《The Unseen》Chapter 8


Magna'est strolled down the great hall of stone. His hands entwined behind him, he contemplated the gray bareness of the floor. It was the unchanging simplicity that quieted his soul. It made the problems of his position fade, creating a distance between himself and the world. The constant coolness of the rock helped to increase the isolation, a place where the land's ever-changing weather feared to tread.

The path to his chamber was devoid of any decoration. In the past, it held potted flowers and tapestries to break up the boredom. He had them all removed, for it was the plainness that now pleased him most. He left the color to Zandra, his newest love. She had dominion over his chamber, the garden, and anywhere else she chooses, except for his hall. The hall was where he centered his mind and prepared for the day ahead. In truth, life exhausted him. Magna'est had seen too much of it though surrender was unthinkable.

He slowed as he approached the large oak doors to his audience chamber. He straightened his white robes while he turned his head from side to side to stretch the neck muscles. His mindset had to change before he entered. His love awaited.

Zandra sat upon pillows of bright colors ripped from every band in a rainbow. Magna'est smiled as he entered. He closed the doors to his silent hallway and let his eyes absorb Zandra's noisy choice of decor. Flowering plants filled the corners, their leaves every shade of green offset by loud colored petals. Cloth was spread on the floor before his desk, weaved in a zig-zag design of red, green, and yellow stripes. A mural of a lake covered the far wall. Large fish were painted jumping out of it, and fabled creatures lined the shore.

"Maga!" Zandra shouted and ran toward him, her smile and arms wide. She was naked from the waist up, as she preferred. Her tiny skirt was of bright blue silk that waved delicately as she moved. Maga was what she named him when he first came to her. It was the most her ruined mouth could form at the time. It stuck and pleased her. She was the only one who had such a liberty.

"Zandra, my love," Magna'est returned. He held his arms wide and lowered himself to accept the child into his arms. Lifting her off the ground, he spun her around as she laughed. He loved how her long yellow hair would spread out into the air and the fragrance that lingered from her rose petal bath. She was precious beyond words.

"I had oranges this morning, two of them," Zandra bragged. She had no idea how much they cost. They were shipped across the great ocean from Mortigar. The price was steep, but the excitement on her face was worth it.


"Breathe on me, precious," Magna'est said. He tilted his nose toward her and she huffed on it. The tang of the oranges was still on her breath. He exaggerated his pleasure. "They smell wonderful."

"I know how to open them now, Petra showed me."

"We'll that was sweet of him," Magna'est said. It was the third time she mentioned Petra by name. It was time Petra moved to another Chosen One. The dependence and the love she felt had to be concentrated on him. She was everything to him, and he couldn't afford to share.

"Would you like to go swimming today?" Magna'est asked.

"Just you and me." Zandra's smile grew. "We could play Moon and Sun."

"I don't see why not."

"I want to be the Sun this time," Zandra announced.

"You always win as the Sun, but today the moon will rise as the victor," Magna'est lied. He would lose willfully. Zandra squirmed out his arms and took his hand in hers, leading him to her pile of pillows. She had him sit, then crawled into his lap. Her favorite place. Zandra handed him her new favorite book, the one about the bear that had no home. Magna'est shifted her butt so it didn't dig into his thigh, then spent the first part of the morning reading to her. He loved how she sunk into him, trying to get more of her skin against his. He knew she loved him more than life itself.

"Eminence," Brother Wai'err called from the door. He bowed low and waited to be acknowledged.

"You disturb us," Magna'est said, adding disgust to his voice. Truthfully, he was thankful for the interruption. It was Zandra who needed to believe otherwise.

"My apology. There are matters only you can deal with."

"Work calls, my darling," Magna'est said. He kissed Zandra's forehead to forestall the pouting he knew would come. "I will meet you by the lake in a short time. Have Eli'gale take you there. We'll swim for a while then take midday meal together."

"I will be the Sun?" Zandra asked.

"And I the moon, love. Now, off with you and let me get through my drudgery as quickly as possible." Zandra was smiling as she ran out of the room in search of Eli'gale.

"She's lovely," Wai'err said. Manga'est nodded. Most of the marks on her skin were well healed as if the breaking had never occurred. Manga'est took his time rising from the pillows. His leg had fallen asleep and needed to breathe some before it could hold weight.


