《Jam Fest Book Club》Round 15


Welcome to round 15!

This round will last from Wednesday (23/6/21) to Wednesday(28/6/21) noon C.S.T.


Currently, we have 4 founders/admins and 8 reading groups. If you notice you're in a group where the admin is not participating we encourage you to consider adminning for your group. No pressure, but if you have any questions feel free to ask us or you can find the list of admin responsibilities on our admin app page.

Please welcome as they start their trial membership this week.

We hope to keep growing and ask all of you to on your profiles. (If you're an idol, you can earn rewards for sharing.)

A reminder that if you have anything you'd like to share or celebrate with the club, please feel free to let us know on Discord. You can PM or tag your admin or one of the founders, or simply share your news in the awards and congrats channel. We love sharing these out on the club accounts and our social media!

-1 chapter from each person in your group + 1 chapter from BOTW

-2 inline comments minimum per chapter

-1 end of chapter comment per chapter, no shorter than 4 sentences

-Those with the BOTW in their group must read two chapters of the BOTW. One chapter as their regular assignment and one for BOTW.

When you finish, leave a comment next to your name in the current round. Your "Done" comment must contain which chapter you've completed as well as your group's manager/founder.

@admin Done chapter 1 of blank, chapter 1 of blank, and chapter 1 of BOTW

(All commenting rules apply to BOTW as well as your group assignments.)

a lot of things are going on in the world from Covid to regular everyday stresses and we understand times are tough. If you need someone to talk to, please don't hesitate to reach out to any of us on Discord. Furthermore, strike up a conversation with the whole group so that we can help each other stay calm and keep our minds on better subjects, like our stories. Bounce ideas, ask for help with a paragraph, or just simply goof off and have a good laugh. Gif war anyone? Point is, we're all in this together and there is always one or more of us in discord!



For those of you with Idol status and interested in earning more music notes, we have decided to award an extra music note to those of you who share the club book on your Wattpad profiles. Only one extra note will be awarded each week for those who do this, so posting it several times within one week will not go towards more notes.

To prove you've shared the book, make sure to tag the club profile so we will receive the notification. Happy sharing, Idols!

Our botw list is getting close to being completely reviewed with only a handful of idols left to be showcased. Once the list is finished, thanks to our botw/idol lottery, the list will be restarted. So, if you notice someone gets botw who has had it recently, that's the reason why. We don't choose the botw winners ourselves, we run the list of idols through a random number generator that we have in discord. A reminder that only Jam Idols and the admins can be included in the botw lottery. So, if you are NOT an idol/admin, and have NOT been botw yet, that's the reason why. We suggest putting in a little more effort to help your fellow jammers and earning Idol status to take part in all our Idol perks.

For an update on Music Notes collected, please check out the member page. It has already been updated.


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I F | Y O U | A R E | A N | IDOL, and received a shoutout today, your music note has been added to your collection on the members/family page for you to keep track of!


read the Idol Quality+Prizes chapter. It not only lists all the prizes you can earn but explains how you can receive a shout-out each week and become a Jam Idol.



(Those with the BOTW in their group must read two chapters of the BOTW. One chapter as their regular assignment and one for BOTW.)


those with break/extension/skip next to their names are not participating this round and you do not have to read their book this week.

(Reading_Mermaid08) - The Wildcards

- Shadow Angel

- Isaac Unknown: The Albatros Tales


- New Elysium

- This Is A Test

- Parfait


(Ashabellnar4life) - The Wildcards

- Unhealthy Coping Mechanism

- Adventuring with my unorthodox talent


- Kissing My Ex

- The Blood of Rubies

- First love, kisses, and love letters


- The Dragonfly and the Sword

- Coltar #01 - The Prophecy [Pokémon Fan-Fiction]

- A Knight For the Prince


- Eagle X, Mission 15

- Becoming A Legend: Nightfall

-The Gathering Of The Masters: The Bond Once Severed


- To Be

- Coveted Temptation



(Reading_Mermaid08) - The Wildcards


And that's it!

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