《Skyris {GirlXGirl}》The Confession
The staccato beats of Katal and I's wings helps to drown out the chatter and hum from the city below us, just enough for me to clear my thoughts and think.
I could not begin to guess what this distant villager would possibly consider of great importance to me, but the fact of traveling such a long journey, in such a sort time, was very intriguing and the matter of her daughter being part of the rebellion was something else entirely. Why she would choose to come all this way to turn her daughter in, was baffling at best.
My thoughts were brought to a halt as the sight of the wall and the barracks came into view. Not for the first time since I took flight I wondered if this may be another assassination attempt. The weight of my swords sheathed in my wings and the steady presence of my most loyal soldier and mentor rid me of my worries and steeled any dissuasions I might have had.
Descending toward the landing platforms I landed with a light thud followed by Katal on another platform just far enough away so our wings would not clip each other.
Stepping down I start toward the large double doors that make-up the entrance. Heavy booted steps alert me to Katal following behind as one of the doors swings open to reveal the captain.
He stood with a rigid posture and stern face, his eyes ever so slightly shifting just beyond the outer arch of my wing to Katal.
As I begin speaking his attention snaps back to me. "What information have you gathered?" I ask, walking briskly past him and into the barracks.
"Nothing. She refuses to talk to anyone but you, your majesty." He answers falling in step beside me to guide me through the barracks halls and stairwells.
Falling into a thick silence we march down to the woman's side of the holding cells. Stepping down into the dim stone corridor lit only by torchlight the sound of chains against stone and suffering groans fall silent. The only sounds to be heard were that of a sick inmate coughing and the distant drip of water on stone.
Everyone knew the gold armor of a royal guard, and if a royal guard was here then so was the queen. Walking with my usual confidant gate, I keep my gaze forward as I follow the barracks captain to the interrogation rooms at the back of the prison cells.
I could feel the piercing gaze of the inmates and sense their anger along with their quickly mounting fear. The stares didn't bother me, the intent behind them however, did. It made my skin crawl but I didn't let my discomfort show other than the slight bristle of my feathers, but they would likely take it as a display of aggression or superiority.
My nose twitched at the smell of dirty prisoners, rat feces, and something I didn't wish to identify. The smell permeated the air and seeped into the cracks and crevasses of the stone setting in to the thick still air.
Making it to the end of the prison cells we stop in front of a large metal door with no markers or windows to give any clue as to what laid inside.
One of the guards standing beside the door turned and unlocked it allowing us entrance. Once the door was unlocked the guard turned back to attention, a mirror image of the other guard standing visual at the door.
The captain entered the room first, followed by Katal stepping around me and into the room. Once they were both out of the way I stepped forward through the doorway. The moment my body crossed the threshold the door slammed shut behind me. Doors in the barracks were built the opposite way of most, they were designed to keep people in more than out.
Scanning the small room my attention is immediately caught by a woman, sitting chained to table, in the middle of the room.
She looked to have stopped aging later than most, in her late 30's, and her wings were dark gray with the occasional light spot. There was nothing really remarkable about her appearance that I could see. The thought left my mind just as quickly as it had appeared when she looked up to meet my gaze. Her eyes were a dark yet bright orange and black color.
I knew there was such an eye color and that as rare as it was it wasn't entirely uncommon in small communities with little variation in mating choice, but it was still a shock to see for the first time.
Not letting my surprise show I stepped forward toward the table. The captain pulled out the chair set across the table from the woman and stepped back for me to take the seat. Flicking my wing around the back of the chair I take the offered seat and sit back letting years of training take over.
I sat with my back straight and chin even. I was not cocky or self-righteous in my posture but one glance and even the dim could tell I held power, I was a royal and it showed.
"Your majesty," The woman spoke up in a surprisingly even voice. "What a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Despite her even tone, I could almost smell the fear coming off her.
I did not respond other than a small nod to acknowledge her statement. Quietly clearing her throat she shifted slightly before speaking. "I'm sure you've heard about the attack on my village, Lockren." She half ask, with a nod from me she continues. "My daughter was in the middle of the village when the attack happened. From what others have told me she was trying to get the children out of the way before anymore could be killed." As she said this I fought to keep myself from flinching and to hold a neutral expression.
