《Jam Fest Book Club》🎧Round 1🎧


This round will last from Wednesday (24/3/21) to Wednesday(31/3/21) noon C.S.T.

Before we get things started, all of us founders want to say "Thank you!" to each and every one of you who are with us today! Some of you have been with us since the beginning and some are brand new, but we appreciate all of you giving this club and these new changes a chance. We're really excited about our new style and all the fun new ideas we have for you. Hopefully, you all are just as excited as us, and again, thank you for just being here! 🖤💜💙❤️️

(P.S. the song above a mashup of the top songs from 2020. Check it out if you're in the mood for a fun jam.")


Currently, we have 4 founders/admins and 7 reading groups, which means...we need admins, bad. If you notice you're in a group where the admin is not participating we encourage you to consider adminning for your group. No pressure, but if you have any questions feel free to ask us or you can find the list of admin responsibilities on our admin app page.


Along with these new changes this week, you have all been placed in your groups' chat channel on Discord. Please drop in to familiarize yourself with your group and introduce yourself to those you might not have worked with before. Your new admins have also most likely already posted a small greeting, welcoming you to your new group. So don't be shy, come say "hi", and get to know your new partners.


Please give a warm welcome to our newest trial members!

Of course, we hope to keep growing and ask all of you to please share this book on your profiles.


🎤~'s book "Coyote" was trending this week!


🎤~'s book "Dating My Ex" won 3rd place teen fic in the 2021 Punk Rock Awards.

🎤~ made it past the first round of ONC!

🎤~'s book "New Elysium" reached 14k reads!


-1 chapter from each person in your group + 1 chapter from BOTW

-2 inline comments minimum per chapter

-1 end of chapter comment per chapter, no shorter than 4 sentences

-Those with the BOTW in their group must read two chapters of the BOTW. One chapter as their regular assignment and one for BOTW.

When you finish, leave a comment next to your name in the current round. Your "Done" comment must contain which chapter you've completed as well as your group's manager/founder.

@admin Done chapter 1 of blank, chapter 1 of blank, and chapter 1 of BOTW

(All commenting rules apply to BOTW as well as your group assignments.)


a lot of things are going on in the world from Covid to regular everyday stresses and we understand times are tough. If you need someone to talk to, please don't hesitate to reach out to any of us on Discord. Furthermore, strike up a conversation with the whole group so that we can help each other stay calm and keep our minds on better subjects, like our stories. Bounce ideas, ask for help with a paragraph, or just simply goof off and have a good laugh. Gif war anyone? Point is, we're all in this together and there is always one or more of us in discord!




read the Idol Quality+Prizes chapter. It not only lists all the prizes you can earn but explains how you can recieve a shout-out each week and become a Jam Idol.


Congrats for winning BOTW through our tag fest and giving Jam Fest Book Club a shout-out on your WP profile! We appreciate the support and hope you get some insightful feedback this week!


(Those with the BOTW in their group must read two chapters of the BOTW. One chapter as their regular assignment and one for BOTW.)


those with break/extension/skip next to their names are not participating this round and you do not have to read their book this week.

(Reading_Mermaid08) - The Wildcards

- Isaac Unknown: The Albatross Tales

- Shadow Angel

- New Elysium

- This Is A Test

- The Stoneman


- The Gathering Of The Masters: The Bond Once Severed

- In Fair Verona

- Kissing My Ex

- Ryder

- Discover Soulmate

- The Dragonfly and the Sword


- A Knight For the Prince

- Moon Shadow

- Eagle X, Mission 15

- Becoming A Legend: Nightfall

- To Be

- Perfectly Unexpected

- You Had Me All Along


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