《{GREATEST COMPETITOR} Tsukishima x Fem!Reader》𝑆ℎ𝑜𝑤 𝑂𝑓𝑓


The following week you meet with Shoyo, Tobio, and Tadashi to tutor them. Since tomorrow is the day before the test it's the last bit of help you can give them. You continue to help the group learn the work as usual and a fair amount sticks in the boys' heads.

"So what are the parts of the nervous system again?" Tadashi asks.

You watch as Shoyo and Tobio shrug, unaware that the nervous system is a real subject.

"Nerves, Arteries, Veins, and Lymphatics," you remind him.

"Oh wow, thanks!" Tadashi replies "You're so good at remembering all of this stuff."

"No, not really," you shrug "I just have a mnemonic that I learned to help me remember it."

"What the hell is a new maniac?" Tobio asks.

You look over at Shoyo and Tobio who have their heads tilted to the side, a bit confused by the new word.

"A mnemonic is a technique that helps you remember difficult information," Tadashi tells his teammates.

"Wow that's really cool, Y/N, so what is the mnemonic?"


"Oh I get it," Tadashi thinks aloud "Nerves, arteries, veins, and..."

"Lymphatics," you help "it's not perfect but it's the imperfection that kinda makes it work for me," you smile.

"I don't get it," Tobio pouts.

"Okay, I'll explain it a bit better."

For a while longer you continue to help your friends with their studies. Eventually, they understand a decent amount of the work and you let them be done for the night.

"You guys are going to do great," you tell them as you stand up.

Shoyo jumps up excitedly.

"Thanks, I know I'm going to definitely pass now that you helped us so much!"


You wave goodbye to the boys as they leave, knowing you've done all you can to help them pass.

The next day as you enter your classroom, you walk over to Tadashi who's still studying for the test.

"Tadashi," you say as you approach "don't worry so much. You're going to do great!"

"Thanks!" he says a bit nervously "Good luck, Y/N."

"Same to you," you giggle.

You look up and see Tsukishima studying his notebook.

"Good luck Tsukishima," you say with a smile, "I look forward to getting a better grade than you."

Tsukishima looks up at you and nods before concentrating back to his notebook.

"Y/N," Tadashi calls to you "I really think your mnemonic is going to help me out a lot!"

"Oh, uh," you stutter.

Why did he have to bring that up in front of Tsukishima?

You look over at Tsukishima as he gives his friend a weird look.

"What mnemonic?" he asks.

"Oh, Y/N told me about this mnemonic to remember the parts of the nervous system," he says innocently.

As you watch Tsukishima, you see a hint of embarrassment graze over his face.

"Y/N please sit down," Kaji-sensei calls to you.

"What the hell, Y/N?" Tsukishima lectures.

To avoid the situation, you walk back to your seat before your face can turn too red.

Once you sit down, you can't help but look back across the classroom. As your eyes land on Tsukishima, you catch him glaring back at you. Immediately, your face turns bright red and you turn your head to look down at your desk.

Crap I'm such an idiot. I shouldn't have shared his mnemonic with the other boys.

Once the paper lands on your desk, you stare at it in confusion. Your mind has almost immediately gone blank.


Dammit, I'm so stupid. I just completely embarrassed myself to both of them.

Two days later you get to class and continue to avoid interaction with Tadashi and Tsukishima just as you have been doing for the past two days. As you sit in your seat, you hope that you can compose yourself before the team leaves for Tokyo later that day.

I'm still super pissed at myself for being so stupid. I need to calm down before I make the Tokyo trip awkward for everyone.

As class starts, you do your best to concentrate on your schoolwork. For most of the day, you avoid looking at the two boys in your class. During lunch, you leave your classroom to avoid Tadashi coming to sit with you.

I don't want to see either of them right now. I rather sit outside.

You walk to an area outside and take a seat at a bench. While you begin to eat, you hear someone call over to you and turn to see who it is.

"Y/N!" Shoyo calls out "I got my grade back and I passed!"

"That's awesome Sho-chan!" you say happily.

"It's all thanks to you," he replies with a smile, "So how did you do?"

You shrug. "I didn't get my score yet."

"Oh well, I'm sure you did super good!" Shoyo attempts to cheer you up.

Once school is about to end, Kaji-sensei says he has an announcement for your class.

"I know you've all been anxiously waiting to get your test grades back," he says as he begins to collect a group of paper, "and now I'm ready to hand them to you."

You do your best to not stress out too much as Kaji-sensei begins to walk around the room. You watch intensely as he walks to Tadashi and Tsukishima's desks. As Tsukishima receives his papers, you watch a shocking look go over his face.

I know he passed, so why does he look so shocked? He never shows emotions over anything.

When Kaji-sensei approaches your desk, Tsukishima looks back over at you and you tense up as you make eye contact.

"Excellent job, Y/N. The only perfect score in the class!"

You continue to stare at Tsukishima as you're frozen in your spot.

I got the only perfect score? So that means...

Your face starts to turn red when you realize you're still watching your classmate.

Did he let me get a better grade on purpose? But he looks genuinely shocked.

As you think that Tsukishima might have let you beat him on purpose, you accidentally send him a pissed-off face. You watch as his eyes widen at you before looking away. You look away as well in embarrassment yet again.

While you look down at your paper for the first time, you see the perfect score that you received on your exam.

I actually did better than him...

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