《{GREATEST COMPETITOR} Tsukishima x Fem!Reader》𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑓𝑢𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛


"Well if you want my opinion I think you should just straight up tell him before he gets even more upset about you and Kuroo," you hear Yamaguchi say to Y/N as you walk over to them.

Tell me about Kuroo? So she does like him...

"W-What do you mean by that, Tadashi?" Y/N asks him.

Before Yamaguchi can answer, you step into the conversation to avoid hearing either of them bring up Kuroo again.

"Hey, Y/N can I talk to you quickly?"

Once Y/N processes what you say to her, she looks over at Yamaguchi for help.

You better not fuck this up for me. Don't intervene, stupid.

Y/N stands up from her seat. You can see on her face that she's a bit nervous to talk one-on-one with you again.

Crap I shouldn't have been such a dick to her yesterday. I don't want her to be nervous when she talks to me.

"I'll be right back, okay?" she smiles sweetly at Yamaguchi.

Beautiful smile...

"Ready, Tsukishima?" she calls, taking you out of your thoughts.

"Yeah, come on," you reply.

You bring her around to the hallway where you yelled at her the day before. You turn around to see her nervously looking back at you.

Damn, I feel bad bringing her here again after what happened here yesterday, but I don't know where else I can talk to her privately. I just need to get this stupid talk over with since she likes Kuroo.

"Look Y/N," you say to her "I just wanted to apologize for the way I acted when we were here yesterday. I shouldn't have been so rough with you."

You watch as Y/N's face turns calmer.

"I really didn't mean anything bad about you and Kuroo," you tell her.


"Tsukishima," she replies "it's okay."

"Right well if you want to be with Kuroo then it's none of my business anyway."

Y/N giggles, causing your body to freeze in place out of confusion and shock.

Why the hell is she laughing at me?

"Tsukishima," she says as she steps a bit closer to me "I don't want to be with Kuroo. There's only one person I want to be with."

You look at her confused by what she just said.

Does she have a boyfriend or something? Why the hell would she go out with Kuroo if she has a -

Your thoughts are interrupted by Y/N's soft lips hitting your cheek. As she pulls away, she gives you a quick smile.

"I'll see you later, Tsukishima," she waves as she walks away.

You watch her as she walks away and a tiny grin sneaks on your face. You feel your cheeks quickly flush red.

Good thing she walked away.

You walk back to your classroom, thinking about the conversation you had with Y/N. You weren't expecting to be so confused by what she said to you.

After school, you make your way over to the gym before the boy's practice.

"Tsukki!" you hear someone yell from behind you.

You stop walking and turn around to see Yamaguchi running to catch up to you.

"Why are you running in the halls?" you say with a hint of disappointment.

"I was trying to catch up with you," he says a bit out of breath.

"Alright, let's go then," you say as you continue to walk towards the gym.

"Why are you in such a rush?" Yamaguchi asks as he tries to catch up to you yet again.

"I'm not."

"Okay. Oh, by the way, how'd your talk with Y/N go before?"


"U-Uh fine," you stutter since his question caught you off guard.

"Yeah and?"

"What are you getting at, Yama?" you ask.

You look over to see Yamaguchi's confused expression.

"What's your deal? It's not like anything special happened."

He didn't see her kiss my cheek, right?

"Well what'd Y/N say to you?" he continues to question.

"She told me she didn't have feelings for Kuroo," you shrug "that's all."

"Okay," he says defensively before dropping the conversation.

The two of you continue your walk to the gym, bringing up short conversations to avoid the awkward one you two previously had.

Why can't I get what she did out of my head? It's not like she meant anything by it. And she didn't say that she didn't have a boyfriend so she probably does and-

"Tsukki?" your friend calls, trying to get your attention.

"But what if she doesn't then what did she mean by that?" you begin to mumble.

"Tsukki are you okay? You're muttering something but I can't understand you at all."

"Huh?" you say as your attention refocuses back on the present.

"I was trying to ask you what time it is," he says innocently "my phone died, see."

You watch as Yamaguchi tries to turn on his phone, but it stays black.

"Oh, okay," you say quietly.

You open your bag and look for your phone, but don't find it. You quickly search your pockets and your backpack but don't see it there either.

"I must have left it back in the classroom," you groan.

"Do you want me to come with you to help you look for it?" Yamaguchi asks.

"No it's fine," you tell him, "just tell Ukai-sensei that I'll be there in a bit, oh and can you take my bag?"

"Sure," Yamaguchi nods as he grabs your volleyball bag.

You turn around to walk back to your classroom, cursing under your breath at the shitty day you're having. Once you arrive you look around your desk for your phone, but still don't see it. You sit in your usual chair and think to yourself where the last time you used it was.

I remember using it at lunch and then I put it in my pocket before talking with Y/N. I can't believe Y/N actually kissed my cheek...

You put your head down on your desk.

Shit, I can't remember where I left my phone. Y/N is all I can think about. Where the hell did I put it?

Eventually, you give up. You decide to go back to the gym and worry about it once practice is over.

As you walk into the gym, you see the rest of your team warming up. While you start to do your warm ups you catch Y/N crouching down by her backpack.

There's no way she would ever like me ba-

"Tsukishima! Passing drills! Let's go!"

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