《{GREATEST COMPETITOR} Tsukishima x Fem!Reader》𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑠


"Well, have a nice life guys!"

As you head towards the door, you feel someone grab your arm.

"Not so fast, Y/N."

You groan as you turn around to see Takeda giving you one of his stupid determined faces.

"Damn, you really don't give up, huh, Take?"

"You do recall the rest of the deal, right Y/N," he reminds you.

"What are you talking about?"

You play dumb as you snatch your arm away from his grip.

"That was the whole deal," you sass him as you begin to walk away.

Before you can escape, Takeda grabs onto your other arm.

"You know that's not true!" he refutes.

You groan again at his annoying amount of determination.

"Y/N you are supposed to be the first year manager of the team, remember now?" he says sarcastically.

"Why the hell do I have to do it?" you mumble "You have nothing to blackmail me!"

You look over at the boys after hearing two of them shout in excitement.

"You're going to be our manager?!" exclaims the shortest of the group.

"Oh no way!!" continues his tall friend with a shaved head "Please be our second manager!!"

You look back at Takeda with an unimpressed face.

"Specs you've already got a manager," you frown "so you can survive without me."

"Uh excuse me," calls the captain from before "but our manager is a third year. It would be really helpful to have a younger manager who will take over for the following years."

You look over at him as he gives you a kind smile.

"Yeah and it would be so cool for you to be our manager, too!" says an excited orange-haired boy.

"Shut up, dumbass," complains the one next to him.


"Does she even go to this school?" questions the annoying blonde from before "she looks like she belongs back in middle school."

You do your best to not let your anger show. You've just met this kid and already he makes your blood boil.

"Hey that's not very nice, Tsukishima!" replies the short orange-haired boy again.

"Thank you," you smile to him.

"I'm actually a first year at Karasuno High," you tell the group as you turn your head towards Tsukishima. "But I don't think I want to be your manager."

As you hold back your anger, a grey-haired boy steps forward and catches your attention.

"Y/N, you may not know us at all yet, but it really would mean a lot to us if you were to stay and help us out, especially for the younger players."

As much as I hate to admit it, he probably does have a point.

"And you get to watch us play volleyball!" chimes in the energetic orange-haired boy again.

What the hell is so exciting about watching a bunch of dumbass boys play volleyball anyway? I've been doing that already my whole life when Keishin drags me to his boring club games.

You look back over at Takeda who's giving you a dramatically sad face.

"I said I'll think about it!" you complain loudly as you storm out of the room.

As you walk away, you continue to grow angry at how annoying your Takeda-senpai is.

Once you get home, you head towards the kitchen to find something to eat. As you enter, you find your older brother sitting in a chair with his legs propped up on the table. He's smoking his cigarette as he reads the newspaper. You shake your head disapprovingly as you approach him.


"You know, coaches aren't supposed to act super sloppy," you lecture as you forcefully push his feet off the table.

He folds his paper back so he can look at your face.

"And as a manager, you shouldn't be acting so mean," he rebuts.

As you sit down next to him, he props the newspaper back up so you can't see his face.

"Keishin, I am not going to manage some stupid boys' volleyball team."

"Smart, you just keep telling yourself that Y/N."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean," you ask angrily.

You watch as your brother folds his paper and puts it back down on the table. As he talks, he places one foot on the table, crossing the other over top.

"If I'm getting forced to be there then you are too," he warns.

You stand up as you feel your body overheat with rage.

Why the hell does everybody want me to be a stupid manager? I don't even play volleyball!

"I am not going to manage their team! They already have a manager and-"

You stop as you watch your brother scowl at you. Intimidated by his annoying face, you groan and walk away from him.

No way am I ever going to manage that team.

Once you get to your room you plop yourself down on your bed and stare up at the ceiling.

"Especially with that stupid, four-eyed, blonde, douchebag on the team," you mumble to yourself.

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