"Then several members of the rebellion just happened to show up just then." She all but sneers. Interesting. I file the information away for later analysis. "I'm not sure how, but they convinced her and a few others from the village to come with them. I had made my way to the scene by the time the fighting was over and was looking over the dead bodies to see who all had died." She seemed a little angry and disappointed at this thought.
Taking a deep breath she continues with her story. "When I returned to my house in search of my daughter, I find her with a packed bag and her bed roll getting ready to leave. I took her bag and made her angry, hoping that would dissuade her from leaving." That was a stupid idea. I barley catch myself from saying this thought aloud. "She left anyway but when I tried to stop her again she pushed me back and pulled something out."
Here she paused for several long moments, her eyes were downcast and at first I thought she was lost in the memory and I was about to say something to draw back her attention, when I noticed that she was actually starring at something. Following her line of sight I see that what she's starring at is the blue and silver lavalier resting against my collarbone.
My brow twitched the slightest bit into a furrow. Why would she be... "The other lavalier." I whisper in a hushed voice as the dots begin to connect in my mind.
The woman's gaze snaps up to meet mine and that's all the answer I need. I just barley manage to suppress a growl but I don't manage to keep my lips from twitching into the beginnings of a snarl.
"Her vavi, my mate, had been a thief and had joined a small group of criminals that attacked and stole from nobles and others of the sort. He never liked them since he was disowned for mating with a peasant and not having an arc color.
He wasn't always like that." Her voice was thick with sadness for her mate, but I couldn't find it in me to really care. If this man was who I thought he was then she certainly wasn't about to get my sympathy for him. "He turned into someone I didn't recognize and didn't love." She continued in a darker voice. "When our daughter was born he pressed his ideas on her, I tried to delude them, but he had already planted his ideas into her mind." The woman's voice was sad and angry all at once. I was now listening to her story with rapt attention, every word she said meant something if this man she spoke of was one of the criminals who killed my parents in cold blood. I had to fight to keep my body from moving of it's own accord and to keep the emotions swirling like a storm cloud, just under my skin, from spilling out in a jumbled mess on my features.
"When he was accused of helping in the murder of both late Queens and sentenced to dewinging and execution," At this I did flinch the tiniest bit, that was a painful and humiliating way to go. "I couldn't believe what I was hearing at first, but the more I thought about it the more it made sense. I was angry and upset but I could understand why, Serana however could not." Serana. It was the first time since the woman had begun talking that she referred to her daughter by name.
"She loved her vavi with all her heart, and looked up to him like he was the Drake in flesh. So when he was executed for his role in the royal assassination she had become angry and distant. The ideas that man set into her head finally took root and she grew up living in his shadow. Every time I looked at her all I could see was him and what he had done. It never helped she was his spitting image." The woman's voice was low and a mixture of so many emotions I couldn't tell one from another. "I had always held some small hope that the guards were wrong and he had never done the things they said he did but when she pulled out that necklace and put it on, I knew without a doubt that it was true."
The woman looked seconds away from breaking down, when she began speaking again, it was in a stronger voice. "That is why I have come here. I know you will want the lavalier back and I can tell you the direction they left in and what they looked like, but you have to promise me one thing." She said with a new strength in her.
Motioning for her to continue she took a steadying breath before speaking. "You have to promise not to hurt my daughter when you find her. She will not be with the rebellion, and I'm certain she will attack you."
"Did you not just say she left with the rebels?" Katal spoke up and questioned the woman with a scrutinizing glare.
"She did, but she was wearing that lavalier and most don't notice it, but in sunlight you can see gold in her wings. A feature I doubt she knows to hide, or even could, from them. She's not stupid and will know when something's wrong. I have no doubts that she is alive and out there, but I'm sure she has the whole rebellion looking for her and she is in a strange place with dangerous creatures and no shelter or allies. That boy from the village she hangs around went with them, but he is useless and a cowered to boot. So yes, she will not be with the rebels, and I only wish to have my daughter returned to me safely." By the end of her rant she is looking at me with pleading eyes.
Even I could tell from the woman's voice when she talked of her daughter and the girls likeness to her late mate that there was obvious strife between the two, but anyone can see this woman was truly frightened for her daughters safety. If not then she was one damned good actor.
