see what I can really do!" I say.
I wait for them to get close to me and at the last second I jump over them, soaring over their heads and landing on the other side. I hit the one in the back with my sword and a gust of wind shoots out, sending them all flying into the back wall.
I walk towards the center towards Lloyd, the rest of the guys coming that way as well.
Lloyd summons a sphere of green light, but this one was different from his others.
He shoots it and a huge golden dragon erupts from the sphere, shooting out of the mountain and sending the Warriors to run.
"Wow," I murmur. Lloyd turns to me and grins.
"Did you see that?" I say, smiling and doing a flip off the wall of the guys' bedroom. I send a gust of wind towards Jay, making his hair stick all the way up.
He glares at me and glances towards Nya, who was trying to conceal her laughter behind her hand.
"That's cool and all," Kai says. "But what about, this?" A gigantic flame lights up the whole room, but only for a second. Zane freezes the fire with his ice, and it falls to the floor and shatters.
"Hey! No fair," Kai says. Lloyd laughs.
"But what about that massive dragon?" Cole says, turning towards Lloyd. "Man, that thing was fucking sick!"
"Thanks, I guess," Lloyd says, smiling sheepishly.
Jay sighs. "I really missed my powers. I forgot how much fun they were!" Jay points his blade at the light switch, powering the lights on and off.
"That's probably not smart, Jay," Zane says. "You're going to cause a blackout."
Lloyd summons a ball of green energy and tosses it up and down.
"Ooh, toss to me!" Cole says.
"You can't touch it," Lloyd warns. "You'll get pretty hurt."
"Aw," Cole says.
"Toss here," I say.
"Didn't you hear? It'll hurt you," Kai says. I roll my eyes at Kai and look towards Lloyd.
"Trust me," I say.
Lloyd shakes his head. "No way."
"Come on. Please?"
He pauses for a moment then sighs. "You better not get hurt," Lloyd says.
"I won't. I think," I mutter.
Lloyd throws me the green sphere and I summon a breeze, keeping it uplift.
"Woah!" Nya says. I grin and push it back towards Lloyd and he catches it.
Lloyd throws it toward me again and I push it back. We go back and fourth for a bit, the guys and Nya watching.
Lloyd tosses it to me again. This time I push it towards Kai. Kai shouts and runs around the room, the sphere close behind him.
"Stop, El! Stop!" He shouts. Everyone laughs.
"Elaine!" Kai shouts.
"Hey! Don't use my full name," I say. "I sound like an old lady," I grumble.
"Stop this then!" He says back. I sigh and throw it back towards Lloyd.
"What's wrong with you name?" Nya asks. "I think it's pretty."
"Thanks, Nya. I don't know, maybe I'll use it when I'm Mistakés age."
I throw it back to Lloyd again and he makes his disappear.
"Aw," I say.
"Sorry. Maybe tomorrow," he says.
"That is if we're not fighting tomorrow," Zane says. I frown.
"Zane's right," Cole says. "We could be fighting at any moment now."
"In that case, you all better get some rest," Nya says. "Night guys."
"Night, Nya," we all say. She grabs Jay's hand and pulls him with her. Jay looks back at us and grins, closing the door behind him.
"I should probably be going too," I say, glancing at Lloyd.
He apparent gets my message, because he gets up too. "I'm gonna walk her to her bedroom," he says.
Kai snorts. "Yeah, right. Just go."
Lloyd rolls his green eyes and I blush, closing the door behind us. I grab Lloyd's hand and pull him into my room. He shuts the door behind him then turns me around and kisses me softly. I giggle and he smiles, kissing me again.
"What if I'm not here tomorrow?" He whispers.
"You'll be fine, Lloyd. I know it," I whisper back. I stand on my tippy toes and press a kiss to his lips.
"I know," he says quietly. "But I can't help and think-"
I interrupt him and press my lips against his again.
"Then don't," I say. He grins and kisses me, more passionately this time.
He pushes me against the wall as we kiss, a loud bang echoing in the room. My hands move up his back and into his blond hair, tugging on it slightly as he kisses me harder.
Lloyd kisses my neck and moves his hands to my lower back. His lips travel down my collarbone, kissing me all over.
I jump up and wrap my legs around him. He picks me up, still kissing me, and places me on my bed. I tug on the hem of his shirt, and he lifts it off in a quick motion.
I gasp. "What was that?" I whisper, my hands still around Lloyd.
"I don't know," he mutters, sucking on my neck softly.
I close my eyes, trying to sense who was outside but Lloyd made it extremely hard to concentrate.
"It's Zane's father, I think," I say.
Lloyd moves his hand onto my breast, making me gasp a little. He caresses my skin, causing shivers to travel down my back. I pull my shirt off and he stares at my body, a mischievous grin spread across his face.
