《{GREATEST COMPETITOR} Tsukishima x Fem!Reader》𝑂𝑙𝑑 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠


The next morning you walk downstairs for breakfast. To your surprise, you catch your brother making food.

"Hey Imouto-chan," he calls happily.

"Why are you in such a good mood?" you ask as you tiredly walk over to him.

"I'm always happy," he snaps back at you.

You roll your eyes and look at what he's making.

"Smells good," you tell him.

"Thanks! You want some?"

You nod and sit down at the kitchen table. As you wait, you put your head on the table and complain about how early it is.

Once Keishin hands you your plate, you perk up and thank him for the food. He sits across from you and joins you in eating. While the two of you eat, you see a small grin form on his face.

"What are you so excited about today?! Don't lie this time!"

Keishin shakes his head.

"Nothing Y/N-chan."

As he picks up some of his food, he changes the conversation.

"So what do you think of that Karasuno team, Y/N?"

"They seem pretty strong," you reply.

"Come on don't be like that. You act as though you know nothing about volleyball."

"Sorry," you mumble back.

"But I do agree with you."

You watch as the grin on his face gets bigger.

"I knew you would like them," he says cockily.

"Keishin!" you snap at him "It's not like that! I'm only the dumb manager because I have no other choice and you know that!"

You get frustrated as your brother continues to become overjoyed.

"Y/N it's going to be great working with you more!"

You groan as he brings both of your empty plates to the sink.

"I see you enough as it is in the store and at home," you complain.


At lunch, you pick up the food Keishin made for you and begin to eat.

I don't like the team. Not like that. They're good but it's not like I want to be there.

You look over at the two boys in your class that are on the team. You watch as Yamaguchi brightly smiles at his sour-faced friend.

How does someone like Tsukishima even exist? His presence alone makes me want to throw up.

Frustrated, you stand up and angrily walk out of the room with your lunch.

I'm eating somewhere else. I won't let him ruin my appetite.

As you walk through the hallway, you tune out the world, only thinking your angry thoughts about Tsukishima's existence. That is, until someone bumps you almost knocking you over.

"Hey watch-"

"I'm so so sorry!" he interrupts "Oh, Y/N!"

"Hinata? What are you doing?"

"I was just going to the bathroom b-but now I don't have to go anymore," he smiles.

I don't know if I should be grossed out or not.

As he walks past you, you turn around and grab him by his shoulder.

"Hey wait," you ask "have you eaten lunch yet?"

"N-no," he says sadly while looking down "I forgot my lunch at home."

"Hinata," you call him to bring his attention back to your face, "Do you want to share mine?"

As he looks at you, you watch his eyes glow in excitement.

"You really mean it, Y/N?"

You giggle as you walk away to find a spot to eat.

"Hey wait up!" he calls after you.

"What do you mean? Our team is awesome!"

"W-well yeah, but do you really think you're going to make it to nationals?" you ask.

"Of course we are," he innocently smiles.


You change the topic as he inhales the rest of your food.

"You work really hard, don't you?"

Hinata nods as he finishes the box.

"Yeah me and Kageyama always work so hard. I really want to be like the Little Giant so that's why."

"The Little Giant?"

"Yeah!" he says excitedly "have you heard of him?"

You nod. "Of course I have. My grandpa used to talk about him a lot."

Hinata's jaw drops. "Whaaaat! That's so cool!"

You watch his eyes as they shine in excitement again.

"Well yeah, I got to meet him for dinner once when I was young too," you say calmly.

"No way! You must have heard so many awesome stories about him! Doesn't that make you just love volleyball so much?"

You become speechless for a moment as Hinata's sentence registers in your mind.

Love volleyball? Of course I like volleyball... It's all my brother has done his whole life.

"Do you actually want to be our manager, Y/N?" he asks you curiously.

As you snap out of your thoughts, you nod back to him.

"Ah! That's so awesome! You get to be my manager for the whole time I'm at Karasuno!"

I guess it would be kinda cool to be the manager of the team my brother cares about so much and Hinata seems to think they're really special too.

Before practice starts, you start to set up with Kiyoko. Not long after, Keishin calls the team over to him. You watch as the same grin from this morning creeps over his face.

What the hell is he planning?

You walk up to be behind the group of tall boys as you continue to analyze his sadistic smile.

"Alright team, so your wild little Takeda-sensei annoyed Nekomata-sensei until he gave in to having a practice match with you all."

The boys all shout in excitement as your brother proudly puts his arms on his hips.

"And it's all thanks to yours truly."

You do your best to hold in your excitement. Your grandpa used to tell you stories all of the time about the Nekoma battles at the garbage dump.

Holy shit a Trashcan Showdown?! I've never got to see one in person before!

As your brother explains the details of the match, you squeal in excitement. This results in everyone turning around to face you. You watch as the group of boys stare at you like you have three heads.

Your brother laughs at you in front of the whole group.

"See even Y/N is excited."

You feel your face heat up and as your face starts to turn red you feel someone tap your shoulder. You look over and see Kiyoko focusing on you seriously.

"Can you help me set up the net?" she asks calmly.

You nod and follow her to the center of the gym.

"Kiyoko, is this the team's first practice match?" you ask her.

"Yes and I'm sure they're so excited they don't even care that they've got to drive to Japan."

"Woah, that does sound awesome."

Kiyoko lets out a small laugh.

"Yeah, prepare yourself, Y/N," Kiyoko says as she walks to the other side of the net.

"Wait why?" you run after her.

"Can you help me with this side now?"

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