"There will be a search for your daughter." I speak just before Katal can open her mouth. The woman seems surprised by my response but it swiftly changes to suspicion. "But," I continue before she can speak on her suspicion. Her eyes narrow and her jaw clenches in anticipation of my next words. " I will only promise that she will not be intentionally killed, she may be found dead or die along the way back, and force may be needed to capture her if she is as competent as you say. And if what you have told me is any indication of her personality she will not want to come willingly." I explain and give her my only offer.
The woman seems to think a moment, considering her next choice of action. "This will be my only offer, and I'm not known for my patience." I say to hurry her decision along.
She stays silent for another moment before her eyes slip closed and she nods sullenly.
Standing I turn and make my way to the door. It opens before I get there and I walk straight out without pause. I hear a set of heavy armored boots behind me and know Katal has begun to follow.
The loud bang of the door closing behind us is the only sound as we make our way past the prisoners in their cells. The silence stays between us as we exit the barracks and take off back toward the castle. It would take some time to narrow down where to search and get all the information from the woman. At the moment that time would best be used to find out who was in that party that attacked Lockren and where they got their orders from. The woman's voice rang through my mind as I recalled her retelling of the attack and how the rebels 'happened' to show just at the right time.
The thought wouldn't go away and I couldn't concentrate long enough to figure out why that simple word bothered me.
Katal's foul mood wasn't helping the matter. She hadn't said a word and while she often held her tongue around me and any other political power, I could feel her displeasure with my decision and knew she was going to say something to me about it.
The only time Katal ever truly yelled at me was when she was teaching me how to sword fight properly. Other than that she usually submitted to my stubborn nature and didn't say a word other than a disapproving look.
The castle was now in sight and I took calm even breaths steeling myself for the confrontations I know to come.
Circling around the west tower Katal and I descend toward the royal barracks located in the southwest corner of the castle grounds.
Landing atop the buildings sharply slanted roof that curved around the structures odd hoof like shape, Katal and I stand there using the talons on our feet to grip the large white marble tiles that make up the roof of the barracks, as it does for the rest of the castle, giving the whole place a reflective shine of gold during the day and bright silver at night.
I don't say a word and turn my attention to the glinting shimmers of sliver in my wings and across my body from the light of the midday sun. I put carful thought into keeping my wings still and my weight balanced on both feet instead of shifting side to side at my ridicules amount of nerves.
A long-suffering sigh escapes Katals lips and draws my attention to her. "Don't do it." She whispers in a soft voice.
I don't respond or play dumb, she knew me and knew what I was thinking. She also knew that she wouldn't be able to change my mind, but that wouldn't stop her from trying.
I can feel the corners of my mouth twitching up into a small smile. Since my parents death, I had taken over the responsibilities of the throne, and since I hadn't fully grown it was deemed that I needed a supervisor. Avar had stepped forward insisting he be the advisor that I answer to, instead of him answering to me. Katal had been the one to step forward and demand she take the role of supervisor and mentor until I was old enough. And since Katal commanded the whole Angelo army, no one really wanted to challenge her, even though Avar did try to get the others on his side, the decision was left to me. So Katal, for all intense and purposes was my adopted nani, and she didn't often act in the role of parent but when push came to shove she would treat me like I was her own daughter, and while I hated being treated like a child, I couldn't help this small part of me that rejoiced at being young and having someone who at least acted like they cared enough to be angry with my decisions and speak against them.
Unfortunately, now was not the best time for this, though I knew it would come sooner rather than later. Katal was nothing if not stubborn and protective. Traits I both loved and hated about her.
"Mirandiona, please." She begged. "Don't do it."
My entire body froze and went rigid. The sound of my name was so foreign and yet painstakingly familiar at the same time. It had been over a century since I heard it last, and that revelation sent shockwaves rippling down my spine.
Forcing the tension from my body I turn my back and face the city that can be seen over the castle's south wall. I wait a moment to be sure my voice will hold steady when I speak. "Three weeks." The slightly high pitch in my voice makes me grit my teeth and hope it wasn't noticeable.
"Your majesty?" She ask.
Turning back to face her I elaborate. "You have three weeks to find her. If she is not found by that time then I will be forced to take matters into my own hands." The threat behind my statement was clear and I could see it register within Katal's deep brown eyes.
I watched a moment longer as they shifted from relief, to panic, to fear within the span of a microsecond.
She opened her mouth about to speak but I cut her off when I turned away and leapt off the marble roof. My decision was final and I wouldn't listen to a word more, I had other matters to attend to.
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Deathworld Commando: Reborn
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