He hears another noise and groans, removing his hand from my breast.
"There are too many people on board," he mumbles, wrapping his arms around me.
"I know," I say, placing my head on his bare chest.
He wraps his arms around me and pulls me in closer, kissing the back of my neck.
"Goodnight, El," he murmurs.
"Goodnight, Lloyd."
3182 words
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Dawn of the Nexus (Kingdom building LitRPG)
Meet Peter ‘Horn’ Kowalsky – The champion! The prodigy! The winner of the ToN master league in 2032! Peter played games his whole life, finally reaching the top. In the final tournament in a worldwide RTS-RPG blockbuster, he won the Global event. His victory secured him a spot in the pre-release of a new game, Dawn of the Nexus. THE VRMMORPG-RTS masterpiece that the whole world was waiting for. Join him on his journey into a new unexplored world, a realm which the pre-release players will build up from scratch. Leading his clan of dwarven warriors and crafters, he has limited time to prepare before the wave of players will change everything. He'll need trusted champions and allies, as the danger and competition will be close by. It will be the actual test of his determination, cunning, and planning skills and a lot of sweat and virtual blood. Will he find himself in the new world? Will he again reach the top? Will it even be worth it? -- Welcome! If you're a fan of: - Base building - Clan & Army management - Battles, both small and large - Looting and crafting And if you dislike: - OP MC - The chosen one cliché - Grand quest to save the universe Then you'll find yourself at home. I hope you'll enjoy the read! Updates thrice-weekly: Mon – Wed – Fri PS. The true base-building won't start for a while. It will become the main focus of the story, but the introduction into a new world will take a while. Bits and pieces of it will appear from the beginning, but most of the gritty stuff won't come for the first twenty, thirty chapters.
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Her memory
Adam tafrar thought that he managed to escape his dark past by leaving everything behind .However his childhood love had another , Shadows started hunting him down and some mysterious events ended up changing his whole life.As he found himself in a total different world Get on to enjoy what does the future holds for Adam and why his childhood friend memory is still hunting him down while he founds himself exploring his new powers in a new world he never beleived that existed before. follow me for more on my KOFI page : Cokabil
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Adam & Eve: A Romantic Sci-Fi
After hundreds of years traversing the vastness of interstellar space, the ship's artificial intelligence begins gestating frozen embryos. It will raise and educate the men and women who will colonize a new world. Unfortunately, the gestation chamber fails after only two children are birthed. With questions to homeworld requiring years for an answer, the AI is uncertain how to continue the mission as their destination looms closer. Meanwhile, alone on the ship, the two children grow into adults under the watchful eye of the AI and its robotic avatars. ------------ Release Dates Prologue — 2022 June 24 Chapter 1 — 2022 June 24 Chapter 2 — 2022 July 01 Chapter 3 — 2022 July 07 Chapter 4 — 2022 July 14 Chapter 5 — 2022 July 21 Chapter 6 — 2022 July 28 Epilogue — 2022 August 04 [end] STEM Puzzles — 2022 August 04 Copyright © 2021, Mark Wilkinson. All rights reserved. No part of this book shall be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, psychic, copying, recording, or otherwise, without the written permission of the publisher. Published by MarkWilx, MarkWilx and the MarkWilx logo are trademarks owned by Mark Wilkinson. Cover image: Composition by Mark Wilkinson via Affinity Designer by Serif; background, “GOODS/ERS2 FIELD,” by Hubble Space Telescope; public domain; credits: NASA, ESA, R. Windhorst, S. Cohen, M. Mechtley, and M. Rutkowski (Arizona State University, Tempe), R. O’Connell (University of Virginia), P. McCarthy (Carnegie Observatories), N. Hathi (University of California, Riverside), R. Ryan (University of California, Davis), H. Yan (Ohio State University), and A. Koekemoer (Space Telescope Science Institute). Text: Title text is Edwardian Script by International Typeface Corporation. Header text is Myriad Pro (sans-serif) by Carol Twombly and Robert Slimbach, Adobe. Body text is Minion Pro (serif) by Robert Slimbach, Adobe; and Courier (fixed-width) by Howard “Bud” Kettler, IBM. Font appearance may vary in electronic presentations. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. The author does not imply an interpretation of, nor does he contest, the account of Adam & Eve contained in Genesis, The Holy Bible, which can be found at the website for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints or other Christian faiths. He invites all to read and ponder this book of scripture, and to seek divine inspiration in discovering its teachings. Disclaimer: This book is also available for purchase as a DRM-free ePub or Mobi from Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, Drive-Thru Fiction, Google Play, and Rakuten Kobo.
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Fto Oneshots [ FINISHED]
this book will have oneshots of the minecraft series called Fairy tail Origins so I hope you enjoy it.
8 86