"I hope she tires of these pillows soon," Manga'est said. "My body desires more support than they can give." Wai'err chuckled as he moved to the desk. He sat where he always sat, in a chair slightly lower than Manga'est's.

"Is there truly a problem or did you just wish to rescue me from reading another book?" Manga'est said as he moved slowly to his chair.

"Brother Fan'tra was killed." The words stopped Manga'est in his tracks. His eyes narrowed on Wai'err.


"A sword wielded by a boy."

"A boy? It's been what, three hundred winters since a Brother has been killed. You tell me a boy managed to end Fan'tra."

"It's worse, your Eminence. He snuck up behind Fan'tra."

"Unseen! How old?"

"Best guess puts him around 15 winters."

Manga'est stroked his chin and decided that pacing was a better idea than sitting. It had been a long time since an unseen had survived their first winter. The births were rare enough as it was. Something in the procedures would need to be altered.

"Tell me Fan'tra's detail ended the boy," Magna'est said. He suspected the answer was no. It was the grim face of Wai'err that gave it away.

"Someone shouted 'Head of fire, the first will fall.' The townsfolk rose up to protect the boy. The soldiers were greatly outnumbered."

"Tell me he lit his head on fire and died in the flames."

"He has red hair, your Eminence. I am told it was bright, like fire."

Magna'est shook his head and paced back to the pile of pillows. Wai'err knew better than to interrupt Magna'est while he was thinking. Instead, he waited patiently while Magna'est straightened out the pillows. Simple labor often helped him to think.

"He is not the first to claim to be Kuschel's Answer. He won't be the last." Magna'est paced as he spoke. "Most don't succeed to fell the first, or they play word games and claim it complete. Red hair like fire is such a game. It is not the boy's doings that we should fear, but the incitement of the townsfolk, and all those who see it as a sign of our weakness. His death should end it."

Magna'est walked the length of the room, his hands clasped behind his back. The zig-zag rug was slowing his thinking.

"Until this boy is found, none of the Brethren will travel outside of our sanctuaries alone. Always a pair, but never more than two. We will not allow another incident to further this boy's story. We will enlist the King and his Hold Lords to hunt him down. Matters not how many of them he kills, though I suspect he will fall quickly. The Goddess shines on us." Magna'est ceased his pacing. "The town where it happened was vacated?"

"Yes, your Eminence. They knew we would return."

"All effort on the boy. He must be ended first. After which we will make examples of some of the townsfolk. I have no doubt that Fan'tra pushed them, so let's be more merciful. Take the non-sword hand of all men who raised a weapon. The women...." Manga'est scratched his head.

"The birthing rate is still low, your Eminence. Mayhap, they could produce for the Goddess or join the Wilted Rose."

"Yes," Manga'est agreed, "very efficient, Wai'err. The numbers must grow if we are to maintain. We should find ways to spread that decree to other towns. To avoid the Wilted Rose, women will spread their legs for a neighbor if their mate can't complete the job."

"It is better than forced beddings," Wai'err said. "It was said that the idea was foremost in the townsfolk minds when the boy attacked."

"They attach too much value to their women. A barren one has no value, so it's best to find out sooner than later. Perhaps, an incentive at the blessing would go a long way to entice more coitus as well."

"A tax on those that are not in a family way? It could be given to those that are, to support the Goddess's decree. Is it not everyone who should contribute, one way or another."

"Ahh, Wai'err. You truly have a strategic mind. I can see my choice for counselor was a good one. Prepare the decrees and have them forwarded to every Sanctuary. It is best if it is enacted before the next season." Wai'err rose. "The boy first, though."

"Yes, your Eminence." Manga'est reached out to stall Wai'err.

"How is Adley, my friend?"

"She's the sole pleasure in my life, your Eminence. She's older now and enjoys walks in the forest where she can view the wildlife. The way her face lights up when a deer crosses our path is pure pleasure. I am taking her there this evening."

"I am happy for you. Now, I must meet Zandra by the lake and let her win a game of Sun and Moon." They both shared a laugh. "It's so enjoyable when she wins."

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